#!/bin/bash # curl -fsSL https://ldsconnect.org/setup-linux.bash | bash -c IOJS_VER=${1} echo "" echo "" echo "updating apt-get..." sudo bash -c "apt-get update -qq -y < /dev/null" > /dev/null # fail2ban if [ -z "$(which fail2ban-server | grep fail2ban)" ]; then echo "installing fail2ban..." sudo bash -c "apt-get install -qq -y fail2ban < /dev/null" > /dev/null fi # git, wget, curl, build-essential if [ -z "$(which pkg-config | grep pkg-config)" ] || [ -z "$(which git | grep git)" ] || [ -z "$(which wget | grep wget)" ] || [ -z "$(which curl | grep curl)" ] || [ -z "$(which gcc | grep gcc)" ] || [ -z "$(which rsync | grep rsync)" ] then echo "installing git, wget, curl, build-essential, rsync, pkg-config..." sudo bash -c "apt-get install -qq -y git wget curl build-essential rsync pkg-config < /dev/null" > /dev/null 2>/dev/null fi # iojs if [ -n "$(which node | grep node 2>/dev/null)" ]; then IOJS_VER="" if [ "$(node -v 2>/dev/null)" != "$(iojs -v 2>/dev/null)" ]; then echo "You have node.js installed. Backing up $(which node) as $(which node).joyent" echo "(you can move it back after the install if you want separate node.js and io.js installations)" echo "" echo sudo mv "$(which node)" "$(which node).joyent" sudo mv "$(which node)" "$(which node).joyent" fi if [ "${IOJS_VER}" == "$(iojs -v 2>/dev/null)" ]; then echo iojs ${IOJS_VER} already installed else clear echo "" echo "HEY, LISTEN:" echo "io.js is already installed as iojs $(iojs -v | grep v)" echo "" echo "to reinstall please first run: rm $(which iojs)" echo "" fi fi if [ -n "${IOJS_VER}" ]; then if [ -n "$(arch | grep 64)" ]; then ARCH="x64" else ARCH="x86" fi echo "installing io.js as iojs ${IOJS_VER}..." curl -fsSL "http://iojs.org/dist/${IOJS_VER}/iojs-${IOJS_VER}-linux-${ARCH}.tar.gz" \ -o "/tmp/iojs-${IOJS_VER}-linux-${ARCH}.tar.gz" pushd /tmp tar xf /tmp/iojs-${IOJS_VER}-linux-${ARCH}.tar.gz rm iojs-${IOJS_VER}-linux-x64/{LICENSE,CHANGELOG.md,README.md} sudo rsync -a "/tmp/iojs-${IOJS_VER}-linux-${ARCH}/" /usr/local/ sudo chown -R $(whoami) /usr/local fi