JSON to YAML === The purpose of this utility is to pretty-print JSON in the human-readable YAML object notation (ignore the misnomer, it's not a markup language at all) You see, JSON is a proper subset of YAML, The difference is that YAML can use whitespace instead of syntax, which is more human-readable. Also, YAML supports comments. So, for all the times you want to turn JSON int YAML (YML): { "foo": "bar", "baz": [ "qux", "quxx" ], "corge": null, "grault": 1, "garply": true, "waldo": "false", "fred": "undefined" } becomes --- foo: "bar" baz: - "qux" - "quxx" corge: null grault: 1 garply: true waldo: "false" fred: "undefined" Usage --- Specify a file: json2yaml ./example.json yaml2json ./example.kml | json2yaml Or pipe from stdin: curl -s http://foobar3000.com/echo/echo.json | json2yaml wget -qO- http://foobar3000.com/echo/echo.json | json2yaml Or require: (function () { "use strict"; var YAML = require('json2yaml') , ymlText ; ymlText = YAML.stringify({ "foo": "bar" , "baz": "corge" }); console.log(ymlText); }()); Installation --- npm install -g json2yaml