update docs
This commit is contained in:
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ Installation
**Advanced Installation with `git`**
**Advanced Installation with `git`**
# Navigate to your web site or web app
# Navigate to your web site or web app
pushd /path/to/your/web/app
pushd /path/to/your/web/app
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ ln -sf ../assets/org.oauth3/.well-known/oauth3 .well-known/oauth3
**Advanced Installation with `bower`**
**Advanced Installation with `bower`**
# Install to bower_components
# Install to bower_components
bower install oauth3
bower install oauth3
@ -66,35 +66,145 @@ ln -sf ../bower_components/oauth3 assets/org.oauth3
Update your HTML to include the the following script tags:
Update your HTML to include the the following script tag:
<script src="assets/org.oauth3/oauth3.js"></script>
<script src="assets/org.oauth3/oauth3.implicit.js"></script>
<script src="assets/org.oauth3/oauth3.browser.js"></script>
If you use jQuery you should also include
You can create a very simple demo application like this:
<script src="assets/org.oauth3/oauth3.jquery.js"></script>
var providerUri;
// this is any OAuth3-compatible provider, such as oauth3.org
// in v1.1.0 we'll add backwards compatibility for facebook.com, google.com, etc
function onChangeProvider(_providerUri) {
providerUri = _providerUri;
return OAUTH3.discover(providerUri); // just to cache
// This opens up the login window for the specified provider
function onClickLogin() {
var opts = { client_uri: OAuth3.clientUri(window.location) };
return OAUTH3.implicitGrant(providerUri, opts).then(function (session) {
console.info('Authentication was Successful:');
// You can use the PPID (or preferrably a hash of it) as the login for your app
// (it securely functions as both username and password which is known only by your app)
// If you use a hash of it as an ID, you can also use the PPID itself as a decryption key
console.info('Secure PPID (aka subject):', session.token.sub);
return OAUTH3.request({
url: 'https://oauth3.org/api/org.oauth3.provider/inspect_token'
, session: session
}).then(function (resp) {
console.info("Inspect Token:");
}, function (err) {
console.error('Authentication Failed:');
// initialize the provider to be oauth3.org (or any compatible provider)
### Compatibility with Frameworks and Libraries
You're all set. Nothing else is needed.
**Angular 1**:
We've created an `Oauth3` service just for you:
<script src="assets/org.oauth3/oauth3.ng.js"></script>
You can include that in addition to the standard file or,
if you don't want an extra request, just paste it into your `app.js`.
Stable API
Stable API
<!-- hooks -->
* `OAUTH3.utils.clientUri(window.location);` produces the default `client_uri` of your app (also used as `client_id`)
* `OAUTH3.discover(providerUri, { client_id: clientUri });` Promises the config file for the provider and caches it in memory.
* `OAUTH3.implicitGrant(providerUri, { client_id: clientUri })` returns a `session` with `session.token.sub` as the secure ppid.
* `debug: true` will cause the windows to not refresh automatically
* `windowType: 'popup'` will use a popup window to ask user for new permissions, if any
* `windowType: 'background'` will automatically log the user in (if all permissions have been accepted)
* `OAUTH3.request({ method: 'GET', url: '', session: '', data: '' })` make an authenticated request to a resource
* `OAUTH3.logout(providerUri, { client_id: clientUri, session: session })` opens a popup to confirm logout from the provider
* Note: you should probably clear your own storage (i.e. localStorage, indexedDb) whenever you call this
* `OAUTH3.urls.discover(providerUri, { client_id: clientUri })` generates a correctly parameterized url
* `OAUTH3.urls.implicitGrant(directives, { client_id: clientUri })` generates a correctly parameterized url
* `OAUTH3.urls.refreshToken(directives, opts)` generates a correctly parameterized url
* `opts.client_id = clientUri`
* `opts.access_token = <jwt>`
* `opts.refresh_token = <jwt>`
<!-- TODO implicit grant broker -->
<!-- TODO logout specific user -->
<!-- TODO request(providerUri, opts) -->
<!-- TODO login/logout(directives, opts) ? -->
Staging API
These APIs are NOT yet public, stable APIs, but they are good to be aware of
and may help with debugging.
DO NOT rely on them. Many of them WILL change (we just wanted to publish with things as they are).
Public utilities for browser and node.js:
Public utilities for browser and node.js:
* `querystringify(query)`
* `OAUTH3.jwt`
* `stringifyscope(scope)`
* `OAUTH3.jwt.decode('<urlSafeBase64-encoded-json-web-token>'); // { iat, iss, aud, sub, exp, ttl }
URL generation:
* `OAUTH3.utils`
* `OAUTH3.utils.query.stringify({ access_token: '...', debug: true }); // access_token=...&debug=true`
* `OAUTH3.utils.scope.stringify([ 'profile', 'contacts' ]); // 'profile,contacts'`
* `OAUTH3.utils.uri.normalize('https://oauth3.org/connect/'); // 'oauth3.org/connect'`
* `OAUTH3.utils.url.normalize('oauth3.org/connect/'); // 'https://oauth3.org/connect'`
* `OAUTH3.utils.url.resolve('oauth3.org/connect/', '/api/'); // 'https://oauth3.org/connect/api'`
* `OAUTH3.utils.atob('<non-urlsafe-base64-string>'); // '<binary-string>' (typically json ascii)`
* `authorizationCode`
Internal API
* `authorizationRedirect`
* `implicitGrant`
* `loginCode`
This APIs will absolutely change before they are made public
* `resourceOwnerPassword`
(at the very least the leading `_` will be removed)
* `OAUTH3.jwt`
* `OAUTH3.jwt.freshness(tokenMeta, staletimeSeconds, _now); // returns 'fresh', 'stale', or 'expired' (by seconds before expiry / ttl)
* `OAUTH3.utils`
* `OAUTH3.utils.url._normalizePath('oauth3.org/connect/'); // 'oauth3.org/connect'`
* `OAUTH3.utils._urlSafeBase64ToBase64(b64); // makes base64 safe for window.atob`
* `OAUTH3.utils.randomState(); // a 128-bit crypto-random string`
* `OAUTH3.utils._insecureRandomState(); // a fallback for randomState() in old browsers`
* `OAUTH3._browser` a collection of things a browser needs to perform requests
@ -115,6 +225,16 @@ Roadmap
* v1.3 - features
* v1.3 - features
* remove grants
* remove grants
URL generation:
* `authorizationCode`
* `authorizationRedirect`
* `implicitGrant`
* `loginCode`
* `resourceOwnerPassword`
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
;(function () {
'use strict';
.module('oauth3', [])
.service('Oauth3', [
, '$q'
, function Oauth3($timeout, $q) {
var OAUTH3 = window.OAUTH3;
// We need to make angular's $q appear to be a standard Promise/A+
// fortunately, this is pretty easy
function PromiseAngularQ(fn) {
var d = $q.defer();
$timeout(function () {
fn(d.resolve, d.reject);
}, 0);
//this.then = d.promise.then;
//this.catch = d.promise.catch;
return d.promise;
//PromiseAngularQ.create = PromiseAngularQ;
PromiseAngularQ.resolve = $q.when;
PromiseAngularQ.reject = $q.reject;
PromiseAngularQ.all = $q.all;
OAUTH3.PromiseA = PromiseAngularQ;
window.ngOauth3 = OAUTH3;
return OAUTH3;
Reference in New Issue