
72 lines
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<!DOCTYPE html>
body {
background-color: #ffcccc;
OAuth3 RPC
<script src="/assets/org.oauth3/oauth3.core.js"></script>
;(function () {
'use strict';
// Taken from oauth3.core.js
// TODO what about search within hash?
var prefix = "(" + window.location.hostname + ") [.well-known/oauth3/]";
var params = OAUTH3.query.parse(window.location.hash || window.location.search);
if (params.debug) {
console.warn(prefix, "DEBUG MODE ENABLED. Automatic redirects disabled.");
console.log(prefix, 'hash||search:');
console.log(window.location.hash || window.location.search);
console.log(prefix, 'params:');
OAUTH3.request({ url: 'directives.json' }).then(function (resp) {
var urlsafe64 = OAUTH3._base64.encodeUrlSafe(JSON.stringify(resp, null, 0));
var redirect;
console.log(prefix, 'directives');
console.log(prefix, 'base64');
// TODO try postMessage back to redirect_uri domain right here
// window.postMessage();
// TODO make sure it's https NOT http
// NOTE: this can be only up to 2,083 characters
console.log(prefix, 'params.redirect_uri:', params.redirect_uri);
redirect = params.redirect_uri + '?' + OAUTH3.query.stringify({
state: params.state
, directives: urlsafe64
, debug: params.debug || undefined
console.log(prefix, 'redirect');
if (!params.debug) {
window.location = redirect;
} else {
// yes, we're violating the security lint with purpose
document.body.innerHTML += window.location.host + window.location.pathname
+ '<br/><br/>You\'ve passed the \'debug\' parameter so we\'re pausing'
+ ' to let you look at logs or whatever it is that you intended to do.'
+ '<br/><br/>Continue with redirect: <a href="' + redirect + '">' + redirect + '</' + 'a>';