#!/bin/bash FQDN=$1 # make directories to work from mkdir -p server/ client/ all/ # Create your very own Root Certificate Authority openssl genrsa \ -out all/my-private-root-ca.key.pem \ 2048 # Self-sign your Root Certificate Authority # Since this is private, the details can be as bogus as you like openssl req \ -x509 \ -new \ -nodes \ -key all/my-private-root-ca.key.pem \ -days 1024 \ -out all/my-private-root-ca.crt.pem \ -subj "/C=US/ST=Utah/L=Provo/O=ACME Signing Authority Inc/CN=example.com" # Create a Device Certificate for each domain, # such as example.com, *.example.com, awesome.example.com # NOTE: You MUST match CN to the domain name or ip address you want to use openssl genrsa \ -out all/my-server.key.pem \ 2048 # Create a request from your Device, which your Root CA will sign openssl req -new \ -key all/my-server.key.pem \ -out all/my-server.csr.pem \ -subj "/C=US/ST=Utah/L=Provo/O=ACME Tech Inc/CN=${FQDN}" # Sign the request from Device with your Root CA openssl x509 \ -req -in all/my-server.csr.pem \ -CA all/my-private-root-ca.crt.pem \ -CAkey all/my-private-root-ca.key.pem \ -CAcreateserial \ -out all/my-server.crt.pem \ -days 500 # Put things in their proper place rsync -a all/my-server.{key,crt}.pem server/ rsync -a all/my-private-root-ca.crt.pem server/ rsync -a all/my-private-root-ca.crt.pem client/