Pure JavaScript (ES5.1) OAuth3 implementation for Browsers and Node.js
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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;(function () {
'use strict';
var modules = {
azp: [
, '$q'
, '$rootScope'
, function Oauth3($timeout, $q, $rootScope) {
var OAUTH3 = window.OAUTH3;
// We need to make angular's $q appear to be a standard Promise/A+
// fortunately, this is pretty easy
function PromiseAngularQ(fn) {
var d = $q.defer();
//$timeout(function () {
fn(d.resolve, d.reject);
//}, 0);
//this.then = d.promise.then;
//this.catch = d.promise.catch;
return d.promise;
//PromiseAngularQ.create = PromiseAngularQ;
PromiseAngularQ.resolve = $q.when;
PromiseAngularQ.reject = $q.reject;
PromiseAngularQ.all = $q.all;
OAUTH3.PromiseA = PromiseAngularQ;
OAUTH3._digest = function () {
window.ngOauth3 = OAUTH3;
return OAUTH3;
.module('oauth3.org', [])
.service('azp@oauth3.org', modules.azp)
.service('AzpOauth3', modules.azp)