517 lines
19 KiB

'use strict';
var PromiseA = require('bluebird');
var crypto = require('crypto');
var OpErr = PromiseA.OperationalError;
function makeB64UrlSafe(b64) {
return b64.replace(/\+/g, '-').replace(/\//g, '_').replace(/=*$/, '');
module.exports.create = function (bigconf, deps, app) {
var Jwks = { restful: {} };
var Grants = { restful: {} };
var Accounts = { restful: {} };
// This tablename is based on the tablename found in the objects in model.js.
// Instead of the snake_case the name with be UpperCammelCase, converted by masterquest-sqlite3.
function attachSiteStore(tablename, req, res, next) {
return req.getSiteStore().then(function (store) {
req.Store = store[tablename];
function detachSiteStore(req, res, next) {
delete req.Store;
function checkIsserToken(req, expectedSub) {
if (!req.oauth3 || !req.oauth3.verifyAsync) {
return PromiseA.reject(new OpErr("request requires a token for authorization"));
return req.oauth3.verifyAsync().then(function (token) {
// Now that we've confirmed the token is valid we also need to make sure the issuer, audience,
// and authorized party are all us, because no other app should be managing user identity.
if (token.iss !== req.experienceId || token.aud !== token.iss || token.azp !== token.iss) {
throw new OpErr("token does not allow access to requested resource");
var sub = token.sub || token.ppid || (token.acx && ( || token.acx.appScopedId));
if (!sub) {
if (!expectedSub || !Array.isArray(token.axs) || !token.axs.length) {
throw new OpErr("no account pairwise identifier");
var allowed = token.axs.some(function (acc) {
return expectedSub === ( || acc.ppid || acc.appScopedId);
if (!allowed) {
throw new OpErr("no account pairwise identifier matching '" + expectedSub + "'");
sub = expectedSub;
if (expectedSub && expectedSub !== sub) {
throw new OpErr("token does not allow access to resources for '"+expectedSub+"'");
return sub;
function authorizeIssuer(req, res, next) {
var promise = checkIsserToken(req, req.params.sub).then(function () {
app.handleRejection(req, res, promise, '[] authorize req as issuer');
Jwks.thumbprint = function (jwk) {
// To produce a thumbprint we need to create a JSON string with only the required keys for
// the key type, with the keys sorted lexicographically and no white space. We then need
// run it through a SHA-256 and encode the result in url safe base64.
var keys;
if (jwk.kty === 'EC') {
keys = ['crv', 'x', 'y'];
} else if (jwk.kty === 'RSA') {
keys = ['e', 'n'];
} else {
return PromiseA.reject(new Error('invalid JWK key type ' + jwk.kty));
var missing = keys.filter(function (name) { return !jwk.hasOwnProperty(name); });
if (missing.length > 0) {
return PromiseA.reject(new Error('JWK of type '+jwk.kty+' missing fields ' + missing));
// I'm not 100% sure this behavior is guaranteed by a real standard, but when we use an array
// as the replacer argument the keys are always in the order they appeared in the array.
var jwkStr = JSON.stringify(jwk, keys);
var hash = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(jwkStr).digest('base64');
return PromiseA.resolve(makeB64UrlSafe(hash));
Jwks.restful.get = function (req, res) {
// The sub in params is the 3rd party PPID, but the keys are stored by the issuer PPID, so
// we need to look up the issuer PPID using the 3rd party PPID.
var promise = req.getSiteStore().then(function (store) {
if (req.params.kid === req.experienceId) {
return store.IssuerOauth3OrgPrivateKeys.get(req.experienceId);
return store.IssuerOauth3OrgGrants.find({ azpSub: req.params.sub }).then(function (results) {
if (!results.length) {
throw new OpErr("unknown PPID '"+req.params.sub+"'");
if (results.length > 1) {
// This should not ever happen since there is a check for PPID collisions when saving
// grants, but it's probably better to have this check anyway just incase something
// happens that isn't currently accounted for.
throw new OpErr('PPID collision - unable to safely retrieve keys');
return store.IssuerOauth3OrgJwks.get(results[0].sub+'/'+req.params.kid);
}).then(function (jwk) {
if (!jwk) {
throw new OpErr("no keys stored with kid '"+req.params.kid+"' for PPID "+req.params.sub);
// We need to sanitize the key to make sure we don't deliver any private keys fields if
// we were given a key we could use to sign tokens on behalf of the user. We also don't
// want to deliver the sub or any other PPIDs.
var whitelist = [ 'kty', 'alg', 'kid', 'use' ];
if (jwk.kty === 'EC') {
whitelist = whitelist.concat([ 'crv', 'x', 'y' ]);
} else if (jwk.kty === 'RSA') {
whitelist = whitelist.concat([ 'e', 'n' ]);
var result = {};
whitelist.forEach(function (key) {
result[key] = jwk[key];
return result;
app.handlePromise(req, res, promise, "[] retrieve JWK");
Jwks.restful.saveNew = function (req, res) {
var jwk = req.body;
var promise = Jwks.thumbprint(jwk).then(function (kid) {
if (jwk.kid && jwk.kid !== kid) {
throw new OpErr('provided kid "'+jwk.kid+'" does not match calculated "'+kid+'"');
jwk.kid = kid;
jwk.sub = req.params.sub;
return req.Store.upsert(jwk.sub+'/'+jwk.kid, jwk);
}).then(function () {
return { success: true };
app.handlePromise(req, res, promise, "[] save JWK");
Grants.trim = function (grant) {
return {
sub: grant.sub,
azp: grant.azp,
// azpSub: grant.azpSub,
scope: grant.scope,
updatedAt: parseInt(grant.updatedAt, 10),
Grants.restful.getOne = function (req, res) {
var promise = req.Store.get(req.params.sub+'/'+req.params.azp).then(function (grant) {
if (!grant) {
throw new OpErr('no grants found');
return Grants.trim(grant);
app.handlePromise(req, res, promise, "[] retrieve grants");
Grants.restful.getAll = function (req, res) {
var promise = req.Store.find({ sub: req.params.sub }).then(function (results) {
return (grantA, grantB) {
return (grantA.azp < grantB.azp) ? -1 : 1;
app.handlePromise(req, res, promise, "[] retrieve grants");
Grants.restful.saveNew = function (req, res) {
var promise = PromiseA.resolve().then(function () {
if (typeof req.body.scope !== 'string' || typeof req.body.sub !== 'string') {
throw new OpErr("malformed request: 'sub' and 'scope' must be strings");
return req.Store.find({ azpSub: req.body.sub });
}).then(function (existing) {
if (existing.length) {
if (existing.length > 1) {
throw new OpErr("pre-existing PPID collision detected");
} else if (existing[0].sub !== req.params.sub || existing[0].azp !== req.params.azp) {
throw new OpErr("PPID collision detected, cannot save authorized party's sub");
var grant = {
sub: req.params.sub,
azp: req.params.azp,
azpSub: req.body.sub,
scope: req.body.scope.split(/[+ ,]+/g).join(','),
return req.Store.upsert(grant.sub+'/'+grant.azp, grant);
}).then(function () {
return {success: true};
app.handlePromise(req, res, promise, '[] save grants');
Accounts.retrieveOtp = function (codeStore, codeId) {
return codeStore.get(codeId).then(function (code) {
if (!code) {
return null;
var expires = (new Date(code.expires)).valueOf();
if (!expires || > expires) {
return codeStore.destroy(codeId).then(function () {
return null;
return code;
Accounts.validateOtp = function (codeStore, codeId, token) {
if (!codeId) {
return PromiseA.reject(new Error("Must provide authcode ID"));
if (!token) {
return PromiseA.reject(new Error("Must provide authcode code"));
return codeStore.get(codeId).then(function (code) {
if (!code) {
throw new OpErr('authcode specified does not exist or has expired');
return PromiseA.resolve().then(function () {
var attemptsLeft = 3 - (code.attempts && code.attempts.length || 0);
if (attemptsLeft <= 0) {
throw new OpErr('you have tried to authorize this code too many times');
if (code.code !== token) {
throw new OpErr('you have entered the code incorrectly. '+attemptsLeft+' attempts remaining');
// TODO: maybe impose a rate limit, although going fast doesn't help you break the
// system when you can only try 3 times total.
}).then(function () {
return codeStore.destroy(codeId).then(function () {
return code;
}, function (err) {
code.attempts = code.attempts || [];
code.attempts.unshift(new Date());
return codeStore.upsert(codeId, code).then(function () {
return PromiseA.reject(err);
}, function () {
return PromiseA.reject(err);
Accounts.getOrCreate = function (store, username) {
return store.IssuerOauth3OrgAccounts.get(username).then(function (account) {
if (account) {
return account;
account = {
username: username,
accountId: makeB64UrlSafe(crypto.randomBytes(32).toString('base64')),
return store.IssuerOauth3OrgAccounts.create(username, account).then(function () {
// TODO: put sort sort of email notification to the server managers?
return account;
Accounts.getPrivKey = function (store, experienceId) {
return store.IssuerOauth3OrgPrivateKeys.get(experienceId).then(function (jwk) {
if (jwk) {
return jwk;
var keyPair = require('elliptic').ec('p256').genKeyPair();
jwk = {
kty: 'EC',
crv: 'P-256',
alg: 'ES256',
kid: experienceId,
x: makeB64UrlSafe(keyPair.getPublic().getX().toArrayLike(Buffer).toString('base64')),
y: makeB64UrlSafe(keyPair.getPublic().getY().toArrayLike(Buffer).toString('base64')),
d: makeB64UrlSafe(keyPair.getPrivate().toArrayLike(Buffer).toString('base64')),
return store.IssuerOauth3OrgPrivateKeys.upsert(experienceId, jwk).then(function () {
return jwk;
Accounts.restful.sendOtp = function (req, res) {
var params = req.body;
var promise = PromiseA.resolve().then(function () {
if (!params || !params.username) {
throw new OpErr("must provide the email address as 'username' in the body");
if ((params.username_type && 'email' !== params.username_type) || !/@/.test(params.username)) {
throw new OpErr("only email one-time login codes are supported at this time");
params.username_type = 'email';
return req.getSiteStore();
}).then(function (store) {
var codeStore = store.IssuerOauth3OrgCodes;
var codeId = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(params.username_type+':'+params.username).digest('base64');
codeId = makeB64UrlSafe(codeId);
return Accounts.retrieveOtp(codeStore, codeId).then(function (code) {
if (code) {
return code;
var token = '';
while (!/^\d{4}-\d{4}-\d{4}$/.test(token)) {
// Most of the number we can generate this was start with 1 (and no matter what can't
// start with 0), so we don't use the very first digit. Also basically all of the
// numbers are too big to accurately store in JS floats, so we limit the trailing 0's.
token = (parseInt(crypto.randomBytes(8).toString('hex'), 16)).toString()
.replace(/0+$/, '0').replace(/\d(\d{4})(\d{4})(\d{4}).*/, '$1-$2-$3');
code = {
id: codeId,
code: token,
expires: new Date( + 20*60*1000),
return codeStore.upsert(codeId, code).then(function (){
return code;
}).then(function (code) {
var emailParams = {
to: params.username,
from: '', // opts.mailer.defaults.system
replyTo: '',
subject: "Use " + code.code + " as your Login Code", // message.Subject
text: code.code + " is your Login Code." // message['stripped-html']
emailParams['h:Reply-To'] = emailParams.replyTo;
return req.getSiteMailer().sendMailAsync(emailParams).then(function () {
return {
expires: code.expires,
created: new Date(parseInt(code.createdAt, 10) || code.createdAt),
app.handlePromise(req, res, promise, '[] send one-time-password');
Accounts.restful.createToken = function (req, res) {
var store;
var promise = req.getSiteStore().then(function (_store) {
store = _store;
if (!req.body || !req.body.grant_type) {
throw new OpErr("missing 'grant_type' from the body");
if (req.body.grant_type === 'password') {
return Accounts.restful.createToken.password(req);
if (req.body.grant_type === 'issuer_token') {
return Accounts.restful.createToken.issuerToken(req);
throw new OpErr("unknown or un-implemented grant_type '"+req.body.grant_type+"'");
}).then(function (token_info) {
token_info.iss = req.experienceId;
if (!token_info.aud) {
throw new OpErr("missing required token field 'aud'");
if (!token_info.azp) {
throw new OpErr("missing required token field 'azp'");
if (token_info.iss === token_info.azp) {
// We don't have normal grants for the issuer, so we don't need to look the
// azpSub or the grants up in the database.
token_info.azpSub = token_info.sub;
token_info.scope = '';
return token_info;
var search = {};
['sub', 'azp', 'azpSub'].forEach(function (key) {
if (token_info[key]) {
search[key] = token_info[key];
return store.IssuerOauth3OrgGrants.find(search).then(function (grants) {
if (!grants.length) {
throw new OpErr("'"+token_info.azp+"' not given any grants from '"+(token_info.sub || token_info.azpSub)+"'");
if (grants.length > 1) {
throw new Error("unexpected resource collision: too many relevant grants");
var grant = grants[0];
Object.keys(grant).forEach(function (key) {
token_info[key] = grant[key];
return token_info;
}).then(function (token_info) {
return Accounts.getPrivKey(store, req.experienceId).then(function (jwk) {
var pem = require('jwk-to-pem')(jwk, { private: true });
var payload = {
// standard
iss: token_info.iss, //
aud: token_info.aud, //
azp: token_info.azp,
sub: token_info.azpSub, //
// extended
scp: token_info.scope,
var opts = {
algorithm: jwk.alg,
header: {
kid: jwk.kid
var jwt = require('jsonwebtoken');
var result = {};
result.scope = token_info.scope;
result.access_token = jwt.sign(payload, pem, Object.assign({expiresIn: req.body.exp || '1d'}, opts));
if (req.body.refresh_token) {
result.refresh_token = jwt.sign(payload, pem, Object.assign({expiresIn: req.body.refresh_exp}, opts));
return result;
app.handlePromise(req, res, promise, '[] create tokens');
Accounts.restful.createToken.password = function (req) {
var params = req.body;
if (!params || !params.username) {
return PromiseA.reject(PromiseA.OperationalError("must provide the email address as 'username' in the body"));
if ((params.username_type && 'email' !== params.username_type) || !/@/.test(params.username)) {
return PromiseA.reject(PromiseA.OperationalError("only email one-time login codes are supported at this time"));
params.username_type = 'email';
if (!params.password) {
return PromiseA.reject(new OpErr("request missing 'password'"));
var codeId = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(params.username_type+':'+params.username).digest('base64');
codeId = makeB64UrlSafe(codeId);
return req.getSiteStore().then(function (store) {
return Accounts.validateOtp(store.IssuerOauth3OrgCodes, codeId, params.password)
.then(function () {
return Accounts.getOrCreate(store, params.username);
}).then(function (account) {
return {
sub: account.accountId,
aud: req.params.aud || req.body.aud || req.experienceId,
azp: req.params.azp || req.body.azp || req.experienceId,
Accounts.restful.createToken.issuerToken = function (req) {
return checkIsserToken(req, req.params.sub || req.body.sub).then(function (sub) {
return {
sub: sub,
aud: req.params.aud || req.body.aud,
azp: req.params.azp || req.body.azp,
exp: req.oauth3.token.exp,
app.get( '/jwks/:sub/:kid.json', Jwks.restful.get);
app.get( '/jwks/:sub/:kid', Jwks.restful.get);
// Everything but getting keys is only for the issuer
app.use( '/jwks/:sub', authorizeIssuer, attachSiteStore.bind(null, 'IssuerOauth3OrgJwks')); '/jwks/:sub', Jwks.restful.saveNew);
// Everything regarding grants is only for the issuer
app.use( '/grants/:sub', authorizeIssuer, attachSiteStore.bind(null, 'IssuerOauth3OrgGrants'));
app.get( '/grants/:sub', Grants.restful.getAll);
app.get( '/grants/:sub/:azp', Grants.restful.getOne); '/grants/:sub/:azp', Grants.restful.saveNew); '/access_token/send_otp', Accounts.restful.sendOtp); '/access_token/:sub/:aud/:azp', Accounts.restful.createToken); '/access_token', Accounts.restful.createToken);