
282 lines
8.3 KiB

(function (exports) {
'use strict';
// NOTE: we assume that directive.provider_uri exists
var core = {};
core.stringifyscope = function (scope) {
if (Array.isArray(scope)) {
scope = scope.join(' ');
return scope;
core.querystringify = function (params) {
var qs = [];
Object.keys(params).forEach(function (key) {
if ('scope' === key) {
params[key] = core.stringifyscope(params[key]);
qs.push(encodeURIComponent(key) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(params[key]));
return qs.join('&');
core.authorizationCode = function (/*directive, scope, redirectUri, clientId*/) {
// Example Authorization Code Request
// (not for use in the browser)
// GET https://example.com/api/org.oauth3.provider/authorization_dialog
// ?response_type=code
// &scope=`encodeURIComponent('profile.login profile.email')`
// &state=`Math.random()`
// &client_id=xxxxxxxxxxx
// &redirect_uri=`encodeURIComponent('https://myapp.com/oauth3.html')`
// NOTE: `redirect_uri` itself may also contain URI-encoded components
// NOTE: This probably shouldn't be done in the browser because the server
// needs to initiate the state. If it is done in a browser, the browser
// should probably request 'state' from the server beforehand
throw new Error("not implemented");
core.authorizationRedirect = function (directive, authorizationRedirect, opts) {
// Example Authorization Redirect - from Browser to Consumer API
// (for generating a session securely on your own server)
// i.e. GET https://<<CONSUMER>>.com/api/org.oauth3.consumer/authorization_redirect/<<PROVIDER>>.com
// GET https://myapp.com/api/org.oauth3.consumer/authorization_redirect/`encodeURIComponent('example.com')`
// &scope=`encodeURIComponent('profile.login profile.email')`
// (optional)
// &state=`Math.random()`
// &redirect_uri=`encodeURIComponent('https://myapp.com/oauth3.html')`
// NOTE: This is not a request sent to the provider, but rather a request sent to the
// consumer (your own API) which then sets some state and redirects.
// This will initiate the `authorization_code` request on your server
opts = opts || {};
var scope = opts.scope || directive.authn_scope;
var providerUri = directive.provider_uri;
var state = Math.random().toString().replace(/^0\./, '');
var params = {};
var slimProviderUri = encodeURIComponent(providerUri.replace(/^(https?|spdy):\/\//, ''));
params.state = state;
if (scope) {
params.scope = scope;
if (opts.redirectUri) {
// this is really only for debugging
params.redirect_uri = opts.redirectUri;
// Note: the type check is necessary because we allow 'true'
// as an automatic mechanism when it isn't necessary to specify
if ('string' !== typeof authorizationRedirect) {
// TODO oauth3.json for self?
authorizationRedirect = 'https://' + window.location.host
+ '/api/org.oauth3.consumer/authorization_redirect/:provider_uri';
authorizationRedirect = authorizationRedirect
.replace(/!(provider_uri)/, slimProviderUri)
.replace(/:provider_uri/, slimProviderUri)
.replace(/#{provider_uri}/, slimProviderUri)
.replace(/{{provider_uri}}/, slimProviderUri)
return {
url: authorizationRedirect + '?' + core.querystringify(params)
, method: 'GET'
, state: state // this becomes browser_state
, params: params // includes scope, final redirect_uri?
core.implicitGrant = function (directive, opts) {
// Example Implicit Grant Request
// (for generating a browser-only session, not a session on your server)
// GET https://example.com/api/org.oauth3.provider/authorization_dialog
// ?response_type=token
// &scope=`encodeURIComponent('profile.login profile.email')`
// &state=`Math.random()`
// &client_id=xxxxxxxxxxx
// &redirect_uri=`encodeURIComponent('https://myapp.com/oauth3.html')`
// NOTE: `redirect_uri` itself may also contain URI-encoded components
opts = opts || {};
var type = 'authorization_dialog';
var responseType = 'token';
var redirectUri = opts.redirectUri;
var scope = opts.scope || directive.authn_scope;
var clientId = opts.appId;
var args = directive[type];
var uri = args.url;
var state = Math.random().toString().replace(/^0\./, '');
var params = {};
var loc;
var result;
params.state = state;
params.response_type = responseType;
if (scope) {
if (Array.isArray(scope)) {
scope = scope.join(' ');
params.scope = scope;
if (clientId) {
// In OAuth3 client_id is optional for implicit grant
params.client_id = clientId;
if (!redirectUri) {
loc = window.location;
redirectUri = loc.protocol + '//' + loc.host + loc.pathname;
if ('/' !== redirectUri[redirectUri.length - 1]) {
redirectUri += '/';
redirectUri += 'oauth3.html';
params.redirect_uri = redirectUri;
uri += '?' + core.querystringify(params);
result = {
url: uri
, state: state
, method: args.method
, query: params
return result;
core.loginCode = function (directive, username, opts) {
// Example Resource Owner Password Request
// (generally for 1st party and direct-partner mobile apps, and webapps)
// POST https://api.example.com/api/org.oauth3.provider/otp
// { "request_otp": true, "client_id": "<<id>>", "scope": "<<scope>>"
// , "username": "<<username>>" }
opts = opts || {};
var clientId = opts.appId || opts.clientId;
var args = directive.otp;
var params = {
"username": username || opts.id || opts.username
, "request_otp": true // opts.requestOtp || undefined
//, "jwt": opts.jwt // TODO sign a proof
var uri = args.url;
var body;
if (opts.clientUri) {
params.client_uri = opts.clientUri;
if (opts.clientAgreeTos) {
params.client_agree_tos = opts.clientAgreeTos;
if (clientId) {
params.client_id = clientId;
if ('GET' === args.method.toUpperCase()) {
uri += '?' + core.querystringify(params);
} else {
body = params;
return {
url: uri
, method: args.method
, data: body
core.resourceOwnerPassword = function (directive, username, passphrase, opts) {
// Example Resource Owner Password Request
// (generally for 1st party and direct-partner mobile apps, and webapps)
// POST https://example.com/api/org.oauth3.provider/access_token
// { "grant_type": "password", "client_id": "<<id>>", "scope": "<<scope>>"
// , "username": "<<username>>", "password": "password" }
opts = opts || {};
var type = 'access_token';
var grantType = 'password';
var scope = opts.scope || directive.authn_scope;
var clientId = opts.appId;
var clientAgreeTos = opts.clientAgreeTos;
var clientUri = opts.clientUri;
var args = directive[type];
var params = {
"grant_type": grantType
, "username": username
, "password": passphrase
//, "totp": opts.totp
var uri = args.url;
var body;
if (opts.totp) {
params.totp = opts.totp;
if (clientId) {
params.clientId = clientId;
if (clientUri) {
params.clientUri = clientUri;
params.clientAgreeTos = clientAgreeTos;
if (!clientAgreeTos) {
throw new Error('Developer Error: missing clientAgreeTos uri');
if (scope) {
if (Array.isArray(scope)) {
scope = scope.join(' ');
params.scope = scope;
if ('GET' === args.method.toUpperCase()) {
uri += '?' + core.querystringify(params);
} else {
body = params;
return {
url: uri
, method: args.method
, data: body
exports.OAUTH3 = exports.OAUTH3 || { core: core };
exports.OAUTH3_CORE = core.OAUTH3_CORE = core;
if ('undefined' !== typeof module) {
module.exports = core;
}('undefined' !== typeof exports ? exports : window));