'use strict'; var DAY = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; var MIN = 60 * 1000; var START_DAY = new Date(2015, 0, 1, 17, 30, 0, 0).valueOf(); var NOT_BEFORE = 10 * DAY; var NOT_AFTER = 5 * DAY; var EXPIRES_AT = START_DAY + NOT_BEFORE + (15 * MIN); var RENEWABLE_DAY = EXPIRES_AT - (60 * MIN); var CERT_1 = { expiresAt: EXPIRES_AT , subject: 'example.com' , altnames: ['example.com', 'www.example.com'] }; var CERT_2 = { expiresAt: EXPIRES_AT + NOT_BEFORE + (60 * MIN) , subject: 'example.com' , altnames: ['example.com', 'www.example.com'] }; var CERT_3 = { expiresAt: EXPIRES_AT , subject: 'example.com' , altnames: ['example.com', 'www.example.com'] , auto: false }; var count = 0; var expectedCount = 4; var tests = [ function (domain, certs, cb) { count += 1; console.log('#1 is 1 of 4'); if (!domain) { throw new Error("should have a domain"); } if (certs) { console.log('certs'); console.log(certs); throw new Error("shouldn't have certs that don't even exist yet"); } cb(null, CERT_1); } , function (/*domain, certs, cb*/) { console.log('#2 should NOT be called'); throw new Error("Should not call register renew a certificate with more than 10 days left"); } , function (domain, certs, cb) { count += 1; console.log('#3 is 2 of 4'); // NOTE: there's a very very small chance this will fail occasionally (if Math.random() < 0.01) if (!certs) { throw new Error("should have certs to renew (renewAt)"); } cb(null, CERT_1); } , function (domain, certs, cb) { count += 1; console.log('#4 is 3 of 4'); if (!certs) { throw new Error("should have certs to renew (expiresNear)"); } cb(null, CERT_2); } , function (/*domain, certs, cb*/) { console.log('#5 should NOT be called'); throw new Error("Should not call register renew a certificate with more than 10 days left"); } , function (domain, certs, cb) { count += 1; console.log('#6 is 4 of 4'); if (certs) { throw new Error("should not have certs that have been uncached"); } cb(null, CERT_3); } , function (/*domain, certs, cb*/) { console.log('#7 should NOT be called'); throw new Error("Should not call register renew a non-auto certificate"); } ].map(function (fn) { return require('bluebird').promisify(fn); }); // opts = { notBefore, notAfter, letsencrypt.renew, letsencrypt.register, httpsOptions } var leSni = require('./').create({ notBefore: NOT_BEFORE , notAfter: NOT_AFTER , getCertificatesAsync: tests.shift() , _dbg_now: START_DAY }); var shared = 0; var expectedShared = 3; leSni.sniCallback('example.com', function (err, tlsContext) { if (err) { throw err; } shared += 1; }); leSni.sniCallback('example.com', function (err, tlsContext) { if (err) { throw err; } if (!tlsContext._fake_tls_context_) { throw new Error("Did not return tlsContext #1"); } leSni.getCertificatesAsync = tests.shift(); leSni.sniCallback('example.com', function (err, tlsContext) { if (err) { throw err; } if (!tlsContext._fake_tls_context_) { throw new Error("Did not return tlsContext #2"); } leSni.getCertificatesAsync = tests.shift(); leSni._dbg_now = RENEWABLE_DAY; leSni.sniCallback('www.example.com', function (err, tlsContext) { if (err) { throw err; } shared += 1; }); leSni.sniCallback('example.com', function (err, tlsContext) { if (err) { throw err; } if (!tlsContext._fake_tls_context_) { throw new Error("Did not return tlsContext #3"); } leSni.getCertificatesAsync = tests.shift(); leSni._dbg_now = EXPIRES_AT; leSni.sniCallback('www.example.com', function (err, tlsContext) { if (err) { throw err; } shared += 1; }); leSni.sniCallback('www.example.com', function (err, tlsContext) { if (err) { throw err; } if (!tlsContext._fake_tls_context_) { throw new Error("Did not return tlsContext #4"); } leSni.getCertificatesAsync = tests.shift(); leSni.sniCallback('www.example.com', function (err, tlsContext) { if (err) { throw err; } if (!tlsContext._fake_tls_context_) { throw new Error("Did not return tlsContext #5"); } leSni.uncacheCerts({ subject: 'example.com' , altnames: ['example.com', 'www.example.com'] }); leSni.getCertificatesAsync = tests.shift(); leSni.sniCallback('example.com', function (err, tlsContext) { if (err) { throw err; } if (!tlsContext._fake_tls_context_) { throw new Error("Did not return tlsContext #6"); } leSni.getCertificatesAsync = tests.shift(); leSni._dbg_now = RENEWABLE_DAY; leSni.sniCallback('example.com', function (err, tlsContext) { if (!tlsContext._fake_tls_context_) { throw new Error("Did not return tlsContext #7"); } if (expectedCount !== count) { throw new Error("getCertificate only called " + count + " times"); } if (expectedShared !== shared) { throw new Error("wrongly used only " + shared + " shared promises"); } if (tests.length) { throw new Error("some test functions not run"); } console.log('PASS'); }); }); }); }); }); }); });