le-sni-auto =========== | Sponsored by [ppl](https://ppl.family) An auto-sni strategy for registering and renewing letsencrypt certificates using SNICallback. This does a couple of rather simple things: * caches certificates in memory * calls `getCertificatesAsync(domain, null)` when a certificate is not in memory * calls `getCertificatesASync(domain, certs)` when a certificate is up for renewal or expired Install ======= ```bash npm install --save le-sni-auto@2.x ``` Usage ===== With node-letsencrypt --------------------- ```javascript 'use strict'; var leSni = require('le-sni-auto').create({ renewWithin: 14 * 24 * 60 * 60 1000 // do not renew more than 14 days before expiration , renewBy: 10 * 24 * 60 * 60 1000 // do not wait more than 10 days before expiration , tlsOptions: { rejectUnauthorized: true // These options will be used with tls.createSecureContext() , requestCert: false // in addition to key (privkey.pem) and cert (cert.pem + chain.pem), , ca: null // which are provided by letsencrypt , crl: null } }); var le = require('letsencrypt').create({ server: 'staging' , sni: leSni , approveDomains: function (domain, cb) { // here you would lookup details such as email address in your db cb(null, { email: 'john.doe@gmail.com.', domains: [domain, 'www.' + domain], agreeTos: true }} } }); var redirectHttps = require('redirect-https').create(); http.createServer(le.middleware(redirectHttps)); var app = require('express')(); https.createServer(le.tlsOptions, le.middleware(app)).listen(443); ``` You can also provide a thunk-style `getCertificates(domain, certs, cb)`. Standalone ---------- ```javascript 'use strict'; var leSni = require('le-sni-auto').create({ renewWithin: 14 * 24 * 60 * 60 1000 // do not renew prior to 10 days before expiration , renewBy: 10 * 24 * 60 * 60 1000 // do not wait more than 5 days before expiration // key (privkey.pem) and cert (cert.pem + chain.pem) will be provided by letsencrypt , tlsOptions: { rejectUnauthorized: true, requestCert: false, ca: null, crl: null } , getCertificatesAsync: function (domain, certs) { // return a promise with an object with the following keys: // { privkey, cert, chain, expiresAt, issuedAt, subject, altnames } } }); // some default certificates that work with localhost // (because default certificates are required as a fallback) var tlsOptions = require('localhost.daplie.me-certificates').merge({ SNICallback: leSni.sniCallback }); https.createServer(tlsOptions, app); ``` You can also provide a thunk-style `getCertificates(domain, certs, cb)`. API === * create(options) * `getCertificates(domain, certs, cb)` or `getCertificatesAsync(domain, certs)` * `renewWithin` (default 7 days, min 3 days) * `renewBy` (default 2 days, min 12 hours) * `sniCallback(domain, cb)` * `cacheCerts(certs)` * `uncacheDomain(domain)` .renewWithin ----------- Specifies the maximum amount of time (in ms) before the certificate expires to renew it. Say the cert expires in 90 days and you would like to renew, **at earliest** 10 days before it expires. You would set this to `10 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000`. .renewBy -------- Specifies the maximum amount of time (in ms) before the certificate expires to renew it. Say the cert expires in 90 days and you would like to renew, **at latest** 10 days before it expires. You would set this to `10 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000`. **MUST** be **less than** `renewWithin`. .sniCallback() ----------- This gets passed to `https.createServer(tlsOptions, app)` as `tlsOptions.SNICallback`. ```javascript var leSni = require('le-sni-auto').create({ renewWithin: 14 * 24 * 60 * 60 1000 }); var tlsOptions = require('localhost.daplie.com-certificates').merge({ SNICallback: leSni.sniCallback }); function app(req, res) { res.end("Hello, World!"); } https.createServer(tlsOptions, app); ``` .cacheCerts() ----------- Manually load a certificate into the cache. This is useful in a cluster environment where the master may wish to inform multiple workers of a new or renewed certificate, or to satisfy tls-sni-01 challenges. ``` leSni.cacheCerts({ , privkey: '<>' , cert: '<>' , subject: 'example.com' , altnames: [ 'example.com', 'www.example.com' ] , issuedAt: 1470975565000 , expiresAt: 1478751565000 , auto: true }); ``` .uncacheCerts() ----------- Remove cached certificates from the cache. This is useful once a tls-sni-01 challenge has been satisfied. ``` leSni.uncacheCerts({ , subject: 'example.com' , altnames: [ 'example.com', 'www.example.com' ] }); ```