68 lines
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'use strict';
var PromiseA = require('bluebird');
var OpErr = PromiseA.OperationalError;
function makeB64UrlSafe(b64) {
return b64.replace(/\+/g, '-').replace(/\//g, '_').replace(/=*$/, '');
function checkIssuerToken(req, expectedSub) {
if (!req.oauth3 || !req.oauth3.verifyAsync) {
return PromiseA.reject(new OpErr("request requires a token for authorization"));
return req.oauth3.verifyAsync().then(function (token) {
// Now that we've confirmed the token is valid we also need to make sure the issuer, audience,
// and authorized party are all us, because no other app should be managing user identity.
if (token.iss !== req.experienceId || token.aud !== token.iss || token.azp !== token.iss) {
throw new OpErr("token does not allow access to requested resource");
var sub = token.sub || token.ppid || (token.acx && ( || token.acx.appScopedId));
if (!sub) {
if (!expectedSub || !Array.isArray(token.axs) || !token.axs.length) {
throw new OpErr("no account pairwise identifier");
var allowed = token.axs.some(function (acc) {
return expectedSub === ( || acc.ppid || acc.appScopedId);
if (!allowed) {
throw new OpErr("no account pairwise identifier matching '" + expectedSub + "'");
sub = expectedSub;
if (expectedSub && expectedSub !== sub) {
throw new OpErr("token does not allow access to resources for '"+expectedSub+"'");
return sub;
async function getPrimarySub(grantStore, secondary) {
var results = await Promise.all([
grantStore.find({ sub: secondary }),
grantStore.find({ azpSub: secondary }),
// Extract only the sub field from each row and reduce the duplicates so that each value
// can only appear in the final list once.
var subList = [].concat.apply([], results).map(grant => grant.sub);
subList = subList.filter((sub, ind, list) => list.indexOf(sub) === ind);
if (subList.length > 1) {
// This should not ever happen since there is a check for PPID collisions when saving
// grants, but it's probably better to have this check anyway just incase something
// happens that isn't currently accounted for.
console.error('acounts ' + JSON.stringify(subList) + ' are all associated with "'+secondary+'"');
throw new Error('PPID collision');
return subList[0];
module.exports.checkIssuerToken = checkIssuerToken;
module.exports.getPrimarySub = getPrimarySub;
module.exports.makeB64UrlSafe = makeB64UrlSafe;