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2015-08-28 03:33:46 +00:00
'use strict';
function lowerFirst(str) {
return str.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + str.substr(1);
function snakeCase(str) {
return lowerFirst(str).replace(/([A-Z])/g, function (match) {
return "_" + match.toLowerCase();
function camelCase(str) {
return str.replace(/_([a-z])/g, function (match) {
return match[1].toUpperCase();
function upperCamelCase(str) {
var camel = camelCase(str);
return camel.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + camel.substr(1);
var searchConditions = {
'=': true,
'==': true,
'!=': true,
'<>': true,
'<': true,
'<=': true,
'!<': true,
'>': true,
'>=': true,
'!>': true,
'IS': true,
'IS NOT': true,
'IN': true,
'NOT IN': true,
'LIKE': true,
'NOT LIKE': true,
'GLOB': true,
'NOT GLOB': true,
'BETWEEN': true,
'NOT BETWEEN': true,
function wrap(db, dir, dbsMap) {
2015-08-28 03:33:46 +00:00
// TODO if I put a failure right here,
// why doesn't the unhandled promise rejection fire?
var PromiseA = require('bluebird');
var promises = [];
2015-12-01 04:44:52 +00:00
var earr = [];
var debug = false;
2015-12-01 04:44:52 +00:00
if (!dbsMap) {
dbsMap = {};
2015-12-01 04:44:52 +00:00
// PRAGMA schema.table_info(table-name);
2016-01-03 05:24:17 +00:00
2015-12-01 04:44:52 +00:00
function sqlite3GetColumns(tablename, columns, cb) {
var sql = "PRAGMA table_info(" + db.escape(tablename) + ")";
db.all(sql, earr, function (err, result) {
if (err) {
console.error('[Error] query columns');
if (debug) {
console.log('sqlite3 rows 0');
2015-12-01 04:44:52 +00:00
function alterTable() {
var column = columns.pop();
var sql;
if (!column) {
if ((result.rows||result).some(function (row) {
return (row.column_name || === snakeCase(;
})) {
sql = "ALTER TABLE " + db.escape(tablename)
+ db.escape( + " " + db.escape(column.type)
+ " DEFAULT null"
if (debug) {
console.log('sqlite3 1');
2015-12-01 04:44:52 +00:00
db.all(sql, earr, function (err, results) {
if (err) {
console.error("[Error] add column '" + tablename + "'");
2017-01-14 22:56:11 +00:00
console.error(err.stack || new Error('stack').stack);
2015-12-01 04:44:52 +00:00
if (debug) {
console.log('sqlite3 rows 1');
2015-12-01 04:44:52 +00:00
columns = columns.slice(0);
2015-12-01 04:44:52 +00:00
function normalizeColumn(col, i, arr) {
if ('string' === typeof col) {
col = arr[i] = { name: col, type: 'text' };
if (!col.type) {
col.type = 'text';
col.type = col.type.toLowerCase(); // oh postgres... = snakeCase(;
return col;
function createTable(dir) {
if (!dir.modelname && !dir.tablename) {
throw new Error('Please specify dir.modelname');
2015-12-01 04:44:52 +00:00
if (!dir.tablename) {
dir.tablename = snakeCase(dir.modelname);
2015-12-01 04:44:52 +00:00
if (!dir.modelname) {
dir.modelname = upperCamelCase(dir.tablename);
if (!dir.indices) {
dir.indices = [];
2015-12-01 04:44:52 +00:00
2015-08-28 03:33:46 +00:00
var DB = {};
var tablename = (db.escape(dir.tablename || 'data'));
var idname = (db.escape(dir.idname || 'id'));
var idnameCased = (camelCase(dir.idname || 'id'));
2015-12-01 04:44:52 +00:00
2016-07-12 15:37:08 +00:00
DB._indices = dir.indices;
DB._indicesMap = {};
DB._indices.forEach(function (col) {
DB._indicesMap[] = col;
2015-08-28 03:33:46 +00:00
function simpleMap(rows) {
if (!rows) {
return [];
var results = (row, i) {
// set up for garbage collection
rows[i] = null;
var obj;
if (row.json) {
obj = JSON.parse(row.json);
} else {
obj = {};
delete row.json;
2015-08-28 03:33:46 +00:00
2015-09-22 02:14:07 +00:00
obj[idnameCased] = row[idname];
2015-10-20 08:47:43 +00:00
delete row[idname];
Object.keys(row).forEach(function (fieldname) {
// Ideally it shouldn't be possible to overriding a former proper column,
// but when a new indexable field is added, the old value is still in json
// TODO one-time upgrade of all rows when a new column is added
if (null === row[fieldname] || 'undefined' === typeof row[fieldname] || '' === row[fieldname]) {
obj[camelCase(fieldname)] = row[fieldname] || obj[camelCase(fieldname)] || row[fieldname];
else {
obj[camelCase(fieldname)] = row[fieldname];
2015-10-20 08:47:43 +00:00
return obj;
2015-08-28 03:33:46 +00:00
// set up for garbage collection
rows.length = 0;
rows = null;
return results;
function simpleParse(row) {
if (!row) {
return null;
return simpleMap([row])[0] || null;
// pull indices from object
function strainUpdate(id, data/*, vals*/, cb, oldId) {
var fieldable = [];
var sql;
var vals = [];
['hasOne', 'hasMany', 'hasAndBelongsToMany', 'belongsTo', 'belongsToMany'].forEach(function (relname) {
var rels = dir[relname];
if (!rels) {
if (!Array.isArray(rels)) {
rels = [rels];
// don't save relationships
rels.forEach(function (colname) {
delete data[colname];
delete data[camelCase(colname)];
// TODO placehold relationships on find / get?
// data[camelCase(colname)] = null;
dir.indices.forEach(function (col) {
// We prioritze the raw name rather than the camelCase name because it's not in the object
// we give for retrieved entries, so if it's present then the user put it there themselves.
var val = data[] || data[camelCase(];
//if ( in data)
if ('undefined' !== typeof val) {
+ " = '" + db.escape(val) + "'"
delete data[];
delete data[camelCase(];
if (!oldId) {
delete data[idnameCased];
if (!fieldable.length || Object.keys(data).length) {
} else {
sql = cb(fieldable);
if (debug) {
console.log('[masterquest-sqlite3] dbwrap.js');
vals.forEach(function (val) {
if (null === val || 'number' === typeof val) {
sql = sql.replace('?', String(val));
} else {
sql = sql.replace('?', "'" + db.escape(val) + "'");
return sql;
2015-12-01 04:44:52 +00:00
DB.migrate = function (columns) {
return new PromiseA(function (resolve, reject) {
sqlite3GetColumns(tablename, columns, function (err) {
if (err) {
DB.find = function (obj, params) {
var err;
var sql = 'SELECT * FROM \'' + tablename + '\' ';
var keys = obj && Object.keys(obj);
2015-08-28 03:33:46 +00:00
2016-03-23 03:38:59 +00:00
if (obj) {
Object.keys(obj).forEach(function (key) {
if (undefined === obj[key]) {
err = new Error("'" + key + "' was `undefined'. For security purposes you must explicitly set the value to null or ''");
if (err) {
return PromiseA.reject(err);
2016-03-22 21:43:13 +00:00
2015-08-28 03:33:46 +00:00
if (params && params.limit) {
params.limit = parseInt(params.limit, 10);
// remember to check for the case of NaN
if (!params.limit || params.limit <= 0) {
return PromiseA.reject(new Error('limit must be a positive integer'));
if (obj && keys.length) {
var conditions = (key) {
var dbKey = db.escape(snakeCase(key));
var value = obj[key];
if (null === value) {
return dbKey + ' IS NULL';
var split, cmd;
if (typeof value === 'string') {
value = value.trim();
if (['IS NULL', 'IS NOT NULL'].indexOf(value.toUpperCase()) !== -1) {
return dbKey + ' ' + value.toUpperCase();
split = value.split(' ');
if (searchConditions[split[0].toUpperCase()]) {
cmd = split[0].toUpperCase();
value = split.slice(1).join(' ');
} else if (searchConditions[split.slice(0, 2).join(' ').toUpperCase()]) {
cmd = split.slice(0, 2).join(' ').toUpperCase();
value = split.slice(2).join(' ');
// If we were given something like "BEGINS WITH 'something quoted'" we don't want
// to include the quotes (we'll quote it again later) so we strip them out here.
if (cmd) {
value = value.replace(/^(['"])(.*)\1$/, '$2');
if (typeof value === 'object') {
cmd = value.condition || value.relation || value.cmd;
value = value.value;
if (!cmd || !value) {
err = new Error("'"+key+"' was an object, but missing condition and/or value");
if (typeof cmd !== 'string' || !searchConditions[cmd.toUpperCase()]) {
err = new Error("'"+key+"' tried to use invalid condition '"+cmd+"'");
} else {
cmd = cmd.toUpperCase();
2015-12-01 04:44:52 +00:00
if (!cmd) {
cmd = '=';
// The IN condition is special in that we can't quote the value as a single value,
// so it requires a little more logic to actually work and still be sanitary.
if (cmd === 'IN' || cmd === 'NOT IN') {
if (typeof value === 'string') {
value = value.split((params || {}).seperator || /[\s,]+/);
if (!Array.isArray(value)) {
err = new Error("'"+key+"' has invalid value for use with 'IN'");
value = (val) {
return "'"+db.escape(val)+"'";
return dbKey + ' ' + cmd + ' (' + value.join(',') + ')';
// The BETWEEN condition is also special for the same reason as IN
if (cmd === 'BETWEEN' || cmd === 'NOT BETWEEN') {
if (typeof value === 'string') {
value = value.split((params || {}).seperator || /[\s,]+(AND\s+)?/i);
if (!Array.isArray(value) || value.length !== 2) {
err = new Error("'"+key+"' has invalid value for use with 'BETWEEN'");
value = (val) {
return "'"+db.escape(val)+"'";
return dbKey + ' ' + cmd + ' ' + value.join(' AND ');
// If we are supposed to compare to another field then make sure the name is correct,
// and that we don't try to quote the name.
if (typeof value === 'string' && /^[a-zA-Z0-9_]*$/.test(value)) {
var snake = snakeCase(value);
if (dir.indices.some(function (col) { return snake ===; })) {
return dbKey + ' ' + cmd + ' ' + snake;
2015-12-01 04:44:52 +00:00
return dbKey + ' ' + cmd + " '" + db.escape(value) + "'";
if (err) {
return PromiseA.reject(err);
sql += 'WHERE ' + conditions.join(' AND ');
else if (null !== obj || !(params && params.limit)) {
return PromiseA.reject(new Error("to find all you must explicitly specify find(null, { limit: <<int>> })"));
2015-08-28 03:33:46 +00:00
2015-09-22 02:14:07 +00:00
if (params) {
if (typeof params.orderByDesc === 'string' && !params.orderBy) {
params.orderBy = params.orderByDesc;
params.orderByDesc = true;
2015-09-22 02:14:07 +00:00
if (params.orderBy) {
sql += " ORDER BY '" + db.escape(snakeCase(params.orderBy)) + "' ";
2015-09-22 02:14:07 +00:00
if (params.orderByDesc) {
sql += "DESC ";
2015-09-22 02:14:07 +00:00
} else if (DB._indicesMap.updated_at) {
sql += " ORDER BY 'updated_at' DESC ";
} else if (DB._indicesMap.created_at) {
sql += " ORDER BY 'created_at' DESC ";
2015-09-22 02:14:07 +00:00
if (isFinite(params.limit)) {
sql += " LIMIT " + parseInt(params.limit, 10);
2015-09-22 02:14:07 +00:00
2015-09-22 02:51:08 +00:00
return db.allAsync(sql, []).then(simpleMap);
2015-08-28 03:33:46 +00:00
DB.get = function (id) {
var sql = "SELECT * FROM " + tablename + " WHERE " + idname + " = ?";
var values = [id];
return db.getAsync(sql, values).then(function (rows) {
if (Array.isArray(rows)) {
if (!rows.length) {
return null;
return rows[0] || null;
return rows;
2017-03-17 00:20:19 +00:00
DB.upsert = function (id, data, oldId) {
2015-11-17 08:29:45 +00:00
if (!data) {
data = id;
id = data[idnameCased];
2017-03-17 00:20:19 +00:00
return DB.set(oldId || id, data, oldId).then(function (result) {
2015-08-28 03:33:46 +00:00
var success = result.changes >= 1;
if (success) {
return result;
return DB.create(id, data);
2017-03-17 00:20:19 +00:00 = function (data, oldId) {
if (!data[idnameCased] && !oldId) {
2015-08-28 03:33:46 +00:00
// NOTE saving the id both in the object and the id for now
2018-05-17 09:54:13 +00:00
data[idnameCased] = require('uuid').v4();
2015-09-22 02:14:07 +00:00
return DB.create(data[idnameCased], data).then(function (/*stats*/) {
2015-08-28 03:33:46 +00:00
//data._rowid =;
return data;
2017-03-17 00:20:19 +00:00
return DB.set(oldId || data[idnameCased], data, oldId).then(function (result) {
2015-08-28 03:33:46 +00:00
var success = result.changes >= 1;
if (success) {
return result;
2015-09-22 02:14:07 +00:00
} else {
2015-10-06 06:31:07 +00:00
//console.log('[debug result of set]', result.sql);
2015-09-22 02:14:07 +00:00
delete result.sql;
2015-08-28 03:33:46 +00:00
2015-09-22 02:14:07 +00:00
return null;
2015-08-28 03:33:46 +00:00
2015-09-22 02:14:07 +00:00
DB.create = function (id, obj) {
if (!obj) {
obj = id;
id = obj[idnameCased];
if (!id) {
return PromiseA.reject(new Error("no id supplied"));
2015-08-28 03:33:46 +00:00
2016-03-16 18:20:16 +00:00
obj.createdAt =;
obj.updatedAt =;
2015-08-28 03:33:46 +00:00
return new PromiseA(function (resolve, reject) {
2015-09-22 02:14:07 +00:00
var json = JSON.stringify(obj);
var data = JSON.parse(json);
var sql;
// removes known fields from data
sql = strainUpdate(id, data, function sqlTpl(fieldable) {
return "INSERT INTO " + tablename + " (" + fieldable.join(', ') + ", " + idname + ")"
//+ " VALUES ('" + vals.join("', '") + "')"
+ " VALUES (" + () { return '?'; }).join(", ") + ", ?)"
2015-08-28 03:33:46 +00:00
2015-10-06 06:31:07 +00:00
//console.log('[debug] DB.create() sql:', sql);, [], function (err) {
2015-08-28 03:33:46 +00:00
if (err) {
// NOTE changes is 1 even if the value of the updated record stays the same
// (PostgreSQL would return 0 in that case)
// thus if changes is 0 then it failed, otherwise it succeeded
console.log('[log db wrapper insert]');
console.log(this); // sql, lastID, changes
console.log('insert lastID', this.lastID); // sqlite's internal rowId
console.log('insert changes', this.changes);
// = id;
2017-03-17 00:20:19 +00:00
DB.set = function (id, obj, oldId) {
2016-03-16 18:20:16 +00:00
obj.updatedAt =;
var json = JSON.stringify(obj);
var data = JSON.parse(json);
2015-08-28 03:33:46 +00:00
return new PromiseA(function (resolve, reject) {
function sqlTpl(fieldable) {
// this will always at least have one fieldable value: json
return "UPDATE " + tablename + " SET "
+ (fieldable.join(' = ?, ') + " = ?")
+ " WHERE " + idname + " = ?"
2015-08-28 03:33:46 +00:00
//var vals = [];
// removes known fields from data
data.updated_at =;
2017-03-17 00:20:19 +00:00
var sql = strainUpdate(id, data/*, vals*/, sqlTpl, oldId);
2015-10-06 06:31:07 +00:00
//console.log('[debug] DB.set() sql:', sql);, /*vals*/[], function (err) {
2015-10-06 06:31:07 +00:00
//console.log('[debug] error:', err);
2015-08-28 03:33:46 +00:00
if (err) {
// it isn't possible to tell if the update succeeded or failed
// only if the update resulted in a change or not
console.log('[log db wrapper set]');
console.log(this); // sql, lastID, changes
console.log('update lastID', this.lastID); // always 0 (except on INSERT)
console.log('update changes', this.changes);
DB.destroy = function (id) {
if ('object' === typeof id) {
2015-09-22 02:14:07 +00:00
id = id[idnameCased];
2015-08-28 03:33:46 +00:00
return new PromiseA(function (resolve, reject) {
var sql = "DELETE FROM " + tablename + " WHERE " + idname + " = ?";
var values = [id];, values, function (err) {
if (err) {
// it isn't possible to tell if the update succeeded or failed
// only if the update resulted in a change or not
console.log('[log db wrapper delete]');
console.log(this); // sql, lastID, changes
console.log('delete lastID', this.lastID); // always 0 (except on INSERT)
console.log('delete changes', this.changes);
DB._db = db;
return new PromiseA(function (resolve, reject) {
var indexable = [idname + ' TEXT'];
var sql;
dir.indices.forEach(function (col) {
2015-08-28 03:33:46 +00:00
if ('string' === typeof col) {
col = { name: col, type: 'TEXT' };
if (!col.type) {
col.type = 'TEXT';
+ ' ' + db.escape(col.type)
indexable.push('json TEXT');
sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS '" + tablename + "' "
+ "(" + indexable.join(', ') + ", PRIMARY KEY(" + idname + "))"
2015-12-01 04:44:52 +00:00
db.runAsync(sql).then(function () {
sqlite3GetColumns(tablename, dir.indices, function (err) {
2015-12-01 04:44:52 +00:00
if (err) {
console.error('[Error] dbwrap get columns');
2015-08-28 03:33:46 +00:00
2015-12-01 04:44:52 +00:00
}, reject);
2015-08-28 03:33:46 +00:00
2017-05-30 01:38:04 +00:00
if (!db.__masterquest_init) {
db.__masterquest_init = true;
db = PromiseA.promisifyAll(db);
db.__masterquest_init = true;
db.escape = function (str) {
// TODO? literals for true,false,null
// error on undefined?
if (undefined === str) {
str = '';
return String(str).replace(/'/g, "''");
if (dir && dir.verbose || db.verbose) {
console.log('Getting Verbose up in here');
db.on('trace', function (str) {
console.log('SQL:', str);
db.on('profile', function (sql, ms) {
console.log('Profile:', ms);
dbsMap.sql = db;
dir.forEach(function (dir) {
// TODO if directive is the same as existing dbsMap, skip it
promises.push(createTable(dir).then(function (dbw) {
2015-08-28 03:33:46 +00:00
dbsMap[dir.modelname] = dbw;
2015-08-28 03:33:46 +00:00
return dbw;
2015-12-01 04:44:52 +00:00
return PromiseA.all(promises).then(function (/*dbs*/) {
2015-08-28 03:33:46 +00:00
return dbsMap;
module.exports.wrap = wrap;