WIP automatic profiles from credentials

This commit is contained in:
AJ ONeal 2017-12-07 07:32:19 +00:00
parent efae8caf3b
commit af0ef74f23
2 changed files with 271 additions and 161 deletions

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@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ function validateOtp(codeStore, codeId, token) {
function getOrCreate(store, iss, username) {
// account => profile
return store.IssuerOauth3OrgProfiles.find({ username: username }).then(function (profile) {
return store.IssuerOauth3OrgProfiles.find({ username: username }).then(filterRejectable).then(function (profile) {
profile = profile && profile[0];
if (profile) {
return profile;
@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ function getOrCreate(store, iss, username) {
, username: username
, sub: sub
, iss: iss
, typ: username ? 'username' : 'profile'
return store.IssuerOauth3OrgProfiles.create(profile.id, profile).then(function () {
// TODO: put sort sort of email notification to the server managers?
@ -210,156 +211,6 @@ function create(deps, app) {
app.handlePromise(req, res, promise, '[issuer@oauth3.org] send one-time-password');
// This should exchange:
// * 3rd party PPIDs for 1st Party Profile
// * Opaque Tokens for PPID Tokens
restful.exchangeToken = function (req, res) {
var OAUTH3 = require('./oauth3.js');
var store = req.Models;
console.log('[exchangeToken] req.oauth3:');
console.log(req.oauth3); // req.oauth3.encodedToken
console.log('[exchangeToken] OAUTH3.jwk:');
var promise = OAUTH3.jwk.verifyToken(req.oauth3.encodedToken).then(function (decoded) {
console.log('[exchangeToken] verified token:');
// TODO handle opaque tokens by exchanging at issuer -- if (!token.sub && token.jti) { ... }
return req.Models.IssuerOauth3OrgCredentialsProfiles.find({
credentialId: decoded.payload.sub + '@' + decoded.payload.iss
//, sub: decoded.payload.sub
//, iss: decoded.payload.iss
}).then(function (joins) {
console.log('[exchangeToken] credentials profiles:');
function getToken(token) {
var tokenInfo = {
iat: Math.round(Date.now() / 1000)
, sub: token.sub
, iss: token.iss
, azp: token.iss
, aud: token.iss
return restful.createToken._helper(req, res, tokenInfo);
function createProfile(credential, meta) {
var bs58 = require('bs58');
var EC = require('elliptic').ec;
var ec = new EC('secp256k1');
// TODO should be able to generate a private key without a library
// https://crypto.stackexchange.com/a/30273/53868
var key = ec.genKeyPair();
//var ec = new EC('curve25519');
var pub = bs58.encode(Buffer.from(key.derive(key.getPublic()).toString('hex'), 'hex'));
var priv = bs58.encode(Buffer.from(key.priv.toString('hex'), 'hex'));
var iss = req.experienceId;
var id = pub + '@' + iss;
if (!credential.sub) {
return deps.Promise.reject(new Error("missing 'sub' from credential"));
if (credential.sub !== meta.sub || credential.iss !== meta.iss) {
return deps.Promise.reject(new Error("credential 'sub' and 'iss' do not match information in request body"));
var profile = {
id: id
// accountId: pub // profile.sub
, sub: pub // profile.sub
, iss: req.experienceId
, prv: priv
, typ: 'profile'
, username: id
function getId(token) {
var id = token.sub;
if (token.iss) {
id += '@' + token.iss;
return id || token.id || token.accountId;
console.log('[debug] id, credential, profile:');
return store.IssuerOauth3OrgProfiles.create(profile.id/*username*/, profile).then(function () {
var id = crypto.randomBytes(16).toString('hex');
return store.IssuerOauth3OrgCredentialsProfiles.create(id, {
credentialId: getId(credential)
, profileId: getId(profile)
}).then(function () {
// TODO: put sort sort of email notification to the server managers?
return getToken(profile).then(function (token) {
return {
tokens: [ token ]
//, error: { code: "E_NO_IMPL", message: "not implemented [177]" }
function getProfile() {
var query = { id: 'IN ' + joins.map(function (el) { return el.profileId }).join(',') };
//var query = { username: 'IN ' + joins.map(function (el) { return el.profileId }).join(',') };
//var query = { accountId: 'IN ' + joins.map(function (el) { return el.profileId }).join(',') };
//var query = { accountId: joins.map(function (el) { return el.profileId })[0] };
console.log('[DEBUG] query profiles:');
return req.Models.IssuerOauth3OrgProfiles.find(query).then(function (profiles) {
console.log('[DEBUG] Profiles:');
profiles = (profiles||[]).filter(function (el) {
return !el.revokedAt && !el.deletedAt;
if (!profiles.length) {
return { tokens: [] };
return deps.Promise.all(profiles.map(function (profile) {
return getToken(profile);
})).then(function (tokens) {
return {
tokens: tokens
//, error: { code: "E_NO_IMPL", message: "not implemented [172]" }
joins = (joins||[]).filter(function (el) {
return !el.revokedAt && !el.deletedAt;
if (joins.length) {
console.log('[DEBUG] CredentialsProfiles:');
return getProfile();
if (!req.body || !req.body.create) {
console.log('[DEBUG] will not create');
return { tokens: [] };
} else {
console.log('[DEBUG] will create profile');
return createProfile(req.oauth3.token, req.body);
app.handlePromise(req, res, promise, '[issuer@oauth3.org] exchangeToken');
restful.createToken = function (req, res) {
var store;
var promise = req.getSiteStore().then(function (_store) {
@ -379,7 +230,7 @@ function create(deps, app) {
return restful.createToken.refreshToken(req);
if (req.body.grant_type === 'exchange_token') {
return restful.exchangeToken(req);
return restful.createToken.exchangeToken(req);
throw new OpErr("unknown or un-implemented grant_type '"+req.body.grant_type+"'");
@ -389,6 +240,7 @@ function create(deps, app) {
app.handlePromise(req, res, promise, '[issuer@oauth3.org] create tokens');
restful.createToken._helper = function (req, res, token_info) {
return deps.Promise.resolve().then(function () {
token_info.iss = req.experienceId;
@ -414,7 +266,7 @@ function create(deps, app) {
return req.Models.IssuerOauth3OrgGrants.find(search).then(function (grants) {
return req.Models.IssuerOauth3OrgGrants.find(search).then(filterRejectable).then(function (grants) {
if (!grants.length) {
throw new OpErr("'"+token_info.azp+"' not given any grants from '"+(token_info.sub || token_info.azpSub)+"'");
@ -471,6 +323,48 @@ function create(deps, app) {
// This should exchange:
// * 3rd party PPIDs for 1st Party Profile
// * Opaque Tokens for PPID Tokens
restful.createToken.exchangeToken = function (req, res) {
var OAUTH3 = require('./oauth3.js');
var store = req.Models;
console.log('[exchangeToken] req.oauth3:');
console.log(req.oauth3); // req.oauth3.encodedToken
console.log('[exchangeToken] OAUTH3.jwk:');
var promise = OAUTH3.jwk.verifyToken(req.oauth3.encodedToken).then(function (completeDecoded) {
var p;
console.log('[exchangeToken] verified token:');
// TODO handle opaque tokens by exchanging at issuer -- if (!token.sub && token.jti) { ... }
if (!req.body || !req.body.create) {
return Profiles.get(req, res, completeDecoded.payload).then(function (profiles) {
return deps.Promise.all(profiles.map(function (profile) {
return Profiles._getToken(req, res, profile);
}).then(function (tokens) {
return { tokens: tokens };
return Profiles.getOrCreate(req, res, completeDecoded.payload).then(function () {
return Profiles._getToken(req, res, profile).then(function (token) {
return { tokens: [ token ] };
app.handlePromise(req, res, promise, '[issuer@oauth3.org] exchangeToken');
restful.createToken.password = function (req) {
var params = req.body;
if (!params || !params.username) {
@ -541,14 +435,230 @@ function create(deps, app) {
function rejectDeleted(el) {
if (el && (!el.revokedAt && !el.deletedAt)) {
return el;
return null;
function filterRejectable(arr) {
return arr.filter(rejectDeleted);
var Credentials = {};
Credentials.getOrCreate = function (credential) {
var query = {};
var id;
var result;
if (credential.username) {
query.username = credential.username;
id = credential.username;
} else if (credential.iss) {
query.sub = credential.sub;
query.iss = credential.iss;
id = query.sub + '@' + query.iss;
return req.Models.IssuerOauth3OrgCredentials.find(query).then(filterRejectable).then(function (_credentials) {
if (_credentials.length) {
return _credentials[0];
result = {
username: credential.username
, sub: credential.sub
, iss: credential.iss
, typ: username ? 'username' : 'profile'
return req.Models.IssuerOauth3OrgCredentials.create(id, result).then(function () {
result.id = id;
return result;
var Profiles = {};
Profiles.id = function (token) {
var id = token.sub || '';
if (token.iss) {
id += '@' + token.iss;
return id || token.id || token.accountIdx || token.accountId;
Profiles.create = function (req, res, credential, meta) {
meta = meta || {};
var pub = meta.sub;
var store = req.Models;
var iss;
if (!meta.sub) {
var bs58 = require('bs58');
var EC = require('elliptic').ec;
var ec = new EC('secp256k1');
// TODO should be able to generate a private key without a library
// https://crypto.stackexchange.com/a/30273/53868
var key = ec.genKeyPair();
//var ec = new EC('curve25519');
pub = bs58.encode(Buffer.from(key.derive(key.getPublic()).toString('hex'), 'hex'));
var priv = bs58.encode(Buffer.from(key.priv.toString('hex'), 'hex'));
iss = req.experienceId;
} else {
iss = credential.iss;
var id = pub + '@' + iss;
if (!credential.sub) {
return deps.Promise.reject(new Error("missing 'sub' from credential"));
var profile = {
id: id
// accountId: pub // profile.sub
, sub: pub // profile.sub
, iss: iss
, prv: priv
, typ: 'profile'
, username: id
console.log('[debug] id, credential, profile:');
console.log('[Profiles.create] profile:');
return store.IssuerOauth3OrgProfiles.create(profile.id/*username*/, profile).then(function () {
console.log('[Profiles.create] created!');
var id = crypto.randomBytes(16).toString('hex');
return store.IssuerOauth3OrgCredentialsProfiles.create(id, {
credentialId: Profiles.id(credential)
, profileId: Profiles.id(profile)
}).then(function () {
// TODO: put sort sort of email notification to the server managers?
return profile;
Profiles._getToken = function (req, res, token) {
var tokenInfo = {
iat: Math.round(Date.now() / 1000)
, sub: token.sub
, iss: token.iss
, azp: token.iss
, aud: token.iss
return restful.createToken._helper(req, res, tokenInfo);
Profiles.ids = function (req, res, decoded) {
return req.Models.IssuerOauth3OrgCredentialsProfiles.find({
credentialId: decoded.sub + '@' + decoded.iss
//, sub: decoded.payload.sub
//, iss: decoded.payload.iss
}).then(filterRejectable).then(function (joins) {
console.log('[exchangeToken] credentials profiles:');
return joins;
Profiles.get = function (req, res, decoded) {
return Profiles.ids(decoded).then(function (joins) {
return Profiles.getFromIds(req, res, joins);
Profiles.getFromIds = function (req, res, joins) {
var query = { id: 'IN ' + joins.map(function (el) { return el.profileId }).join(',') };
//var query = { username: 'IN ' + joins.map(function (el) { return el.profileId }).join(',') };
//var query = { accountId: 'IN ' + joins.map(function (el) { return el.profileId }).join(',') };
//var query = { accountId: joins.map(function (el) { return el.profileId })[0] };
console.log('[DEBUG] query profiles:');
return Profiles._get(req, res, query).then(function (profiles) {
console.log('[DEBUG] Profiles:');
return profiles;
Profiles._get = function (req, res, query) {
return req.Models.IssuerOauth3OrgProfiles.find(query).then(filterRejectable);
Profiles._one = function (req, res, id) {
console.log('[Profiles._one] id:', id);
return req.Models.IssuerOauth3OrgProfiles.get(id).then(function (p) {
console.log('[Profiles._one] p:', p);
return p;
Profiles.oneOrCreate = function (req, res, cred) {
var sub;
var iss;
var tok;
if (cred.accountIdx) {
sub = cred.accountIdx.split('@')[0];
iss = cred.accountIdx.split('@')[1];
tok = { sub: sub || cred.sub, iss: iss || cred.iss };
var id = Profiles.id(cred);
console.log('[oneOrCreate] id:', id);
return Profiles._one(req, res, id).then(function (profile) {
console.log('[oneOrCreate] profile:', profile);
if (profile) { return profile; }
return Profiles.create(req, res, tok, tok);
Profiles.getOrCreate = function (req, res, cred) {
var sub;
var iss;
var tok;
if (cred.accountIdx) {
sub = cred.accountIdx.split('@')[0];
iss = cred.accountIdx.split('@')[1];
tok = { sub: sub || cred.sub, iss: iss || cred.iss };
return Profiles.ids(req, res, cred).then(function (joins) {
if (joins.length) {
console.log('[DEBUG] CredentialsProfiles:');
console.log('[DEBUG] will not create profile');
return Profiles.getFromIds(req, res, joins);
console.log('[DEBUG] will create profile');
req.body.sub = req.body.sub || cred.sub;
req.body.iss = req.body.iss || cred.iss;
return Profiles.create(req, res, req.oauth3.token, req.body).then(function (profile) {
return [ profile ];
restful.getProfile = function (req, res) {
var promise = req.Models.IssuerOauth3OrgProfiles.get(req.oauth3._IDX_ || req.oauth3.accountIdx).then(function (result) {
if (!result) { return { id: undefined }; }
// return Profiles.getOrCreate();
console.log('[getProfile] req.oauth3.accountIdx:', req.oauth3.accountIdx);
var promise = req.Models.IssuerOauth3OrgProfiles.get(req.oauth3.accountIdx).then(function (result) {
var err;
if (!result) {
err = new Error(
"No profile exists for '" + req.oauth3.accountIdx + "'. Please create a profile or perform dual-login to link this credential to an existing one."
err.code = 'E_NO_PROFILE@oauth3.org';
return PromiseA.reject({ message: err.message, code: err.code });
//return { id: undefined, sub: req.oauth3.accountIdx.split('@')[0], iss: req.oauth3.accountIdx.split('@')[1] };
result.id = undefined;
//result.prv = undefined;
return req.Models.IssuerOauth3OrgContactNodes.find({ accountId: req.oauth3.accountIdx }).then(function (nodes) {
return req.Models.IssuerOauth3OrgContactNodes.find({ accountId: req.oauth3.accountIdx }).then(filterRejectable).then(function (nodes) {
result.nodes = nodes;
return result;
@ -561,15 +671,15 @@ function create(deps, app) {
var body = req.body;
var promise = req.Models.IssuerOauth3OrgProfiles.get(req.oauth3._IDX_ || req.oauth3.accountIdx).then(function (result) {
//var promise = req.Models.IssuerOauth3OrgProfiles.find({ sub: req.oauth3.ppid, iss: req.experienceId })
//var result = results[0];
var query = { accountIdx: req.oauth3.accountIdx, sub: req.oauth3.accountIdx.split('@')[0], iss: req.oauth3.accountIdx.split('@')[1] };
// was previously accountIdx, which should have been sub@iss anyway...
var promise = Profiles.oneOrCreate(req, res, query).then(function (result) {
var changed = false;
console.log('[setProfile] get gotten:');
if (!result) { throw new OpErr("account could not be found"); /*result = { accountId: req.oauth3.accountIdx, displayName: '', firstName: '', lastName: '', avatarUrl: '' };*/ }
if (!result) { throw new OpErr("profile could not be found"); /*result = { accountId: req.oauth3.accountIdx, displayName: '', firstName: '', lastName: '', avatarUrl: '' };*/ }
// TODO schema for validation
[ 'firstName', 'lastName', 'avatarUrl', 'displayName' ].forEach(function (key) {

View File

@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ module.exports.create = function (bigconf, deps, app) {
app.post( '/access_token', Accounts.restful.createToken);
app.use( '/exchange_token', attachSiteModels);
app.post( '/exchange_token', Accounts.restful.exchangeToken);
app.post( '/exchange_token', Accounts.restful.createToken.exchangeToken);
app.use( '/acl/profile', attachSiteModels);
app.get( '/acl/profile', Accounts.restful.getProfile);