'use strict'; var DAY = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; var MIN = 60 * 1000; var defaults = { // don't renew before the renewWithin period renewWithin: 7 * DAY , _renewWithinMin: 3 * DAY // renew before the renewBy period , renewBy: 2 * DAY , _renewByMin: Math.floor(DAY / 2) // just to account for clock skew really , _dropDead: 5 * MIN }; // autoSni = { renewWithin, renewBy, getCertificates, tlsOptions, _dbg_now } module.exports.create = function (autoSni) { if (!autoSni.getCertificatesAsync) { autoSni.getCertificatesAsync = require('bluebird').promisify(autoSni.getCertificates); } if (!autoSni.renewWithin) { autoSni.renewWithin = autoSni.notBefore || defaults.renewWithin; } if (autoSni.renewWithin < defaults._renewWithinMin) { throw new Error("options.renewWithin should be at least 3 days"); } if (!autoSni.renewBy) { autoSni.renewBy = autoSni.notAfter || defaults.renewBy; } if (autoSni.renewBy < defaults._renewByMin) { throw new Error("options.renewBy should be at least 12 hours"); } if (!autoSni.tlsOptions) { autoSni.tlsOptions = autoSni.httpsOptions || {}; } autoSni._dropDead = defaults._dropDead; //autoSni.renewWithin = autoSni.notBefore; // i.e. 15 days autoSni._renewWindow = autoSni.renewWithin - autoSni.renewBy; // i.e. 1 day //autoSni.renewRatio = autoSni.notBefore = autoSni._renewWindow; // i.e. 1/15 (6.67%) var tls = require('tls'); var _autoSni = { // in-process cache _ipc: {} , getOptions: function () { return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(defaults)); } // cache and format incoming certs , cacheCerts: function (certs) { var meta = { certs: certs , tlsContext: 'string' === typeof certs.cert && tls.createSecureContext({ key: certs.privkey , cert: certs.cert + certs.chain , rejectUnauthorized: autoSni.tlsOptions.rejectUnauthorized , requestCert: autoSni.tlsOptions.requestCert // request peer verification , ca: autoSni.tlsOptions.ca // this chain is for incoming peer connctions , crl: autoSni.tlsOptions.crl // this crl is for incoming peer connections }) || { '_fake_tls_context_': true } , subject: certs.subject , auto: 'undefined' === typeof certs.auto ? true : certs.auto // stagger renewal time by a little bit of randomness , renewAt: (certs.expiresAt - (autoSni.renewWithin - (autoSni._renewWindow * Math.random()))) // err just barely on the side of safety , expiresNear: certs.expiresAt - autoSni._dropDead }; var link = { subject: certs.subject }; certs.altnames.forEach(function (domain) { autoSni._ipc[domain] = link; }); autoSni._ipc[certs.subject] = meta; return meta; } , uncacheCerts: function (certs) { certs.altnames.forEach(function (domain) { delete autoSni._ipc[domain]; }); delete autoSni._ipc[certs.subject]; } // automate certificate registration on request , sniCallback: function (domain, cb) { var certMeta = autoSni._ipc[domain]; var promise; var now = (autoSni._dbg_now || Date.now()); if (certMeta && !certMeta.then && certMeta.subject !== domain) { //log(autoSni.debug, "LINK CERT", domain); certMeta = autoSni._ipc[certMeta.subject]; } if (!certMeta) { //log(autoSni.debug, "NO CERT", domain); // we don't have a cert and must get one promise = autoSni.getCertificatesAsync(domain, null).then(autoSni.cacheCerts); autoSni._ipc[domain] = promise; } else if (certMeta.then) { //log(autoSni.debug, "PROMISED CERT", domain); // we are already getting a cert promise = certMeta } else if (now >= certMeta.expiresNear) { //log(autoSni.debug, "EXPIRED CERT"); // we have a cert, but it's no good for the average user promise = autoSni.getCertificatesAsync(domain, certMeta.certs).then(autoSni.cacheCerts); autoSni._ipc[certMeta.subject] = promise; } else { // it's time to renew the cert if (certMeta.auto && now >= certMeta.renewAt) { //log(autoSni.debug, "RENEWABLE CERT"); // give the cert some time (2-5 min) to be validated and replaced before trying again certMeta.renewAt = (autoSni._dbg_now || Date.now()) + (2 * MIN) + (3 * MIN * Math.random()); // let the update happen in the background autoSni.getCertificatesAsync(domain, certMeta.certs).then(autoSni.cacheCerts); } // return the valid cert right away cb(null, certMeta.tlsContext); return; } // promise the non-existent or expired cert promise.then(function (certMeta) { cb(null, certMeta.tlsContext); }, function (err) { console.error('ERROR in le-sni-auto:'); console.error(err.stack || err); cb(err); // don't reuse this promise delete autoSni._ipc[certMeta && certMeta.subject ? certMeta.subject : domain]; }); } }; Object.keys(_autoSni).forEach(function (key) { autoSni[key] = _autoSni[key]; }); _autoSni = null; return autoSni; };