IOJS_VER=${1} if [ -n "$(arch | grep 64)" ]; then ARCH="x64" else ARCH="x86" fi IOJS_REMOTE="${IOJS_VER}/iojs-${IOJS_VER}-linux-${ARCH}.tar.gz" IOJS_LOCAL="/tmp/iojs-${IOJS_VER}-linux-${ARCH}.tar.gz" IOJS_UNTAR="/tmp/iojs-${IOJS_VER}-linux-${ARCH}" if [ -n "${IOJS_VER}" ]; then echo "installing io.js as iojs ${IOJS_VER}..." if [ -n "$(which curl 2>/dev/null)" ]; then curl -fsSL ${IOJS_REMOTE} -o ${IOJS_LOCAL} || echo 'error downloading io.js' elif [ -n "$(which wget 2>/dev/null)" ]; then wget --quiet ${IOJS_REMOTE} -O ${IOJS_LOCAL} || echo 'error downloading io.js' else echo "'wget' and 'curl' are missing. Please run the following command and try again" echo "\tsudo apt-get install --yes curl wget" exit 1 fi tar xf ${IOJS_LOCAL} rm ${IOJS_UNTAR}/{LICENSE,,} sudo rsync -a "${IOJS_UNTAR}/" /usr/local/ sudo chown -R $(whoami) /usr/local fi