'use strict'; var fs = require('fs'); var path = require('path'); //var noop = function () {}; // keeping the function signature Promise-friendly function mkdirp(opts, cb) { //if (!cb) { cb = noop; } if ('string' === typeof opts) { opts = { name: opts }; } if (!opts || !opts.name || 'string' !== typeof opts.name) { cb(new Error("mkdirp missing opts.name")); return; } // normalize doesn't account for "../my-sibling/my-neice" opts.name = path.resolve(opts.name); fs.mkdir(opts.name, function (err) { // All's well if all's well if (!err) { cb(null, null); return; } if ('ENOENT' === err.code) { // The only error we care about is the error that we can ostensibly fix // (same on Windows, Mac, Linux) var name = opts.name; opts.name = path.dirname(opts.name); mkdirp(opts, function (err) { if (err) { cb(err); return; } opts.name = name; mkdirp(opts, cb); }); } else { // Any other error could be something normal and fairly cross platform (like EEXIST), // but it could also be something random and weird and platform specific that doesn't // actually matter, so we just carry on and try anyway. fs.stat(opts.name, function (_err, stat) { // if we don't succeed, propagate the original error (which will be more meaningful) if (_err || !stat.isDirectory()) { cb(err); return; } cb(null, null); }); } }); } module.exports = mkdirp;