🔐 Free SSL, Free Wildcard SSL, and Fully Automated HTTPS for node.js, issued by Let's Encrypt v2 via ACME. Issues and PRs on Github.
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'use strict';
var Greenlock = require('./');
module.exports.wrap = function(greenlock) {
greenlock.challenges.get = function(chall) {
// TODO pick one and warn on the others
// (just here due to some backwards compat issues with early v3 plugins)
var servername =
chall.servername ||
chall.altname ||
(chall.identifier && chall.identifier.value);
// TODO some sort of caching to prevent database hits?
return greenlock
._config({ servername: servername })
.then(function(site) {
if (!site) {
return null;
// Hmm... this _should_ be impossible
if (!site.challenges || !site.challenges['http-01']) {
var copy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(site));
if (site.challenges) {
console.warn('[Bug] Please report this error:');
'\terror: http-01 challenge requested, but not even a default http-01 config exists'
console.warn('\tservername:', JSON.stringify(servername));
console.warn('\tsite:', JSON.stringify(copy));
return null;
return Greenlock._loadChallenge(site.challenges, 'http-01');
.then(function(plugin) {
if (!plugin) {
return null;
return plugin
challenge: {
type: chall.type,
//hostname: chall.servername,
altname: chall.servername,
identifier: { value: chall.servername },
token: chall.token
.then(function(result) {
var keyAuth;
var keyAuthDigest;
if (result) {
// backwards compat that shouldn't be dropped
// because new v3 modules had to do this to be
// backwards compatible with Greenlock v2.7 at
// the time.
if (result.challenge) {
result = result.challenge;
keyAuth = result.keyAuthorization;
keyAuthDigest = result.keyAuthorizationDigest;
if (/dns/.test(chall.type)) {
return {
keyAuthorizationDigest: keyAuthDigest
return {
keyAuthorization: keyAuth
function sanitizeCopiedConf(copy) {
if (!copy) {
Object.keys(copy).forEach(function(k) {
if (/(api|key|token)/i.test(k) && 'string' === typeof copy[k]) {
copy[k] = '**redacted**';
return copy;