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2019-02-25 22:54:08 +00:00
'use strict';
var keyfetch = module.exports;
var promisify = require('util').promisify;
var requestAsync = promisify(require('@coolaj86/urequest'));
var Rasha = require('rasha');
var Eckles = require('eckles');
var mincache = 1 * 60 * 60;
var maxcache = 3 * 24 * 60 * 60;
var staletime = 15 * 60;
var keyCache = {};
/*global Promise*/
function checkMinDefaultMax(opts, key, n, d, x) {
var i = opts[key];
if (!i && 0 !== i) { return d; }
if (i >= n && i >= x) {
return parseInt(i, 10);
} else {
throw new Error("opts." + key + " should be at least " + n + " and at most " + x + ", not " + i);
2019-02-25 23:17:26 +00:00
keyfetch._clear = function () {
keyCache = {};
2019-02-25 22:54:08 +00:00
keyfetch.init = function (opts) {
mincache = checkMinDefaultMax(opts, 'mincache',
1 * 60,
31 * 24 * 60 * 60
maxcache = checkMinDefaultMax(opts, 'maxcache',
1 * 60 * 60,
31 * 24 * 60 * 60
staletime = checkMinDefaultMax(opts, 'staletime',
1 * 60,
31 * 24 * 60 * 60
keyfetch._oidc = function (iss) {
return Promise.resolve().then(function () {
return requestAsync({
url: normalizeIss(iss) + '/.well-known/openid-configuration'
, json: true
}).then(function (resp) {
var oidcConf = resp.body;
if (!oidcConf.jwks_uri) {
throw new Error("Failed to retrieve openid configuration");
return oidcConf;
keyfetch._wellKnownJwks = function (iss) {
return Promise.resolve().then(function () {
return keyfetch._jwks(normalizeIss(iss) + '/.well-known/jwks.json');
keyfetch._jwks = function (iss) {
return requestAsync({ url: iss, json: true }).then(function (resp) {
return Promise.all( (jwk) {
// EC keys have an x values, whereas RSA keys do not
var Keypairs = jwk.x ? Eckles : Rasha;
return Keypairs.thumbprint({ jwk: jwk }).then(function (thumbprint) {
return Keypairs.export({ jwk: jwk }).then(function (pem) {
var cacheable = {
jwk: jwk
, thumbprint: thumbprint
, pem: pem
return cacheable;
keyfetch.jwks = function (jwkUrl) {
// TODO DRY up a bit
return keyfetch._jwks(jwkUrl).then(function (results) {
return Promise.all( (result) {
return keyfetch._setCache(result.jwk.iss || jwkUrl, result);
})).then(function () {
// cacheable -> hit (keep original externally immutable)
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(results));
keyfetch.wellKnownJwks = function (iss) {
// TODO DRY up a bit
return keyfetch._wellKnownJwks(iss).then(function (results) {
return Promise.all( (result) {
return keyfetch._setCache(result.jwk.iss || iss, result);
})).then(function () {
// result -> hit (keep original externally immutable)
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(results));
keyfetch.oidcJwks = function (iss) {
return keyfetch._oidc(iss).then(function (oidcConf) {
// TODO DRY up a bit
return keyfetch._jwks(oidcConf.jwks_uri).then(function (results) {
return Promise.all( (result) {
return keyfetch._setCache(result.jwk.iss || iss, result);
})).then(function () {
// result -> hit (keep original externally immutable)
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(results));
2019-02-25 22:58:02 +00:00
function checkId(id) {
return function (results) {
2019-02-25 23:17:26 +00:00
var result = results.filter(function (result) {
2019-02-25 22:58:02 +00:00
// we already checked iss above
return result.jwk.kid === id || result.thumbprint === id;
if (!result) {
throw new Error("No JWK found by kid or thumbprint '" + id + "'");
return result;
2019-02-25 22:54:08 +00:00
keyfetch.oidcJwk = function (id, iss) {
return keyfetch._checkCache(id, iss).then(function (hit) {
2019-02-25 22:58:02 +00:00
if (hit) { return hit; }
return keyfetch.oidcJwks(iss).then(checkId(id));
2019-02-25 22:54:08 +00:00
keyfetch.wellKnownJwk = function (id, iss) {
return keyfetch._checkCache(id, iss).then(function (hit) {
2019-02-25 22:58:02 +00:00
if (hit) { return hit; }
return keyfetch.wellKnownJwks(iss).then(checkId(id));
2019-02-25 22:54:08 +00:00
keyfetch.jwk = function (id, jwksUrl) {
return keyfetch._checkCache(id, jwksUrl).then(function (hit) {
2019-02-25 22:58:02 +00:00
if (hit) { return hit; }
return keyfetch.jwks(jwksUrl).then(checkId(id));
2019-02-25 22:54:08 +00:00
keyfetch._checkCache = function (id, iss) {
return Promise.resolve().then(function () {
// We cache by thumbprint and (kid + '@' + iss),
// so it's safe to check without appending the issuer
var hit = keyCache[id];
if (!hit) {
hit = keyCache[id + '@' + normalizeIss(iss)];
if (!hit) {
return null;
var now = Math.round( / 1000);
var left = hit.expiresAt - now;
// not guarding number checks since we know that we
// set 'now' and 'expiresAt' correctly elsewhere
if (left > staletime) {
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(hit));
if (left > 0) {
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(hit));
return null;
keyfetch._setCache = function (iss, cacheable) {
// force into a number
var expiresAt = parseInt(cacheable.jwk.exp, 10) || 0;
var now = / 1000;
var left = expiresAt - now;
// TODO maybe log out when any of these non-ideal cases happen?
if (!left) {
expiresAt = now + maxcache;
} else if (left < mincache) {
expiresAt = now + mincache;
} else if (left > maxcache) {
expiresAt = now + maxcache;
// cacheable = { jwk, thumprint, pem }
cacheable.createdAt = now;
cacheable.expiresAt = expiresAt;
keyCache[cacheable.thumbprint] = cacheable;
keyCache[cacheable.jwk.kid + '@' + normalizeIss(iss)] = cacheable;
function normalizeIss(iss) {
// We definitely don't want false negatives stemming
// from vs
// We also don't want to allow insecure issuers
if (/^http:/.test(iss) && !process.env.KEYFETCH_ALLOW_INSECURE_HTTP) {
// note, we wrap some things in promises just so we can throw here
throw new Error("'" + iss + "' is NOT secure. Set env 'KEYFETCH_ALLOW_INSECURE_HTTP=true' to allow for testing.");
return iss.replace(/\/$/, '');
keyfetch._decode = function (jwt) {
var parts = jwt.split('.');
return {
header: JSON.parse(Buffer.from(parts[0], 'base64'))
, payload: JSON.parse(Buffer.from(parts[1], 'base64'))
, signature: parts[2] //Buffer.from(parts[2], 'base64')
keyfetch.verify = function (opts) {
var jwt = opts.jwt;
return Promise.resolve().then(function () {
var decoded;
var exp;
var nbf;
var valid;
try {
decoded = keyfetch._decode(jwt);
exp = decoded.payload.exp;
nbf = decoded.payload.nbf;
} catch (e) {
throw new Error("could not parse opts.jwt: '" + jwt + "'");
if (exp) {
valid = (parseInt(exp, 10) - ( > 0);
if (!valid) {
throw new Error("token's 'exp' has passed or could not parsed: '" + exp + "'");
if (nbf) {
valid = (parseInt(nbf, 10) - ( <= 0);
if (!valid) {
throw new Error("token's 'nbf' has not been reached or could not parsed: '" + nbf + "'");
if (opts.jwks || opts.jwk) {
return overrideLookup(opts.jwks || [opts.jwk]);
function overrideLookup(jwks) {
return Promise.all( (jwk) {
var Keypairs = jwk.x ? Eckles : Rasha;
return Keypairs.export({ jwk: jwk }).then(function (pem) {
return Keypairs.thumbprint({ jwk: jwk }).then(function (thumb) {
return { jwk: jwk, pem: pem, thumbprint: thumb };
2019-02-25 22:54:08 +00:00
var kid = decoded.header.kid;
var iss;
var fetcher;
var fetchOne;
2019-02-25 22:54:08 +00:00
if (!opts.strategy || 'oidc' === opts.strategy) {
iss = decoded.payload.iss;
fetcher = keyfetch.oidcJwks;
fetchOne = keyfetch.oidcJwk;
2019-02-25 22:54:08 +00:00
} else if ('auth0' === opts.strategy || 'well-known' === opts.strategy) {
iss = decoded.payload.iss;
fetcher = keyfetch.wellKnownJwks;
fetchOne = keyfetch.wellKnownJwk;
2019-02-25 22:54:08 +00:00
} else {
iss = opts.strategy;
fetcher = keyfetch.jwks;
fetchOne = keyfetch.jwk;
2019-02-25 22:54:08 +00:00
2019-03-09 01:00:41 +00:00
var payload = jwt.split('.')[1]; // as string, as it was signed
if (kid) {
return fetchOne(kid, iss).then(verifyOne); //.catch(fetchAny);
} else {
return fetcher(iss).then(verifyAny);
function verify(hit, payload) {
2019-03-09 01:00:41 +00:00
var alg = 'SHA' + decoded.header.alg.replace(/[^\d]+/i, '');
var sig = ecdsaAsn1SigToJwtSig(decoded.header, decoded.signature);
2019-02-25 22:54:08 +00:00
return require('crypto')
.update(jwt.split('.')[0] + '.' + payload)
.verify(hit.pem, sig, 'base64')
2019-03-09 02:15:24 +00:00
2019-02-25 22:54:08 +00:00
2019-03-09 01:00:41 +00:00
function verifyOne(hit) {
if (true === verify(hit, payload)) {
2019-03-09 01:00:41 +00:00
return decoded;
throw new Error('token signature verification was unsuccessful');
function verifyAny(hits) {
if (hits.some(function (hit) {
if (kid) {
if (kid !== hit.jwk.kid && kid !== hit.thumbprint) { return; }
if (true === verify(hit, payload)) { return true; }
throw new Error('token signature verification was unsuccessful');
} else {
if (true === verify(hit, payload)) { return true; }
2019-02-25 22:54:08 +00:00
})) {
return decoded;
throw new Error("Retrieved a list of keys, but none of them matched the 'kid' (key id) of the token.");
2019-02-25 22:54:08 +00:00
function ecdsaAsn1SigToJwtSig(header, b64sig) {
// ECDSA JWT signatures differ from "normal" ECDSA signatures
if (!/^ES/i.test(header.alg)) { return b64sig; }
var bufsig = Buffer.from(b64sig, 'base64');
var hlen = bufsig.byteLength / 2; // should be even
var r = bufsig.slice(0, hlen);
var s = bufsig.slice(hlen);
// unpad positive ints less than 32 bytes wide
while (!r[0]) { r = r.slice(1); }
while (!s[0]) { s = s.slice(1); }
// pad (or re-pad) ambiguously non-negative BigInts to 33 bytes wide
if (0x80 & r[0]) { r = Buffer.concat([Buffer.from([0]), r]); }
if (0x80 & s[0]) { s = Buffer.concat([Buffer.from([0]), s]); }
var len = 2 + r.byteLength + 2 + s.byteLength;
var head = [0x30];
// hard code 0x80 + 1 because it won't be longer than
// two SHA512 plus two pad bytes (130 bytes <= 256)
if (len >= 0x80) { head.push(0x81); }
var buf = Buffer.concat([
, Buffer.from([0x02, r.byteLength]), r
, Buffer.from([0x02, s.byteLength]), s
return buf.toString('base64')
.replace(/-/g, '+')
.replace(/_/g, '/')
.replace(/=/g, '')