jsonStorage ==== A light abstraction for DOMStorage (such as localStorage). Installation === Ender.JS (Browser) ender build json-storage Node.JS (Server) npm install localStorage json-storage Usage === Made fo for Node.JS and Ender.JS (browser-side). var localStorage = require('localStorage') , JsonStorage = require('json-storage') , db = JsonStorage(localStorage, 'my-app-prefix') , myValue = { foo: "bar" , baz: "quux" } ; db.set('myKey', myValue); myValue = db.get('myKey'); API === * JsonStorage(DOMStorage, 'application-prefix') // optional prefix * get(key) * set(key, value) * remove(key) * clear() * keys() * size() null vs undefined in JSON === These notes do not reflect a bugs or defects in this library, they're simply to inform you of a few 'gotchas' inherent in JSON / DOMStorage conversion. 99.999% of the time these gotchas shouldn't effect you in any way. If they do, you're probably doing something wrong in the first place. It is not valid to set `undefined` in JSON. So setting a key to `undefined` will remove it from the db. This means that `db.set('x')` is the same as `db.remove('x')`. To save `undefined`, use `null` instead. Note that both values that exist as `null` and values that don't exist at all will return `null`. db.set('existing-key', null); null === db.get('existing-key'); null === db.get('non-existant-key'); The special case of `null` as `"null"`, aka `"\"null\""`: `null`, and `"null"` both parse as `null` the "object", instead of one being the string (which would be `"\"null\""`). Objects containing `null`, however, parse as expected `{ "foo": null, "bar": "null" }` will parse as `foo` being `null` but `bar` being `"null"`, much unlike the value `"null"` being parsed on its own.