add oauth3.js even though it has browser-specific code
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,539 @@
/* global Promise */
(function (exports) {
'use strict';
var oauth3 = {};
var logins = {};
var core = exports.OAUTH3_CORE || require('./oauth3.core.js');
oauth3.requests = logins;
if ('undefined' !== typeof Promise) {
oauth3.PromiseA = Promise;
} else {
console.warn("[oauth3.js] Remember to call oauth3.providePromise(Promise) with a proper Promise implementation");
// TODO move to a test / lint suite?
oauth3._testPromise = function (PromiseA) {
var promise;
var x = 1;
// tests that this promise has all of the necessary api
promise = new PromiseA(function (resolve, reject) {
if (x === 1) {
throw new Error("bad promise, create not asynchronous");
PromiseA.resolve().then(function () {
var promise2;
if (x === 1 || x === 2) {
throw new Error("bad promise, resolve not asynchronous");
promise2 = PromiseA.reject().then(reject, function () {
if (x === 1 || x === 2 || x === 3) {
throw new Error("bad promise, reject not asynchronous");
if ('undefined' === typeof angular) {
throw new Error("[NOT AN ERROR] Dear angular users: ignore this error-handling test");
} else {
return PromiseA.reject(new Error("[NOT AN ERROR] ignore this error-handling test"));
x = 4;
return promise2;
}).catch(function (e) {
if (e.message.match('NOT AN ERROR')) {
resolve({ success: true });
} else {
x = 3;
x = 2;
return promise;
oauth3.providePromise = function (PromiseA) {
oauth3.PromiseA = PromiseA;
return oauth3._testPromise(PromiseA).then(function () {
oauth3.PromiseA = PromiseA;
oauth3.provideRequest = function (request, opts) {
opts = opts || {};
var Recase = exports.Recase || require('recase');
// TODO make insensitive to providing exceptions
var recase = Recase.create({ exceptions: {} });
if (opts.rawCase) {
oauth3.request = request;
// Wrap oauth3 api calls in snake_case / camelCase conversion
oauth3.request = function (req, opts) {
//console.log('[D] [oauth3 req.url]', req.url);
opts = opts || {};
if (opts.rawCase) {
return request(req);
// convert JavaScript camelCase to oauth3 snake_case
if ( && 'object' === typeof {
req.originalData =;
| = recase.snakeCopy(;
//console.log('[F] [oauth3 req.url]', req.url);
return request(req).then(function (resp) {
// convert oauth3 snake_case to JavaScript camelCase
if ( && 'object' === typeof {
resp.originalData =;
| = recase.camelCopy(;
return resp;
return oauth3._testRequest(request).then(function () {
oauth3.request = request;
logins.authorizationRedirect = function (providerUri, opts) {
// TODO get own directives
return, opts).then(function (directive) {
var prequest = core.authorizationRedirect(
, opts.authorizationRedirect
, opts
console.log('[DEBUG] [core] authorizationRedirect URL:', prequest);
if (!prequest.state) {
throw new Error("[Devolper Error] [authorization redirect] prequest.state is empty");
return oauth3.frameRequest(prequest.url, prequest.state, opts);
logins.implicitGrant = function (providerUri, opts) {
// TODO OAuth3 provider should use the redirect URI as the appId?
return, opts).then(function (directive) {
var prequest = core.implicitGrant(
// TODO OAuth3 provider should referer / origin as the appId?
, opts
console.log('[DEBUG] [core] implicitGrant URL', prequest);
if (!prequest.state) {
throw new Error("[Devolper Error] [implicit grant] prequest.state is empty");
return oauth3.frameRequest(prequest.url, prequest.state, opts);
oauth3.loginCode = function (providerUri, opts) {
return, opts).then(function (directive) {
var prequest = core.loginCode(directive, opts);
console.log('[DEBUG] [core] loginCode URL', prequest);
return oauth3.request(prequest).then(function (res) {
// result = { uuid, expiresAt }
console.log('[DEBUG] [core] loginCode result', res);
return {
, otpExpires:
logins.resourceOwnerPassword = function (providerUri, username, passphrase, opts) {
console.log('DEBUG logins.resourceOwnerPassword opts', opts);
//var scope = opts.scope;
//var appId = opts.appId;
return, opts).then(function (directive) {
var prequest = core.resourceOwnerPassword(
, username
, passphrase
, opts // secret: proofstr || otpCode, totp: totpToken, otp: otpCode, otpUuid: otpUuuid
//, scope
//, appId
console.log('[DEBUG] [core] resourceOwnerPassword URL', prequest);
return oauth3.request({
url: prequest.url
, method: prequest.method
, data:
oauth3.frameRequest = function (url, state, opts) {
var promise;
if ('background' === opts.type) {
promise = oauth3.insertIframe(url, state, opts);
} else if ('popup' === opts.type) {
promise = oauth3.openWindow(url, state, opts);
} else {
throw new Error("login framing method not specified or not type yet implemented");
return promise.then(function (params) {
var err;
if (params.error || params.error_description) {
err = new Error(params.error_description || "Unknown response error");
err.code = params.error || "E_UKNOWN_ERROR";
err.params = params;
return oauth3.PromiseA.reject(err);
return params;
oauth3.login = function (providerUri, opts) {
console.log('##### DEBUG oauth3.login providerUri, opts');
// Four styles of login:
// * background (hidden iframe)
// * iframe (visible iframe, needs border color and width x height params)
// * popup (needs width x height and positioning? params)
// * window (params?)
// Two strategies
// * authorization_redirect (to server authorization code)
// * implicit_grant (default, browser-only)
// If both are selected, implicit happens first and then the other happens in background
var promise;
if (opts.username || opts.password) {
/* jshint ignore:start */
// ingore "confusing use of !"
if (!opts.username !== !(opts.password || opts.otp)) {
throw new Error("you did not specify both username and password");
/* jshint ignore:end */
var username = opts.username;
var password = opts.password;
delete opts.username;
delete opts.password;
return logins.resourceOwnerPassword(providerUri, username, password, opts).then(function (resp) {
if (!resp || ! {
var err = new Error("bad response");
err.response = resp;
| = resp && || undefined;
return oauth3.PromiseA.reject(err);
// TODO support dual-strategy login
// by default, always get implicitGrant (for client)
// and optionally do authorizationCode (for server session)
if ('background' === opts.type || opts.background) {
opts.type = 'background';
opts.background = true;
else {
opts.type = 'popup';
opts.popup = true;
if (opts.authorizationRedirect) {
promise = logins.authorizationRedirect(providerUri, opts);
else {
promise = logins.implicitGrant(providerUri, opts);
return promise;
oauth3.backgroundLogin = function (providerUri, opts) {
opts = opts || {};
opts.type = 'background';
return oauth3.login(providerUri, opts);
oauth3.insertIframe = function (url, state, opts) {
opts = opts || {};
var promise = new oauth3.PromiseA(function (resolve, reject) {
var tok;
var $iframe;
function cleanup() {
delete window['__oauth3_' + state];
tok = null;
window['__oauth3_' + state] = function (params) {
//'[iframe] complete', params);
tok = setTimeout(function () {
var err = new Error("the iframe request did not complete within 15 seconds");
err.code = "E_TIMEOUT";
}, opts.timeout || 15000);
// TODO hidden / non-hidden (via directive even)
$iframe = $(
'<iframe src="' + url
//+ '" width="800px" height="800px" style="opacity: 0.8;" frameborder="1"></iframe>'
+ '" width="1px" height="1px" frameborder="0"></iframe>'
// TODO periodically garbage collect expired handlers from window object
return promise;
oauth3.openWindow = function (url, state, opts) {
var promise = new oauth3.PromiseA(function (resolve, reject) {
var winref;
var tok;
function cleanup() {
delete window['__oauth3_' + state];
tok = null;
// this is last in case the window self-closes synchronously
// (should never happen, but that's a negotiable implementation detail)
window['__oauth3_' + state] = function (params) {
//'[popup] (or window) complete', params);
tok = setTimeout(function () {
var err = new Error("the windowed request did not complete within 3 minutes");
err.code = "E_TIMEOUT";
}, opts.timeout || 3 * 60 * 1000);
// TODO allow size changes (via directive even)
winref =, 'oauth3-login-' + state, 'height=720,width=620');
if (!winref) {
reject("TODO: open the iframe first and discover oauth3 directives before popup");
// TODO periodically garbage collect expired handlers from window object
return promise;
oauth3.logout = function (providerUri, opts) {
opts = opts || {};
// Oauth3.init({ logout: function () {} });
//return Oauth3.logout();
var state = parseInt(Math.random().toString().replace('0.', ''), 10).toString('36');
var url = providerUri.replace(/\/$/, '') + (opts.providerOauth3Html || '/oauth3.html');
var redirectUri = opts.redirectUri
|| (window.location.protocol + '//' + ( + window.location.pathname) + 'oauth3.html')
var params = {
// logout=true for all logins/accounts
// logout=app-scoped-login-id for a single login
action: 'logout'
// TODO specify specific accounts / logins to delete from session
, accounts: true
, logins: true
, redirect_uri: redirectUri
, state: state
//console.log('DEBUG oauth3.logout NIX insertIframe');
//console.log(url, params.redirect_uri);
//console.log(params); // redirect_uri
if (url === params.redirect_uri) {
return oauth3.PromiseA.resolve();
url += '#' + core.querystringify(params);
return oauth3.insertIframe(url, state, opts);
oauth3.createState = function () {
// TODO mo' betta' random function
// maybe gather some entropy from mouse / keyboard events?
// (probably not, just use webCrypto or be sucky)
return parseInt(Math.random().toString().replace('0.', ''), 10).toString('36');
oauth3.normalizeProviderUri = function (providerUri) {
// tested with
providerUri = providerUri
.replace(/^(https?:\/\/)?/, 'https://')
.replace(/\/?$/, '')
return providerUri;
oauth3._discoverHelper = function (providerUri, opts) {
opts = opts || {};
var state = oauth3.createState();
var params;
var url;
params = {
action: 'directives'
, state: state
// TODO this should be configurable (i.e. I want a dev vs production oauth3.html)
, redirect_uri: window.location.protocol + '//' +
+ window.location.pathname + 'oauth3.html'
url = providerUri + '/oauth3.html#' + core.querystringify(params);
return oauth3.insertIframe(url, state, opts).then(function (directives) {
return directives;
}, function (err) {
return oauth3.PromiseA.reject(err);
| = function (providerUri, opts) {
opts = opts || {};
console.log('DEBUG', providerUri);
if (opts.directives) {
return oauth3.PromiseA.resolve(opts.directives);
var promise;
var promise2;
var directives;
var updatedAt;
var fresh;
providerUri = oauth3.normalizeProviderUri(providerUri);
try {
directives = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('oauth3.' + providerUri + '.directives'));
console.log('DEBUG cache', directives);
updatedAt = localStorage.getItem('oauth3.' + providerUri + '.directives.updated_at');
console.log('DEBUG updatedAt', updatedAt);
updatedAt = new Date(updatedAt).valueOf();
console.log('DEBUG updatedAt', updatedAt);
} catch(e) {
// ignore
fresh = ( - updatedAt) < (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
if (directives) {
promise = oauth3.PromiseA.resolve(directives);
if (fresh) {
//console.log('[local] [fresh directives]', directives);
return promise;
promise2 = oauth3._discoverHelper(providerUri, opts).then(function (params) {
console.log('DEBUG oauth3._discoverHelper', params);
var err;
if (!params.directives) {
err = new Error(params.error_description || "Unknown error when discoving provider '" + providerUri + "'");
err.code = params.error || "E_UNKNOWN_ERROR";
return oauth3.PromiseA.reject(err);
try {
directives = JSON.parse(atob(params.directives));
console.log('DEBUG oauth3._discoverHelper directives', directives);
} catch(e) {
err = new Error(params.error_description || "could not parse directives for provider '" + providerUri + "'");
err.code = params.error || "E_PARSE_DIRECTIVE";
return oauth3.PromiseA.reject(err);
if (
(directives.authorization_dialog && directives.authorization_dialog.url)
|| (directives.access_token && directives.access_token.url)
) {
// TODO lint directives
// TODO self-reference in directive for providerUri?
directives.provider_uri = providerUri;
localStorage.setItem('oauth3.' + providerUri + '.directives', JSON.stringify(directives));
localStorage.setItem('oauth3.' + providerUri + '.directives.updated_at', new Date().toISOString());
return oauth3.PromiseA.resolve(directives);
} else {
// ignore
console.error("the directives provided by '" + providerUri + "' were invalid.");
params.error = params.error || "E_INVALID_DIRECTIVE";
params.error_description = params.error_description
|| "directives did not include authorization_dialog.url";
err = new Error(params.error_description || "Unknown error when discoving provider '" + providerUri + "'");
err.code = params.error;
return oauth3.PromiseA.reject(err);
return promise || promise2;
exports.OAUTH3 = oauth3.oauth3 = oauth3.OAUTH3 = oauth3;
exports.oauth3 = exports.OAUTH3;
if ('undefined' !== typeof module) {
module.exports = oauth3;
}('undefined' !== typeof exports ? exports : window));
Reference in New Issue