'use strict'; var crypto = require('crypto'); var PromiseA = require('bluebird'); var OpErr = PromiseA.OperationalError; var makeB64UrlSafe = require('./common').makeB64UrlSafe; function thumbprint(jwk) { // To produce a thumbprint we need to create a JSON string with only the required keys for // the key type, with the keys sorted lexicographically and no white space. We then need // run it through a SHA-256 and encode the result in url safe base64. // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42588786/how-to-fingerprint-a-jwk var keys; if (jwk.kty === 'EC') { keys = ['crv', 'x', 'y']; } else if (jwk.kty === 'RSA') { keys = ['e', 'n']; } else { return PromiseA.reject(new Error('invalid JWK key type ' + jwk.kty)); } keys.push('kty'); keys.sort(); var missing = keys.filter(function (name) { return !jwk.hasOwnProperty(name); }); if (missing.length > 0) { return PromiseA.reject(new Error('JWK of type '+jwk.kty+' missing fields ' + missing)); } // I'm not 100% sure this behavior is guaranteed by a real standard, but when we use an array // as the replacer argument the keys are always in the order they appeared in the array. var jwkStr = JSON.stringify(jwk, keys); var hash = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(jwkStr).digest('base64'); return PromiseA.resolve(makeB64UrlSafe(hash)); } function sanitizeJwk(jwk) { // We need to sanitize the key to make sure we don't deliver any private keys fields if // we were given a key we could use to sign tokens on behalf of the user. We also don't // want to deliver the sub or any other PPIDs. var whitelist = ['kty', 'alg', 'kid', 'use']; if (jwk.kty === 'EC') { whitelist = whitelist.concat(['crv', 'x', 'y']); } else if (jwk.kty === 'RSA') { whitelist = whitelist.concat(['e', 'n']); } var result = {}; whitelist.forEach(function (key) { result[key] = jwk[key]; }); return result; } function create(app) { var restful = {}; async function getRawKey(req) { var store = await req.getSiteStore(); if (req.params.kid === req.experienceId) { return store.IssuerOauth3OrgPrivateKeys.get(req.experienceId); } // The keys are stored by the issuer PPID, but the sub we have might be a different PPID // for a 3rd party. var issuerSub; try { issuerSub = await require('./common').getPrimarySub(store.IssuerOauth3OrgGrants, req.params.sub); } catch (err) { if (/collision/.test(err.message)) { err.message = 'PPID collision - unable to safely retrieve keys'; } throw err; } if (!issuerSub) { throw new OpErr("unknown PPID '" + req.params.sub + "'"); } return store.IssuerOauth3OrgJwks.get(issuerSub + '/' + req.params.kid); } restful.get = function (req, res) { var promise = PromiseA.resolve(getRawKey(req)).then(function (jwk) { if (!jwk) { throw new OpErr("no keys stored with kid '"+req.params.kid+"' for PPID "+req.params.sub); } return sanitizeJwk(jwk); }); app.handlePromise(req, res, promise, "[issuer@oauth3.org] retrieve JWK"); }; restful.saveNew = function (req, res) { var jwk = req.body; var promise = thumbprint(jwk).then(function (kid) { if (jwk.kid && jwk.kid !== kid) { throw new OpErr('provided kid "'+jwk.kid+'" does not match calculated "'+kid+'"'); } jwk.kid = kid; jwk.sub = req.params.sub; return req.Store.upsert(jwk.sub+'/'+jwk.kid, jwk); }).then(function () { return { success: true }; }); app.handlePromise(req, res, promise, "[issuer@oauth3.org] save JWK"); }; return { thumbprint: thumbprint, restful: restful, }; } module.exports.thumbprint = thumbprint; module.exports.create = create;