cleanup cruft
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
git push --tags
git checkout v1.0
git push
git checkout v1
git merge v1.0
git push
git checkout master
git merge v1
git push
git checkout v1.0
@ -1,560 +0,0 @@
;(function (exports) {
'use strict';
var OAUTH3 = exports.OAUTH3;
var OAUTH3_CORE = exports.OAUTH3_CORE;
function getDefaultAppUrl() {
console.warn('[deprecated] using window.location.{protocol, host, pathname} when opts.client_id should be used');
return window.location.protocol
+ '//' +
+ (window.location.pathname).replace(/\/?$/, '')
var browser = exports.OAUTH3_BROWSER = {
window: window
, clientUri: function (location) {
return OAUTH3_CORE.normalizeUri( + location.pathname);
, discover: function (providerUri, opts) {
if (!providerUri) {
throw new Error(', opts) received providerUri as ' + providerUri);
var directives = OAUTH3.hooks.getDirectives(providerUri);
if (directives && directives.issuer) {
return OAUTH3.PromiseA.resolve(directives);
return browser._discoverHelper(providerUri, opts).then(function (directives) {
directives.issuer = directives.issuer || OAUTH3_CORE.normalizeUrl(providerUri);
console.log('discoverHelper', directives);
return OAUTH3.hooks.setDirectives(providerUri, directives);
, _discoverHelper: function (providerUri, opts) {
opts = opts || {};
//opts.debug = true;
providerUri = OAUTH3_CORE.normalizeUrl(providerUri);
if (window.location.hostname.match(providerUri)) {
console.warn("It looks like you're a provider checking for your own directive,"
+ " so we we're just gonna use OAUTH3.request({ method: 'GET', url: '.well-known/oauth3/directive.json' })");
return OAUTH3.request({
method: 'GET'
, url: OAUTH3.core.normalizeUrl(providerUri) + '/.well-known/oauth3/directives.json'
if (!window.location.hostname.match(opts.client_id || opts.client_uri)) {
console.warn("It looks like your client_id doesn't match your current window... this probably won't end well");
console.warn(opts.client_id || opts.client_uri, window.location.hostname);
var discObj =, { client_id: (opts.client_id || opts.client_uri || getDefaultAppUrl()), debug: opts.debug });
// TODO ability to reuse iframe instead of closing
return browser.insertIframe(discObj.url, discObj.state, opts).then(function (params) {
if (params.error) {
return OAUTH3_CORE.formatError(providerUri, params.error);
var directives = JSON.parse(atob(OAUTH3_CORE.utils.urlSafeBase64ToBase64(params.result || params.directives)));
return directives;
}, function (err) {
return OAUTH3.PromiseA.reject(err);
, discoverAuthorizationDialog: function(providerUri, opts) {
var discObj =, opts);
// hmm... we're gonna need a broker for this since switching windows is distracting,
// popups are obnoxious, iframes are sometimes blocked, and most servers don't implement CORS
// eventually it should be the browser (and postMessage may be a viable option now), but whatever...
// TODO allow postMessage from providerUri in addition to callback
var discWin = OAUTH3.openWindow(discObj.url, discObj.state, { reuseWindow: 'conquerer' });
return discWin.then(function (params) {
console.log('discwin params');
// discWin.child
// TODO params should have response_type indicating json, binary, etc
var directives = JSON.parse(atob(OAUTH3.core.utils.urlSafeBase64ToBase64(params.result || params.directives)));
// Do some stuff
var authObj = OAUTH3.core.implicitGrant(
, { redirect_uri: opts.redirect_uri
, debug: opts.debug
, client_id: opts.client_id || opts.client_uri
, client_uri: opts.client_uri || opts.client_id
if (params.debug) {
window.alert("DEBUG MODE: Pausing so you can look at logs and whatnot :) Fire at will!");
return new OAUTH3.PromiseA(function (resolve, reject) {
// TODO check if authObj.url is relative or full
discWin.child.location = OAUTH3.core.urls.resolve(providerUri, authObj.url);
if (params.debug) {
window['--oauth3-callback-' + authObj.state] = function (tokens) {
if (tokens.error) {
return reject(OAUTH3.core.formatError(tokens.error));
if (params.debug || tokens.debug) {
if (window.confirm("DEBUG MODE: okay to close oauth3 window?")) {
else {
}).then(function (tokens) {
return OAUTH3.hooks.refreshSession(
opts.session || {
provider_uri: providerUri
, client_id: opts.client_id
, client_uri: opts.client_uri || opts.clientUri
, tokens
, frameRequest: function (url, state, opts) {
var promise;
if (!opts.windowType) {
opts.windowType = 'popup';
if ('background' === opts.windowType) {
promise = browser.insertIframe(url, state, opts);
} else if ('popup' === opts.windowType) {
promise = browser.openWindow(url, state, opts);
} else if ('inline' === opts.windowType) {
// callback function will never execute and would need to redirect back to current page
// rather than the callback.html
url += '&original_url=' + browser.window.location.href;
promise = browser.window.location = url;
} else {
throw new Error("login framing method options.windowType not specified or not type yet implemented");
return promise.then(function (params) {
var err;
if (params.error || params.error_description) {
err = new Error(params.error_description || "Unknown response error");
err.code = params.error || "E_UKNOWN_ERROR";
err.params = params;
return OAUTH3.PromiseA.reject(err);
return params;
, insertIframe: function (url, state, opts) {
opts = opts || {};
if (opts.debug) {
opts.timeout = opts.timeout || 15 * 60 * 1000;
var promise = new OAUTH3.PromiseA(function (resolve, reject) {
var tok;
var iframeDiv;
function cleanup() {
delete window['--oauth3-callback-' + state];
tok = null;
window['--oauth3-callback-' + state] = function (params) {
tok = setTimeout(function () {
var err = new Error("the iframe request did not complete within 15 seconds");
err.code = "E_TIMEOUT";
}, opts.timeout || 15 * 1000);
// TODO hidden / non-hidden (via directive even)
var framesrc = '<iframe class="js-oauth3-iframe" src="' + url + '" ';
if (opts.debug) {
framesrc += ' width="800px" height="800px" style="opacity: 0.8;" frameborder="1"';
else {
framesrc += ' width="1px" height="1px" frameborder="0"';
framesrc += '></iframe>';
iframeDiv = window.document.createElement('div');
iframeDiv.innerHTML = framesrc;
// TODO periodically garbage collect expired handlers from window object
return promise;
, openWindow: function (url, state, opts) {
if (opts.debug) {
opts.timeout = opts.timeout || 15 * 60 * 1000;
var promise = new OAUTH3.PromiseA(function (resolve, reject) {
var tok;
function cleanup() {
tok = null;
delete window['--oauth3-callback-' + state];
// this is last in case the window self-closes synchronously
// (should never happen, but that's a negotiable implementation detail)
if (!opts.reuseWindow) {
window['--oauth3-callback-' + state] = function (params) {
tok = setTimeout(function () {
var err = new Error("the windowed request did not complete within 3 minutes");
err.code = "E_TIMEOUT";
}, opts.timeout || 3 * 60 * 1000);
setTimeout(function () {
if (!promise.child) {
reject("TODO: open the iframe first and discover oauth3 directives before popup");
}, 0);
// TODO allow size changes (via directive even)
promise.child =
, 'oauth3-login-' + (opts.reuseWindow || state)
, 'height=' + (opts.height || 720) + ',width=' + (opts.width || 620)
// TODO periodically garbage collect expired handlers from window object
return promise;
// Logins
, authn: {
authorizationRedirect: function (providerUri, opts) {
// TODO get own directives
return, opts).then(function (directive) {
var prequest = OAUTH3_CORE.urls.authorizationRedirect(
, opts
if (!prequest.state) {
throw new Error("[Devolper Error] [authorization redirect] prequest.state is empty");
return browser.frameRequest(prequest.url, prequest.state, opts);
}).then(function (tokens) {
return OAUTH3.hooks.refreshSession(
opts.session || {
provider_uri: providerUri
, client_id: opts.client_id
, client_uri: opts.client_uri || opts.clientUri
, tokens
, implicitGrant: function (providerUri, opts) {
// TODO let broker=true change behavior to open discover inline with frameRequest
// TODO OAuth3 provider should use the redirect URI as the appId?
return, opts).then(function (directive) {
var prequest = OAUTH3_CORE.urls.implicitGrant(
// TODO OAuth3 provider should referrer / referer / origin as the appId?
, opts
if (!prequest.state) {
throw new Error("[Devolper Error] [implicit grant] prequest.state is empty");
return browser.frameRequest(prequest.url, prequest.state, opts);
}).then(function (tokens) {
return OAUTH3.hooks.refreshSession(
opts.session || {
provider_uri: providerUri
, client_id: opts.client_id
, client_uri: opts.client_uri || opts.clientUri
, tokens
, logout: function (providerUri, opts) {
opts = opts || {};
return, opts).then(function (directive) {
var prequest = OAUTH3_CORE.urls.logout(
, opts
// Oauth3.init({ logout: function () {} });
//return Oauth3.logout();
var redirectUri = opts.redirect_uri || opts.redirectUri
|| (window.location.protocol + '//' + ( + window.location.pathname) + 'oauth3.html')
var params = {
// logout=true for all logins/accounts
// logout=app-scoped-login-id for a single login
action: 'logout'
// TODO specify specific accounts / logins to delete from session
, accounts: true
, logins: true
, redirect_uri: redirectUri
, state: prequest.state
, debug: opts.debug
if (prequest.url === params.redirect_uri) {
return OAUTH3.PromiseA.resolve();
prequest.url += '#' + OAUTH3_CORE.querystringify(params);
return OAUTH3.insertIframe(prequest.url, prequest.state, opts);
, isIframe: function isIframe () {
try {
return window.self !==;
} catch (e) {
return true;
, parseUrl: function (url) {
var parser = document.createElement('a');
parser.href = url;
return parser;
, isRedirectHostSafe: function (referrerUrl, redirectUrl) {
var src = browser.parseUrl(referrerUrl);
var dst = browser.parseUrl(redirectUrl);
// TODO how should we handle subdomains?
// It should be safe for to redirect to
// But it may not be safe for to to redirect to
// It is also probably not safe for to redirect to
// The client should have a list of allowed URLs to choose from and perhaps a wildcard will do
// SHOULD NOT match
return dst.hostname === src.hostname;
, checkRedirect: function (client, query) {
console.warn("[security] URL path checking not yet implemented");
var clientUrl = OAUTH3.core.normalizeUrl(client.url);
var redirectUrl = OAUTH3.core.normalizeUrl(query.redirect_uri);
// General rule:
// I can callback to a shorter domain (fewer subs) or a shorter path (on the same domain)
// but not a longer (more subs) or different domain or a longer path (on the same domain)
// We can callback to an explicitly listed domain (TODO and path)
if (browser.isRedirectHostSafe(clientUrl, redirectUrl)) {
return true;
return false;
, redirect: function (redirect) {
if ( {
|||||| += '&';
} else {
|||||| += '?';
|||||| += 'error=E_NO_SESSION';
redirectUri = parser.href;
window.location.href = redirectUri;
, hackFormSubmit: function (opts) {
opts = opts || {};
scope.authorizationDecisionUri = DaplieApiConfig.providerUri + '/api/org.oauth3.provider/authorization_decision';
var redirectUri = scope.appQuery.redirect_uri.replace(/^https?:\/\//i, 'https://');
var separator;
// TODO check that we appropriately use '#' for implicit and '?' for code
// (server-side) in an OAuth2 backwards-compatible way
if ('token' === scope.appQuery.response_type) {
separator = '#';
else if ('code' === scope.appQuery.response_type) {
separator = '?';
else {
separator = '#';
if (scope.pendingScope.length && !opts.allow) {
redirectUri += separator + Oauth3.querystringify({
error: 'access_denied'
, error_description: 'None of the permissions were accepted'
, error_uri: ''
, state: scope.appQuery.state
window.location.href = redirectUri;
// TODO move to Oauth3? or not?
// this could be implementation-specific,
// but it may still be nice to provide it as de-facto
var url = DaplieApiConfig.apiBaseUri + '/api/org.oauth3.provider/grants/:client_id/:account_id'
.replace(/:client_id/g, scope.appQuery.client_id || scope.appQuery.client_uri)
.replace(/:account_id/g, scope.selectedAccountId)
var account = scope.sessionAccount;
var session = { accessToken: account.token, refreshToken: account.refreshToken };
var preq = {
url: url
, method: 'POST'
, data: {
scope: updateAccepted()
, response_type: scope.appQuery.response_type
, referrer: document.referrer || document.referer || ''
, referer: document.referrer || document.referer || ''
, tenant_id: scope.appQuery.tenant_id
, client_id: scope.appQuery.client_id
, client_uri: scope.appQuery.client_uri
, session: session
preq.clientId = preq.appId = DaplieApiConfig.appId || DaplieApiConfig.clientId;
preq.clientUri = preq.appUri = DaplieApiConfig.appUri || DaplieApiConfig.clientUri;
// TODO need a way to have middleware in Oauth3.request for TherapySession et al
return Oauth3.request(preq).then(function (resp) {
var err;
var data = || {};
if (data.error) {
err = new Error(data.error.message || data.errorDescription);
err.message = data.error.message || data.errorDescription;
err.code = ||;
err.uri = '' + ( ||;
return $q.reject(err);
if (!(data.code || data.accessToken)) {
err = new Error("No grant code");
return $q.reject(err);
return data;
}).then(function (data) {
redirectUri += separator + Oauth3.querystringify({
state: scope.appQuery.state
, code: data.code
, access_token: data.access_token
, expires_at: data.expires_at
, expires_in: data.expires_in
, scope: data.scope
, refresh_token: data.refresh_token
, refresh_expires_at: data.refresh_expires_at
, refresh_expires_in: data.refresh_expires_in
if ('token' === scope.appQuery.response_type) {
window.location.href = redirectUri;
else if ('code' === scope.appQuery.response_type) {
else {
console.warn("Grant Code NOT IMPLEMENTED for '" + scope.appQuery.response_type + "'");
throw new Error("Grant Code NOT IMPLEMENTED for '" + scope.appQuery.response_type + "'");
}, function (err) {
redirectUri += separator + Oauth3.querystringify({
error: err.code || 'server_error'
, error_description: err.message || "Server Error: It's not your fault"
, error_uri: err.uri || ''
, state: scope.appQuery.state
console.error('Grant Code Error NOT IMPLEMENTED');
//window.location.href = redirectUri;
, hackFormSubmitHelper: function (uri) {
// TODO de-jQuerify
//window.location.href = redirectUri;
// the only way to do a POST that redirects the current window
window.jQuery('form.js-hack-hidden-form').attr('action', uri);
// give time for the apply to take place
window.setTimeout(function () {
}, 50);
browser.requests = browser.authn;
Object.keys(browser).forEach(function (key) {
if ('requests' === key) {
Object.keys(browser.requests).forEach(function (key) {
OAUTH3.requests[key] = browser.requests[key];
OAUTH3[key] = browser[key];
}('undefined' !== typeof exports ? exports : window));
@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
|||||| = function (providerUri, opts) {
opts = opts || {};
console.log('DEBUG', providerUri);
if (opts.directives) {
return oauth3.PromiseA.resolve(opts.directives);
var promise;
var promise2;
var directives;
var updatedAt;
var fresh;
providerUri = oauth3.normalizeUrl(providerUri);
try {
directives = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('oauth3.' + providerUri + '.directives'));
console.log('DEBUG cache', directives);
updatedAt = localStorage.getItem('oauth3.' + providerUri + '.directives.updated_at');
console.log('DEBUG updatedAt', updatedAt);
updatedAt = new Date(updatedAt).valueOf();
console.log('DEBUG updatedAt', updatedAt);
} catch(e) {
// ignore
fresh = ( - updatedAt) < (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
if (directives) {
promise = oauth3.PromiseA.resolve(directives);
if (fresh) {
//console.log('[local] [fresh directives]', directives);
return promise;
promise2 = oauth3._discoverHelper(providerUri, opts);
return promise || promise2;
@ -1,473 +0,0 @@
;(function (exports) {
'use strict';
// NOTE: we assume that directive.provider_uri exists
var core = {};
core.urls = core;
function getDefaultAppApiBase() {
console.warn('[deprecated] using when opts.appApiBase should be used');
return 'https://' +;
core.parsescope = function (scope) {
return (scope||'').split(/[+, ]/g);
core.stringifyscope = function (scope) {
if (Array.isArray(scope)) {
scope = scope.join(' ');
return scope;
core.querystringify = function (params) {
var qs = [];
Object.keys(params).forEach(function (key) {
// TODO nullify instead?
if ('undefined' === typeof params[key]) {
if ('scope' === key) {
params[key] = core.stringifyscope(params[key]);
qs.push(encodeURIComponent(key) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(params[key]));
return qs.join('&');
// Modified from
core.queryparse = function (search) {
// parse a query or a hash
if (-1 !== ['#', '?'].indexOf(search[0])) {
search = search.substring(1);
// Solve for case of search within hash
// example: #/authorization_dialog/?state=...&redirect_uri=...
var queryIndex = search.indexOf('?');
if (-1 !== queryIndex) {
search = search.substr(queryIndex + 1);
var args = search.split('&');
var argsParsed = {};
var i, arg, kvp, key, value;
for (i = 0; i < args.length; i += 1) {
arg = args[i];
if (-1 === arg.indexOf('=')) {
argsParsed[decodeURIComponent(arg).trim()] = true;
else {
kvp = arg.split('=');
key = decodeURIComponent(kvp[0]).trim();
value = decodeURIComponent(kvp[1]).trim();
argsParsed[key] = value;
return argsParsed;
core.formatError = function (providerUri, params) {
var err = new Error(params.error_description || params.error.message || "Unknown error when discoving provider '" + providerUri + "'");
err.uri = params.error_uri || params.error.uri;
err.code = params.error.code || params.error;
return err;
core.normalizePath = function (path) {
return path.replace(/^\//, '').replace(/\/$/, '');
core.normalizeUri = function (providerUri) {
// tested with
return providerUri
.replace(/^(https?:\/\/)?/i, '')
.replace(/\/?$/, '')
core.normalizeUrl = function (providerUri) {
// tested with
return providerUri
.replace(/^(https?:\/\/)?/i, 'https://')
.replace(/\/?$/, '')
// these might not really belong in core... not sure
// there should be node.js- and browser-specific versions probably
core.utils = {
urlSafeBase64ToBase64: function (b64) {
// URL-safe Base64 to Base64
var mod = b64.length % 4;
if (2 === mod) { b64 += '=='; }
if (3 === mod) { b64 += '='; }
b64 = b64.replace(/-/g, '+').replace(/_/g, '/');
return b64;
, base64ToUrlSafeBase64: function (b64) {
// Base64 to URL-safe Base64
b64 = b64.replace(/\+/g, '-').replace(/\//g, '_');
b64 = b64.replace(/=+/g, '');
return b64;
, randomState: function () {
var i;
var ch;
var str;
// TODO put in different file for browser vs node
try {
return Uint8Array(16))).map(function (ch) { return (ch).toString(16); }).join('');
} catch(e) {
// TODO use fisher-yates on 0..255 and select [0] 16 times
// [security]
// Note: newer versions of v8 do not have this bug, but other engines may still
console.warn('[security] crypto.getRandomValues() failed, falling back to Math.random()');
str = '';
for (i = 0; i < 32; i += 1) {
ch = Math.round(Math.random() * 255).toString(16);
if (ch.length < 2) { ch = '0' + ch; }
str += ch;
return str;
core.jwt = {
// decode only (no verification)
decode: function (str) {
// ''
// [ 'abc', 'qrs', 'xyz' ]
// [ {}, {}, 'foo' ]
// { header: {}, payload: {}, signature: }
var parts = str.split(/\./g);
var jsons = parts.slice(0, 2).map(function (urlsafe64) {
var atob = exports.atob || require('atob');
var b64 = core.utils.urlSafeBase64ToBase64(urlsafe64);
return atob(b64);
return {
header: JSON.parse(jsons[0])
, payload: JSON.parse(jsons[1])
, signature: parts[2] // should remain url-safe base64
, getFreshness: function (tokenMeta, staletime, now) {
staletime = staletime || (15 * 60);
now = now ||;
var fresh = ((parseInt(tokenMeta.exp, 10) || 0) - Math.round(now / 1000));
if (fresh >= staletime) {
return 'fresh';
if (fresh <= 0) {
return 'expired';
return 'stale';
// encode-only (no signature)
, encode: function (parts) {
parts.header = parts.header || { alg: 'none', typ: 'jwt' };
parts.signature = parts.signature || '';
var btoa = exports.btoa || require('btoa');
var result = [
core.utils.base64ToUrlSafeBase64(btoa(JSON.stringify(parts.header, null)))
, core.utils.base64ToUrlSafeBase64(btoa(JSON.stringify(parts.payload, null)))
, parts.signature // should already be url-safe base64
return result;
|||||| = function (providerUri, opts) {
if (!providerUri) {
throw new Error("cannot discover without providerUri");
if (!opts.client_id) {
throw new Error("cannot discover without options.client_id");
var clientId = core.normalizeUrl(opts.client_id || opts.client_uri);
providerUri = core.normalizeUrl(providerUri);
var params = {
action: 'directives'
, state: core.utils.randomState()
, redirect_uri: clientId + (opts.client_callback_path || '/.well-known/oauth3/callback.html')
, response_type: 'rpc'
, _method: 'GET'
, _pathname: '.well-known/oauth3/directives.json'
, debug: opts.debug || undefined
var result = {
url: providerUri + '/.well-known/oauth3/#/?' + core.querystringify(params)
, state: params.state
, method: 'GET'
, query: params
return result;
core.urls.authorizationCode = function (/*directive, scope, redirectUri, clientId*/) {
// Example Authorization Code Request
// (not for use in the browser)
// GET
// ?response_type=code
// &scope=`encodeURIComponent('profile.login')`
// &state=`cryptoutil.random().toString('hex')`
// &client_id=xxxxxxxxxxx
// &redirect_uri=`encodeURIComponent('')`
// NOTE: `redirect_uri` itself may also contain URI-encoded components
// NOTE: This probably shouldn't be done in the browser because the server
// needs to initiate the state. If it is done in a browser, the browser
// should probably request 'state' from the server beforehand
throw new Error("not implemented");
core.urls.authorizationRedirect = function (directive, opts) {
// Example Authorization Redirect - from Browser to Consumer API
// (for generating a session securely on your own server)
// i.e. GET https://<<CONSUMER>>.com/api/org.oauth3.consumer/authorization_redirect/<<PROVIDER>>.com
// GET`encodeURIComponent('')`
// &scope=`encodeURIComponent('profile.login')`
// (optional)
// &state=`cryptoutil.random().toString('hex')`
// &redirect_uri=`encodeURIComponent('')`
// NOTE: This is not a request sent to the provider, but rather a request sent to the
// consumer (your own API) which then sets some state and redirects.
// This will initiate the `authorization_code` request on your server
opts = opts || {};
var scope = opts.scope || directive.authn_scope;
var providerUri = directive.provider_uri;
var params = {
state: core.utils.randomState()
, debug: opts.debug || undefined
var slimProviderUri = encodeURIComponent(providerUri.replace(/^(https?|spdy):\/\//, ''));
var authorizationRedirect = opts.authorizationRedirect;
if (scope) {
params.scope = scope;
if (opts.redirectUri) {
// this is really only for debugging
params.redirect_uri = opts.redirectUri;
// Note: the type check is necessary because we allow 'true'
// as an automatic mechanism when it isn't necessary to specify
if ('string' !== typeof authorizationRedirect) {
// TODO oauth3.json for self?
authorizationRedirect = (opts.appApiBase || getDefaultAppApiBase())
+ '/api/org.oauth3.consumer/authorization_redirect/:provider_uri';
authorizationRedirect = authorizationRedirect
.replace(/!(provider_uri)/, slimProviderUri)
.replace(/:provider_uri/, slimProviderUri)
.replace(/#{provider_uri}/, slimProviderUri)
.replace(/{{provider_uri}}/, slimProviderUri)
return {
url: authorizationRedirect + '?' + core.querystringify(params)
, method: 'GET'
, state: params.state // this becomes browser_state
, params: params // includes scope, final redirect_uri?
core.urls.implicitGrant = function (directive, opts) {
// Example Implicit Grant Request
// (for generating a browser-only session, not a session on your server)
// GET
// ?response_type=token
// &scope=`encodeURIComponent('profile.login')`
// &state=`cryptoutil.random().toString('hex')`
// &client_id=xxxxxxxxxxx
// &redirect_uri=`encodeURIComponent('')`
// NOTE: `redirect_uri` itself may also contain URI-encoded components
opts = opts || {};
var type = 'authorization_dialog';
var responseType = 'token';
var redirectUri = opts.redirect_uri;
var scope = opts.scope || directive.authn_scope;
var args = directive[type];
var uri = args.url;
var state = core.utils.randomState();
var params = {
debug: opts.debug || undefined
, client_uri: opts.client_uri || opts.clientUri || undefined
, client_id: opts.client_id || opts.client_uri || undefined
var result;
params.state = state;
params.response_type = responseType;
if (scope) {
params.scope = core.stringifyscope(scope);
if (!redirectUri) {
// TODO consider making this optional
console.error('missing redirect_uri');
params.redirect_uri = redirectUri;
uri += '?' + core.querystringify(params);
result = {
url: uri
, state: state
, method: args.method
, query: params
return result;
core.urls.resolve = function (base, next) {
if (/^https:\/\//i.test(next)) {
return next;
return core.normalizeUrl(base) + '/' + core.normalizePath(next);
core.urls.refreshToken = function (directive, opts) {
// grant_type=refresh_token
// Example Refresh Token Request
// (generally for 1st or 3rd party server-side, mobile, and desktop apps)
// { "grant_type": "refresh_token", "client_id": "<<id>>", "scope": "<<scope>>"
// , "username": "<<username>>", "password": "password" }
opts = opts || {};
var type = 'access_token';
var grantType = 'refresh_token';
var scope = opts.scope || directive.authn_scope;
var clientSecret = opts.appSecret || opts.clientSecret;
var args = directive[type];
var params = {
"grant_type": grantType
, "refresh_token": opts.refresh_token || opts.refreshToken || (opts.session && opts.session.refresh_token)
, "response_type": 'token'
, "client_id": opts.appId || opts.app_id || opts.client_id || opts.clientId || opts.client_id || opts.clientId
, "client_uri": opts.client_uri || opts.clientUri
//, "scope": undefined
//, "client_secret": undefined
, debug: opts.debug || undefined
var uri = args.url;
var body;
// TODO not allowed in the browser
if (clientSecret) {
params.client_secret = clientSecret;
if (scope) {
params.scope = core.stringifyscope(scope);
if ('GET' === args.method.toUpperCase()) {
uri += '?' + core.querystringify(params);
} else {
body = params;
return {
url: uri
, method: args.method
, data: body
core.urls.logout = function (directive, opts) {
opts = opts || {};
var type = 'logout';
var clientId = opts.appId || opts.clientId || opts.client_id;
var args = directive[type];
var params = {
client_id: opts.clientUri || opts.client_uri
, debug: opts.debug || undefined
var uri = args.url;
var body;
if (opts.clientUri) {
params.client_uri = opts.clientUri;
if (clientId) {
params.client_id = clientId;
args.method = (args.method || 'GET').toUpperCase();
if ('GET' === args.method) {
uri += '?' + core.querystringify(params);
} else {
body = params;
return {
url: uri
, method: args.method || 'GET'
, data: body
exports.OAUTH3 = exports.OAUTH3 || { core: core };
exports.OAUTH3_CORE = core.OAUTH3_CORE = core;
if ('undefined' !== typeof module) {
module.exports = core;
}('undefined' !== typeof exports ? exports : window));
@ -1,302 +0,0 @@
;(function (exports) {
'use strict';
var core = window.OAUTH3_CORE;
// Provider-Only
core.urls.loginCode = function (directive, opts) {
// Example Resource Owner Password Request
// (generally for 1st party and direct-partner mobile apps, and webapps)
// { "request_otp": true, "client_id": "<<id>>", "scope": "<<scope>>"
// , "username": "<<username>>" }
opts = opts || {};
var clientId = opts.appId || opts.clientId;
var args = directive.credential_otp;
if (!directive.credential_otp) {
console.log('[debug] loginCode directive:');
var params = {
"username": || opts.username
, "request_otp": true // opts.requestOtp || undefined
//, "jwt": opts.jwt // TODO sign a proof
, debug: opts.debug || undefined
var uri = args.url;
var body;
if (opts.clientUri) {
params.client_uri = opts.clientUri;
if (opts.clientAgreeTos) {
params.client_agree_tos = opts.clientAgreeTos;
if (clientId) {
params.client_id = clientId;
if ('GET' === args.method.toUpperCase()) {
uri += '?' + core.querystringify(params);
} else {
body = params;
return {
url: uri
, method: args.method
, data: body
core.urls.resourceOwnerPassword = function (directive, opts) {
// Example Resource Owner Password Request
// (generally for 1st party and direct-partner mobile apps, and webapps)
// { "grant_type": "password", "client_id": "<<id>>", "scope": "<<scope>>"
// , "username": "<<username>>", "password": "password" }
opts = opts || {};
var type = 'access_token';
var grantType = 'password';
if (!opts.password) {
if (opts.otp) {
// for backwards compat
opts.password = opts.otp; // 'otp:' + opts.otpUuid + ':' + opts.otp;
var scope = opts.scope || directive.authn_scope;
var clientId = opts.appId || opts.clientId || opts.client_id;
var clientAgreeTos = opts.clientAgreeTos || opts.client_agree_tos;
var clientUri = opts.clientUri || opts.client_uri || opts.clientUrl || opts.client_url;
var args = directive[type];
var otpCode = opts.otp || opts.otpCode || opts.otp_code || opts.otpToken || opts.otp_token || undefined;
var params = {
"grant_type": grantType
, "username": opts.username
, "password": opts.password || otpCode || undefined
, "totp": opts.totp || opts.totpToken || opts.totp_token || undefined
, "otp": otpCode
, "password_type": otpCode && 'otp'
, "otp_code": otpCode
, "otp_uuid": opts.otpUuid || opts.otp_uuid || undefined
, "user_agent": opts.userAgent || opts.useragent || opts.user_agent || undefined // AJ's Macbook
, "jwk": (opts.rememberDevice || opts.remember_device) && opts.jwk || undefined
//, "public_key": opts.rememberDevice && opts.publicKey || undefined
//, "public_key_type": opts.rememberDevice && opts.publicKeyType || undefined // RSA/ECDSA
//, "jwt": opts.jwt // TODO sign a proof with a previously loaded public_key
, debug: opts.debug || undefined
var uri = args.url;
var body;
if (opts.totp) {
params.totp = opts.totp;
if (clientId) {
params.clientId = clientId;
if (clientUri) {
params.clientUri = clientUri;
params.clientAgreeTos = clientAgreeTos;
if (!clientAgreeTos) {
throw new Error('Developer Error: missing clientAgreeTos uri');
if (scope) {
params.scope = core.stringifyscope(scope);
if ('GET' === args.method.toUpperCase()) {
uri += '?' + core.querystringify(params);
} else {
body = params;
return {
url: uri
, method: args.method
, data: body
core.urls.grants = function (directive, opts) {
// directive = { issuer, authorization_decision }
// opts = { response_type, scopes{ granted, requested, pending, accepted } }
if (!opts) {
throw new Error("You must supply a directive and an options object.");
if (!opts.client_id) {
throw new Error("You must supply options.client_id.");
if (!opts.session) {
throw new Error("You must supply options.session.");
if (!opts.referrer) {
console.warn("You should supply options.referrer");
if (!opts.method) {
console.warn("You must supply options.method as either 'GET', or 'POST'");
if ('POST' === opts.method) {
if ('string' !== typeof opts.scope) {
console.warn("You should supply options.scope as a space-delimited string of scopes");
if (-1 === ['token', 'code'].indexOf(opts.response_type)) {
throw new Error("You must supply options.response_type as 'token' or 'code'");
var url = core.urls.resolve(directive.issuer, directive.grants.url)
.replace(/(:azp|:client_id)/g, core.normalizeUri(opts.client_id || opts.client_uri))
.replace(/(:sub|:account_id)/g, opts.session.token.sub)
var data = {
client_id: opts.client_id
, client_uri: opts.client_uri
, referrer: opts.referrer
, response_type: opts.response_type
, scope: opts.scope
, tenant_id: opts.tenant_id
var body;
if ('GET' === opts.method) {
url += '?' + core.querystringify(data);
else {
body = data;
return {
method: opts.method
, url: url
, data: body
, session: opts.session
core.urls.authorizationDecision = function (directive, opts) {
var url = core.urls.resolve(directive.issuer, directive.authorization_decision.url);
if (!opts) {
throw new Error("You must supply a directive and an options object");
throw new Error("NOT IMPLEMENTED authorization_decision");
core.authz = core.authz || {};
core.authz.scopes = function (session, clientParams) {
// OAuth3.requests.grants(providerUri, {}); // return list of grants
// OAuth3.checkGrants(providerUri, {}); //
var clientUri = OAUTH3.core.normalizeUri(clientParams.client_uri || window.document.referrer);
var scope = clientParams.scope || '';
var clientObj = clientParams;
if (!scope) {
scope = 'oauth3_authn';
//$('.js-user-avatar').attr('src', userAvatar);
console.log('grants options');
return OAUTH3.requests.grants(, {
method: 'GET'
, client_id: clientUri
, client_uri: clientUri
, session: session
}).then(function (grantResults) {
var grants;
var grantedScopes;
var grantedScopesMap;
var pendingScopes;
var acceptedScopes;
var scopes = scope.split(/[+, ]/g);
var callbackUrl;
console.log('previous grants:');
if ( {
window.alert('grantResults: ' + ||;
// it doesn't matter who the referrer is as long as the destination
// is an authorized destination for the client in question
// (though it may not hurt to pass the referrer's info on to the client)
if (!OAUTH3.checkRedirect(, clientObj)) {
callbackUrl = ''
+ '?redirect_uri=' + clientObj.redirect_uri
+ '&allowed_urls=' +
+ '&client_id=' + clientUri
+ '&referrer_uri=' + OAUTH3.core.normalizeUri(window.document.referrer)
location.href = callbackUrl;
if ('oauth3_authn' === scope) {
// implicit ppid grant is automatic
console.warn('[security] fix scope checking on backend so that we can do automatic grants');
// TODO check user preference if implicit ppid grant is allowed
//return generateToken(session, clientObj);
grants = (grantResults.originalData|| (grant) {
if (clientUri === (grant.azp || grant.oauth_client_id || grant.oauthClientId)) {
return true;
grantedScopesMap = {};
acceptedScopes = [];
pendingScopes = scopes.filter(function (requestedScope) {
return grants.every(function (grant) {
if (!grant.scope) {
grant.scope = 'oauth3_authn';
var gscopes = grant.scope.split(/[+, ]/g);
gscopes.forEach(function (s) { grantedScopesMap[s] = true; });
if (-1 !== gscopes.indexOf(requestedScope)) {
// already accepted in the past
else {
// true, is pending
return true;
grantedScopes = Object.keys(grantedScopesMap);
return {
pending: pendingScopes // not yet accepted
, granted: grantedScopes // all granted, ever
, requested: scopes // all requested, now
, accepted: acceptedScopes // granted (ever) and requested (now)
exports.OAUTH3_CORE_PROVIDER = core;
if ('undefined' !== typeof module) {
module.exports = core;
}('undefined' !== typeof exports ? exports : window));
@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
(function () {
'use strict';
// I did try to shim jQuery's deferred, but it's just too clunky.
// Here I use es6-promise which lacks asynchrity, but it's the smallest Promise implementation.
// Only Opera Mini and MSIE (even on 11) will use this shim, so no biggie;
var oauth3 = window.OAUTH3;
var count = 0;
function inject() {
count += 1;
if (count >= 100) {
throw new Error("you forgot to include rsvp.js, methinks");
[window.Promise, window.ES6Promise, window.RSVP.Promise].forEach(function (PromiseA) {
var x = 1; new PromiseA(function (resolve, reject) { console.log('x', 1 === x); resolve(); }); x = 2; void null;
var y = 1; PromiseA.resolve().then(function () { console.log('y', 2 === x); }); y = 2; void null;
var PromiseA = /*(window.RSVP && window.RSVP.Promise) || window.ES6Promise || */window.Promise;
if ('undefined' !== typeof PromiseA) {
oauth3.providePromise(PromiseA).then(function () {
// ignore
window.jqOauth3 = oauth3;
}, function (err) {
console.error("Bad Promise Implementation!");
// because MSIE can't tell when a script is loaded
setTimeout(inject, 100);
if ('undefined' === typeof Promise) {
// support Opera Mini and MSIE 11+ (which doesn't support <!-- [if IE]> detection)
/* jshint ignore: start */
document.write('<script src="bower_components/es6-promise/promise.min.js"></script>');
/* jshint ignore: end */
// I would have used this, but it turns out that
// MSIE can't tell when a script has loaded
var js = document.createElement("script");
js.setAttribute("src", "bower_components/es6-promise/promise.js");
js.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript");
function Request(opts) {
if (!opts.method) {
throw new Error("Developer Error: you must set method as one of 'GET', 'POST', 'DELETE', etc");
var req = {
url: opts.url
// Noted: jQuery 1.9 finally added 'method' as an alias of 'type'
, method: opts.method
// leaving type for backwards compat
, type: opts.method
, headers: opts.headers || {}
// don't allow accidetal querystring via 'data'
if ( && !/get|delete/i.test(opts.method)) {
|||||| =;
if ( && 'object' === typeof {
|||||| = JSON.stringify(;
req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8';
// I don't trust jQuery promises...
return new oauth3.PromiseA(function (resolve, reject) {
$.ajax(req).then(function (data, textStatus, jqXhr) {
var resp = {};
Object.keys(jqXhr).forEach(function (key) {
// particularly we have to get rid of .then
if ('function' !== typeof jqXhr[key]) {
resp[key] = jqXhr[key];
|||||| = data;
resp.status = textStatus;
resp.request = jqXhr;
}, function (jqXhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
errorThrown.request = jqXhr;
errorThrown.response = jqXhr;
errorThrown.status = textStatus;
@ -1,445 +0,0 @@
/* global Promise */
(function (exports) {
'use strict';
var oauth3 = {};
var core = exports.OAUTH3_CORE || require('./oauth3.core.js');
oauth3.requests = {};
if ('undefined' !== typeof Promise) {
oauth3.PromiseA = Promise;
} else {
console.warn("[oauth3.js] Remember to call oauth3.providePromise(Promise) with a proper Promise implementation");
oauth3.providePromise = function (PromiseA) {
oauth3.PromiseA = PromiseA;
if (oauth3._testPromise) {
return oauth3._testPromise(PromiseA).then(function () {
oauth3.PromiseA = PromiseA;
oauth3.PromiseA = PromiseA;
return PromiseA.resolve();
// TODO move recase out
oauth3._recaseRequest = function (recase, req) {
// convert JavaScript camelCase to oauth3/ruby snake_case
if ( && 'object' === typeof {
req.originalData =;
|||||| = recase.snakeCopy(;
return req;
oauth3._recaseResponse = function (recase, resp) {
// convert oauth3/ruby snake_case to JavaScript camelCase
if ( && 'object' === typeof {
resp.originalData =;
|||||| = recase.camelCopy(;
return resp;
oauth3.hooks = {
checkSession: function (preq, opts) {
if (!preq.session) {
console.warn('[oauth3.hooks.checkSession] no session');
return oauth3.PromiseA.resolve(null);
var freshness = oauth3.core.jwt.getFreshness(preq.session.token, opts.staletime);
||||||'[oauth3.hooks.checkSession] freshness', freshness, preq.session);
switch (freshness) {
case 'stale':
return oauth3.hooks.sessionStale(preq.session);
case 'expired':
return oauth3.hooks.sessionExpired(preq.session).then(function (newSession) {
preq.session = newSession;
return newSession;
//case 'fresh':
return oauth3.PromiseA.resolve(preq.session);
, sessionStale: function (staleSession) {
||||||'[oauth3.hooks.sessionStale] called');
if (oauth3.hooks._stalePromise) {
return oauth3.PromiseA.resolve(staleSession);
oauth3.hooks._stalePromise = oauth3.requests.refreshToken(
, { client_uri: staleSession.client_uri
, session: staleSession
, debug: staleSession.debug
).then(function (newSession) {
oauth3.hooks._stalePromise = null;
return newSession; // oauth3.hooks.refreshSession(staleSession, newSession);
}, function () {
oauth3.hooks._stalePromise = null;
return oauth3.PromiseA.resolve(staleSession);
, sessionExpired: function (expiredSession) {
||||||'[oauth3.hooks.sessionExpired] called');
return oauth3.requests.refreshToken(
, { client_uri: expiredSession.client_uri
, session: expiredSession
, debug: expiredSession.debug
).then(function (newSession) {
return newSession; // oauth3.hooks.refreshSession(expiredSession, newSession);
, refreshSession: function (oldSession, newSession) {
var providerUri = oldSession.provider_uri;
var clientUri = oldSession.client_uri;
||||||'[oauth3.hooks.refreshSession] oldSession', JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(oldSession)));
||||||'[oauth3.hooks.refreshSession] newSession', newSession);
// shim for account create which does not return new refresh_token
newSession.refresh_token = newSession.refresh_token || oldSession.refresh_token;
Object.keys(oldSession).forEach(function (key) {
oldSession[key] = undefined;
Object.keys(newSession).forEach(function (key) {
oldSession[key] = newSession[key];
// info about the session of this API call
oldSession.provider_uri = providerUri; // aud
oldSession.client_uri = clientUri; // azp
// info about the newly-discovered token
oldSession.token = oldSession.meta = core.jwt.decode(oldSession.access_token).payload;
oldSession.token.sub = oldSession.token.sub
|| (oldSession.token.acx &&
|| (oldSession.token.axs && oldSession.token.axs.length && oldSession.token.axs[0].appScopedId)
oldSession.token.client_uri = clientUri;
oldSession.token.provider_uri = providerUri;
if (!oldSession.token.sub) {
// TODO this is broken hard
console.warn('TODO implementation for OAUTH3.hooks.accounts.create (GUI, CLI, or API)');
if (oldSession.refresh_token) {
oldSession.refresh = core.jwt.decode(oldSession.refresh_token).payload;
oldSession.refresh.sub = oldSession.refresh.sub
|| (oldSession.refresh.acx &&
|| (oldSession.refresh.axs && oldSession.refresh.axs.length && oldSession.refresh.axs[0].appScopedId)
oldSession.refresh.provider_uri = providerUri;
||||||'[oauth3.hooks.refreshSession] refreshedSession', oldSession);
// set for a set of audiences
return oauth3.PromiseA.resolve(oauth3.hooks.setSession(providerUri, oldSession));
, setSession: function (providerUri, newSession) {
if (!providerUri) {
console.error(new Error('no providerUri').stack);
providerUri = oauth3.core.normalizeUri(providerUri);
console.warn('[ERROR] Please implement OAUTH3.hooks.setSession = function (providerUri, newSession) { return newSession; }');
if (!oauth3.hooks._sessions) { oauth3.hooks._sessions = {}; }
oauth3.hooks._sessions[providerUri] = newSession;
return newSession;
, getSession: function (providerUri) {
providerUri = oauth3.core.normalizeUri(providerUri);
console.warn('[ERROR] Please implement OAUTH3.hooks.getSession = function (providerUri) { return savedSession; }');
if (!oauth3.hooks._sessions) { oauth3.hooks._sessions = {}; }
return oauth3.hooks._sessions[providerUri];
, setDirectives: function (providerUri, directives) {
providerUri = oauth3.core.normalizeUri(providerUri);
console.warn('[oauth3.hooks.setDirectives] PLEASE IMPLEMENT -- Your Fault');
if (!oauth3.hooks._directives) { oauth3.hooks._directives = {}; }
window.localStorage.setItem('directives-' + providerUri, JSON.stringify(directives));
oauth3.hooks._directives[providerUri] = directives;
return directives;
, getDirectives: function (providerUri) {
providerUri = oauth3.core.normalizeUri(providerUri);
console.warn('[oauth3.hooks.getDirectives] PLEASE IMPLEMENT -- Your Fault');
if (!oauth3.hooks._directives) { oauth3.hooks._directives = {}; }
return JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem('directives-' + providerUri) || '{}');
//return oauth3.hooks._directives[providerUri];
// Provider Only
, setGrants: function (clientUri, newGrants) {
clientUri = oauth3.core.normalizeUri(clientUri);
console.warn('[oauth3.hooks.setGrants] PLEASE IMPLEMENT -- Your Fault');
if (!oauth3.hooks._grants) { oauth3.hooks._grants = {}; }
console.log('clientUri, newGrants');
console.log(clientUri, newGrants);
oauth3.hooks._grants[clientUri] = newGrants;
return newGrants;
, getGrants: function (clientUri) {
clientUri = oauth3.core.normalizeUri(clientUri);
console.warn('[oauth3.hooks.getGrants] PLEASE IMPLEMENT -- Your Fault');
if (!oauth3.hooks._grants) { oauth3.hooks._grants = {}; }
console.log('clientUri, existingGrants');
console.log(clientUri, oauth3.hooks._grants[clientUri]);
return oauth3.hooks._grants[clientUri];
// TODO simplify (nix recase)
oauth3.provideRequest = function (rawRequest, opts) {
opts = opts || {};
//var Recase = exports.Recase || require('recase');
// TODO make insensitive to providing exceptions
//var recase = Recase.create({ exceptions: {} });
function lintAndRequest(preq) {
function goGetHer() {
if (preq.session) {
// TODO check session.token.aud against preq.url to make sure they match
console.warn("[security] session audience checking has not been implemented yet (it's up to you to check)");
preq.headers = preq.headers || {};
preq.headers.Authorization = 'Bearer ' + preq.session.access_token;
if (!oauth3._lintRequest) {
return rawRequest(preq);
return oauth3._lintRequest(preq, opts).then(function (preq) {
return rawRequest(preq);
if (!preq.session) {
return goGetHer();
console.warn('lintAndRequest checkSession', preq);
return oauth3.hooks.checkSession(preq, opts).then(goGetHer);
if (opts.rawCase) {
oauth3.request = lintAndRequest;
// Wrap oauth3 api calls in snake_case / camelCase conversion
oauth3.request = function (req, opts) {
//console.log('[D] [oauth3 req.url]', req.url);
opts = opts || {};
if (opts.rawCase) {
return lintAndRequest(req, opts);
//req = oauth3._recaseRequest(recase, req);
return lintAndRequest(req, opts).then(function (res) {
//return oauth3._recaseResponse(recase, res);
return res;
return oauth3._testRequest(request).then(function () {
oauth3.request = request;
// TODO merge with regular token access point and new response_type=federated ?
oauth3.requests.clientToken = function (providerUri, opts) {
return, opts).then(function (directive) {
return oauth3.request(core.urls.grants(directive, opts)).then(function (grantsResult) {
return grantsResult.originalData ||;
oauth3.requests.grants = function (providerUri, opts) {
return, {
client_id: providerUri
, debug: opts.debug
}).then(function (directive) {
return oauth3.request(core.urls.grants(directive, opts)).then(function (grantsResult) {
if ('POST' === opts.method) {
// TODO this is clientToken
return grantsResult.originalData ||;
var grants = grantsResult.originalData ||;
if (grants.error) {
return oauth3.PromiseA.reject(oauth3.core.formatError(grants.error));
console.warn('requests.grants', grants);
oauth3.hooks.setGrants(opts.client_id + '-client', grants.client);
grants.grants.forEach(function (grant) {
var clientId = grant.client_id || grant.oauth_client_id || grant.oauthClientId;
// TODO should save as an array
oauth3.hooks.setGrants(clientId, [ grant ]);
return {
client: oauth3.hooks.getGrants(opts.client_id + '-client')
, grants: oauth3.hooks.getGrants(opts.client_id) || []
oauth3.requests.loginCode = function (providerUri, opts) {
return, opts).then(function (directive) {
var prequest = core.urls.loginCode(directive, opts);
return oauth3.request(prequest).then(function (res) {
// result = { uuid, expires_at }
return {
, otpExpires:
oauth3.loginCode = oauth3.requests.loginCode;
oauth3.requests.resourceOwnerPassword = function (providerUri, opts) {
//var scope = opts.scope;
//var appId = opts.appId;
return, opts).then(function (directive) {
var prequest = core.urls.resourceOwnerPassword(directive, opts);
return oauth3.request(prequest).then(function (req) {
var data = (req.originalData ||;
data.provider_uri = providerUri;
if (data.error) {
return oauth3.PromiseA.reject(oauth3.core.formatError(providerUri, data.error));
return oauth3.hooks.refreshSession(
opts.session || { provider_uri: providerUri, client_uri: opts.client_uri || opts.clientUri }
, data
oauth3.resourceOwnerPassword = oauth3.requests.resourceOwnerPassword;
oauth3.requests.refreshToken = function (providerUri, opts) {
||||||'[oauth3.requests.refreshToken] called', providerUri, opts);
return, opts).then(function (directive) {
var prequest = core.urls.refreshToken(directive, opts);
return oauth3.request(prequest).then(function (req) {
var data = (req.originalData ||;
data.provider_uri = providerUri;
if (data.error) {
return oauth3.PromiseA.reject(oauth3.core.formatError(providerUri, data));
return oauth3.hooks.refreshSession(opts, data);
oauth3.refreshToken = oauth3.requests.refreshToken;
// TODO It'll be very interesting to see if we can do some browser popup stuff from the CLI
oauth3.requests._error_description = 'Not Implemented: Please override by including <script src="oauth3.browser.js"></script>';
oauth3.requests.authorizationRedirect = function (/*providerUri, opts*/) {
throw new Error(oauth3.requests._error_description);
oauth3.requests.implicitGrant = function (/*providerUri, opts*/) {
throw new Error(oauth3.requests._error_description);
oauth3.requests.logout = function (/*providerUri, opts*/) {
throw new Error(oauth3.requests._error_description);
oauth3.login = function (providerUri, opts) {
// Four styles of login:
// * background (hidden iframe)
// * iframe (visible iframe, needs border color and width x height params)
// * popup (needs width x height and positioning? params)
// * window (params?)
// Two strategies
// * authorization_redirect (to server authorization code)
// * implicit_grant (default, browser-only)
// If both are selected, implicit happens first and then the other happens in background
var promise;
if (opts.username || opts.password) {
/* jshint ignore:start */
// ingore "confusing use of !"
if (!opts.username !== !(opts.password || opts.otp)) {
throw new Error("you did not specify both username and password");
/* jshint ignore:end */
return oauth3.requests.resourceOwnerPassword(providerUri, opts).then(function (resp) {
if (!resp || ! {
var err = new Error("bad response");
err.response = resp;
|||||| = resp && || undefined;
return oauth3.PromiseA.reject(err);
// TODO support dual-strategy login
// by default, always get implicitGrant (for client)
// and optionally do authorizationCode (for server session)
if ('background' === opts.type || opts.background) {
opts.type = 'background';
opts.background = true;
else {
opts.type = 'popup';
opts.popup = true;
if (opts.authorizationRedirect) {
promise = oauth3.requests.authorizationRedirect(providerUri, opts);
else {
promise = oauth3.requests.implicitGrant(providerUri, opts);
return promise;
oauth3.backgroundLogin = function (providerUri, opts) {
opts = opts || {};
opts.type = 'background';
return oauth3.login(providerUri, opts);
oauth3.core = core;
oauth3.querystringify = core.querystringify;
oauth3.scopestringify = core.stringifyscope;
oauth3.stringifyscope = core.stringifyscope;
exports.OAUTH3 = oauth3.oauth3 = oauth3.OAUTH3 = oauth3;
exports.oauth3 = exports.OAUTH3;
if ('undefined' !== typeof module) {
module.exports = oauth3;
}('undefined' !== typeof exports ? exports : window));
@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
// TODO move to a test / lint suite?
oauth3._lintPromise = function (PromiseA) {
var promise;
var x = 1;
// tests that this promise has all of the necessary api
promise = new PromiseA(function (resolve, reject) {
//console.log('x [2]', x);
if (x !== 1) {
throw new Error("bad promise, create not Synchronous [0]");
PromiseA.resolve().then(function () {
var promise2;
//console.log('x resolve', x);
if (x !== 2) {
throw new Error("bad promise, resolve not Asynchronous [1]");
promise2 = PromiseA.reject().then(reject, function () {
//console.log('x reject', x);
if (x !== 4) {
throw new Error("bad promise, reject not Asynchronous [2]");
if ('undefined' === typeof angular) {
throw new Error("[NOT AN ERROR] Dear angular users: ignore this error-handling test");
} else {
return PromiseA.reject(new Error("[NOT AN ERROR] ignore this error-handling test"));
x = 4;
return promise2;
}).catch(function (e) {
if (e.message.match('NOT AN ERROR')) {
resolve({ success: true });
} else {
x = 3;
x = 2;
return promise;
oauth3._lintDirectives = function (providerUri, directives) {
var params = { directives: directives };
console.log('DEBUG oauth3._discoverHelper', directives);
var err;
if (!params.directives) {
err = new Error(params.error_description || "Unknown error when discoving provider '" + providerUri + "'");
err.code = params.error || "E_UNKNOWN_ERROR";
return OAUTH3.PromiseA.reject(err);
try {
directives = JSON.parse(atob(params.directives));
console.log('DEBUG oauth3._discoverHelper directives', directives);
} catch(e) {
err = new Error(params.error_description || "could not parse directives for provider '" + providerUri + "'");
err.code = params.error || "E_PARSE_DIRECTIVE";
return OAUTH3.PromiseA.reject(err);
if (
(directives.authorization_dialog && directives.authorization_dialog.url)
|| (directives.access_token && directives.access_token.url)
) {
// TODO lint directives
// TODO self-reference in directive for providerUri?
directives.provider_uri = providerUri;
localStorage.setItem('oauth3.' + providerUri + '.directives', JSON.stringify(directives));
localStorage.setItem('oauth3.' + providerUri + '.directives.updated_at', new Date().toISOString());
return OAUTH3.PromiseA.resolve(directives);
} else {
// ignore
console.error("the directives provided by '" + providerUri + "' were invalid.");
params.error = params.error || "E_INVALID_DIRECTIVE";
params.error_description = params.error_description
|| "directives did not include authorization_dialog.url";
err = new Error(params.error_description || "Unknown error when discoving provider '" + providerUri + "'");
err.code = params.error;
return OAUTH3.PromiseA.reject(err);
core.tokenState = function (session) {
var fresh;
fresh = ( / 1000) >= (parseInt(session._accessTokenData.exp) || 0);
if (!fresh) {
console.log("[os] isn't fresh", session._accessTokenData.exp);
oauth3._lintRequest = function (preq, opts) {
var providerUri;
console.log('[os] request meta opts', opts);
// check that the JWT is not expired
// TODO check that this request applies to the aud and azp
if (!(preq.session && preq.session.accessToken)) {
console.log('[os] no session/accessTokenData');
return oauth3.PromiseA.resolve(preq);
preq.headers = preq.headers || {};
preq.headers.Authorization = 'Bearer ' + preq.session.accessToken;
if (!preq.session._accessTokenData) {
console.log('[os] no _accessTokenData');
preq.session._accessTokenData = core.jwt.decode(preq.session.accessToken).payload;
if (!preq.url.match(preq.session._accessTokenData.aud)) {
console.log("[os] doesn't match audience", preq.session._accessTokenData.aud);
return oauth3.PromiseA.resolve(preq);
switch (core.tokenState(session)) {
case 'fresh':
return oauth3.PromiseA.resolve(preq);
case 'stale':
case 'useless':
if (!preq.session.refreshToken) {
console.log("[os] can't refresh", preq.session);
return oauth3.PromiseA.resolve(preq);
opts.refreshToken = preq.session.refreshToken;
console.log('[oauth3.js] refreshToken attempt');
// TODO include directive?
providerUri = preq.session.providerUri || preq.session._accessTokenData.iss;
return oauth3.refreshToken(providerUri, opts).then(function (res) {
console.log('[oauth3.js] refreshToken result:', res);
if (! {
return preq;
// TODO fire session update event
|||||| = preq.session.providerUri;
preq.session =;
preq.headers.Authorization = 'Bearer ' + preq.session.accessToken;
return preq;
@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
;(function (exports) {
'use strict';
var OAUTH3 = window.OAUTH3 || require('./oauth3.js');
OAUTH3.authz = OAUTH3.authz || {};
OAUTH3.authz.scopes = function (providerUri, session, clientParams) {
// OAuth3.requests.grants(providerUri, {}); // return list of grants
// OAuth3.checkGrants(providerUri, {}); //
var clientUri = OAUTH3.core.normalizeUri(clientParams.client_id || clientParams.client_uri);
var scope = clientParams.scope || '';
var clientObj = clientParams;
if (!scope) {
scope = 'oauth3_authn';
return OAUTH3.requests.grants(providerUri, {
method: 'GET'
, client_id: clientUri
, client_uri: clientUri
, session: session
}).then(function (grants) {
var myGrants;
var grantedScopes;
var grantedScopesMap;
var pendingScopes;
var acceptedScopes;
var acceptedScopesMap;
var scopes = OAUTH3.core.parsescope(scope);
var callbackUrl;
console.log('previous grants:');
// it doesn't matter who the referrer is as long as the destination
// is an authorized destination for the client in question
// (though it may not hurt to pass the referrer's info on to the client)
if (!OAUTH3.checkRedirect(grants.client, clientObj)) {
callbackUrl = ''
+ '?redirect_uri=' + clientObj.redirect_uri
+ '&allowed_urls=' + grants.client.url
+ '&client_id=' + clientUri
+ '&referrer_uri=' + OAUTH3.core.normalizeUri(window.document.referrer)
location.href = callbackUrl;
console.warn("What are grants? Baby don't hurt me. Don't hurt me. No more.");
myGrants = grants.grants.filter(function (grant) {
if (clientUri === (grant.azp || grant.oauth_client_id || grant.oauthClientId)) {
return true;
grantedScopesMap = {};
acceptedScopesMap = {};
pendingScopes = scopes.filter(function (requestedScope) {
return myGrants.every(function (grant) {
if (!grant.scope) {
grant.scope = 'oauth3_authn';
var gscopes = grant.scope.split(/[+, ]/g);
gscopes.forEach(function (s) { grantedScopesMap[s] = true; });
if (-1 !== gscopes.indexOf(requestedScope)) {
// already accepted in the past
acceptedScopesMap[requestedScope] = true;
else {
// true, is pending
return true;
grantedScopes = Object.keys(grantedScopesMap);
acceptedScopes = Object.keys(acceptedScopesMap);
return {
pending: pendingScopes // not yet accepted
, granted: grantedScopes // all granted, ever
, requested: scopes // all requested, now
, accepted: acceptedScopes // granted (ever) and requested (now)
, client: grants.client
, grants: grants.grants
if ('undefined' !== typeof module) {
module.exports = OAUTH3;
}('undefined' !== typeof exports ? exports : window));
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
var separator;
// TODO check that we appropriately use '#' for implicit and '?' for code
// (server-side) in an OAuth2 backwards-compatible way
if ('token' === scope.appQuery.response_type) {
separator = '#';
else if ('code' === scope.appQuery.response_type) {
separator = '?';
else {
separator = '#';
if (scope.pendingScope.length && !opts.allow) {
redirectUri += separator + Oauth3.querystringify({
error: 'access_denied'
, error_description: 'None of the permissions were accepted'
, error_uri: ''
, state: scope.appQuery.state
$window.location.href = redirectUri;
Reference in New Issue