177 lines
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177 lines
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"use strict";
// Possible User Errors
* @typedef AuthError
* @property {string} message
* @property {number} status
* @property {string} code
* @property {any} [details]
* @param {string} msg
* @param {{
* status: number,
* code: string,
* details?: any,
* }} opts
* @returns {AuthError}
function create(msg, { status = 401, code = "", details }) {
/** @type AuthError */
var err = new Error(msg);
err.message = err.message;
err.status = status;
err.code = code;
if (details) {
err.details = details;
err.source = "keyfetch";
return err;
// DEVELOPER_ERROR - a good token won't make a difference
// BAD_GATEWAY - there may be a temporary error fetching the public or or whatever
// MALFORMED_TOKEN - the token could not be verified - not parsable, missing claims, etc
// INVALID_TOKEN - the token's properties don't meet requirements - iss, claims, sig, exp
module.exports = {
// DEVELOPER_ERROR (dev / server)
* @param {string} msg
* @returns {AuthError}
DEVELOPER_ERROR: function (msg) {
return create(msg, { status: 500, code: E_DEVELOPER });
BAD_GATEWAY: function (/*err*/) {
var msg = "The server encountered a network error or a bad gateway.";
return create(msg, { status: 502, code: E_BAD_GATEWAY });
// MALFORMED_TOKEN (dev / client)
* @param {string} iss
* @returns {AuthError}
INSECURE_ISSUER: function (iss) {
var msg =
"'" + iss + "' is NOT secure. Set env 'KEYFETCH_ALLOW_INSECURE_HTTP=true' to allow for testing. (iss)";
return create(msg, { status: 400, code: E_MALFORMED });
* @param {string} jwt
* @returns {AuthError}
TOKEN_PARSE_ERROR: function (jwt) {
var msg = "could not parse jwt: '" + jwt + "'";
return create(msg, { status: 400, code: E_MALFORMED });
* @param {string} iss
* @returns {AuthError}
TOKEN_NO_ISSUER: function (iss) {
var msg = "'iss' is not defined";
return create(msg, { status: 400, code: E_MALFORMED });
// INVALID_TOKEN (dev / client)
* @param {number} exp
* @returns {AuthError}
TOKEN_EXPIRED: function (exp) {
//var msg = "The auth token is expired. (exp='" + exp + "')";
var msg = "token's 'exp' has passed or could not parsed: '" + exp + "'";
return create(msg, { code: E_INVALID });
* @param {number} nbf
* @returns {AuthError}
TOKEN_INACTIVE: function (nbf) {
//var msg = "The auth token is not active yet. (nbf='" + nbf + "')";
var msg = "token's 'nbf' has not been reached or could not parsed: '" + nbf + "'";
return create(msg, { code: E_INVALID });
/** @returns {AuthError} */
//var msg = "The auth token is not properly signed and could not be verified.";
var msg = "token signature verification was unsuccessful";
return create(msg, { code: E_INVALID });
/** @returns {AuthError} */
var msg = "Retrieved a list of keys, but none of them matched the 'kid' (key id) of the token.";
return create(msg, { code: E_INVALID });
* @param {string} id
* @returns {AuthError}
JWK_NOT_FOUND: function (id) {
var msg = "No JWK found by kid or thumbprint '" + id + "'";
return create(msg, { code: E_INVALID });
/** @returns {AuthError} */
OIDC_CONFIG_NOT_FOUND: function () {
//var msg = "Failed to retrieve OpenID configuration for token issuer";
var msg = "Failed to retrieve openid configuration";
return create(msg, { code: E_INVALID });
* @param {string} iss
* @returns {AuthError}
ISSUER_NOT_TRUSTED: function (iss) {
var msg = "token was issued by an untrusted issuer: '" + iss + "'";
return create(msg, { code: E_INVALID });
* @param {Array<string>} claimNames
* @returns {AuthError}
CLAIMS_MISMATCH: function (claimNames) {
var msg = "token did not match on one or more authorization claims: '" + claimNames + "'";
return create(msg, { code: E_INVALID });
// for README
if (require.main === module) {
console.info("| Name | Status | Message (truncated) |");
console.info("| ---- | ------ | ------------------- |");
Object.keys(module.exports).forEach(function (k) {
var E = module.exports[k];
var e = E();
var code = e.code;
var msg = e.message;
if ("E_" + k !== e.code) {
code = k;
msg = e.details || msg;
console.info(`| ${code} | ${e.status} | ${msg.slice(0, 45)}... |`);