'use strict';

var oauth3 = require('./oauth3.js');
var defaults = {
  main: 'oauth3'
, provider: 'oauth3.org'

function parseArgs(argv, opts) {
  var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(argv);
  var sep = /[:\.\-]/;

  args.shift(); // node
  args.shift(); // oauth3.js

  var command = args.shift() || 'help';
  var cmdpair = command.split(sep);
  var cmd = cmdpair[0];
  var sub = cmdpair[1];
  var maxCmdLen = COMMAND.length;
  var maxPairLen = 0;
  var cmds;
  var arg1 = args[0];

  // build commands list
  var pairsMap = {};
  cmds = opts.commands.filter(function (desc) {
    var pair = desc[0].split(/\s+/)[0];
    var psub = pair.split(sep)[0];
    pairsMap[pair] = true;
    maxPairLen = Math.max(maxPairLen, pair.length);
    if (pair === psub) {
      maxCmdLen = Math.max(maxCmdLen, psub.length);
      return true;

  if (-1 === Object.keys(pairsMap).indexOf(cmd)) {
    console.log('fail', cmd);
    arg1 = cmd;
    cmd = 'help';

  function rpad(str, len) {
    while (str.length < len) {
      str += ' ';
    return str;

  function help() {
    var status = 0;

    function helpMain() {
      console.log('Here are all the top-level commands:');

      console.log('\t' + defaults.main + ' ' + rpad(COMMAND, maxCmdLen), ' # description');
      console.log('\t' + '------------------------------');
      cmds.forEach(function (desc) {
        var pcmd = rpad(desc[0].split(/\s+/)[0], maxCmdLen);
        var pdesc = desc[1];
        console.log('\t' + defaults.main + ' ' + pcmd, ' # ' + pdesc);

    if (arg1 && -1 === Object.keys(pairsMap).indexOf(arg1)) {
      status = 1;
      console.log(defaults.main + ": Unknown command '" + arg1 + "'");
      arg1 = null;
    if (!arg1 || '-' === arg1[0]) {
    if ('help' === arg1) {
      console.log("no more help available for 'help'");

  if (-1 !== [ 'help', '-h', '--help' ].indexOf(command) || -1 !== args.indexOf('-h') || -1 !== args.indexOf('--help')) {

parseArgs(process.argv, {
  // CLI goals:
  // whoami / login: you are now logged in as
  //   * john@example.com [current] (just now)
  //   * john@work.net (2 minutes ago)
  //   * john@family.me (2 weeks ago)
  commands: [
    [ 'login [email or cloud address]', 'alias of session:attach', [
        "--auto, create a new account without asking if none exists"
      //, "--exclusive, logout all other ids, removing access to their accounts"
      , "--provider, specify an authentication provider (default: :provider)".replace(/\b:provider\b/, defaults.provider)
      //, "--email [addr], use the given id as an email address, even if it works as a cloud address"
      //, "--cloud [addr], use the given id as a cloud address or fail (don't fallback to email)"
  , [ 'logout', 'alias of session:detach' ]
  , [ 'whoami', 'show current account(s) and login(s) and device(s)' ]

    // authn
  , [ 'session', 'Manage your ids (credentials / logins)' ]
  , [ 'session:new', 'alias of `login --exclusive`' ]
  , [ 'session:attach', 'Create a session (and account if needed) for a given email address or cloud address' ]
  , [ 'session:detach', 'remove login from session' ]
  , [ 'session:list', 'show all of the ids in the current session' ]

    // authz
  , [ 'accounts', 'Manage your accounts (authorization / profiles)' ]
  , [ 'accounts:new', 'create a new account attached to the credentials of the current session' ]
  , [ 'accounts:set', 'change account details' ] // todo changing the name should be restricted john@provider.net -> jonathan@provider.net would be bad
  , [ 'accounts:list', 'show all of the accounts in the current session' ]
  , [ 'accounts:attach', 'attach an account to an id' ]
  , [ 'accounts:detach', 'detach an account from an id' ]
  , [ 'accounts:select', 'select an account to use as the primary account for this session' ]
  , [ 'accounts:update', '(deprecated) alias of set' ]
  , [ 'accounts:login', '(deprecated) alias of login' ]
  , [ 'accounts:whoami', '(deprecated) alias of whoami' ]

    // authn / authz
  , [ 'devices', 'manages devices for your account(s)' ]
  , [ 'devices:new', 'create a new device (default name is hostname, default ip is the result of :provider/api/org.oauth3.tunnel/checkip)'.replace(/\b:provider\b/, defaults.provider) ]
  , [ 'devices:set', 'set the ip address of the device (defaults ip is the result of :provider/api/org.oauth3.tunnel/checkip)'.replace(/\b:provider\b/, defaults.provider) ]
  , [ 'devices:attach', "attach a device to a domain's DNS record" ]
  , [ 'devices:detach', "detach an account from a domain's DNS record" ]
  , [ 'devices:select', '(re)claim the specified device as this device (i.e. you re-installed your OS or deleted your ~/.oauth3)' ]
  , [ 'devices:list', 'show all devices for your account(s)' ]

    // help
  , [ 'help', "show this menu; use '" + defaults.main + " help COMMAND' (even 'help') for options and sub-commands" ]