'use strict'; var sni = require('sni'); var hello = require('fs').readFileSync(__dirname + '/sni.hello.bin'); var version = 1; function getAddress() { return { family: 'IPv4', address: '', port: 4321, service: 'foo-https', serviceport: 443, name: 'foo-pokemap.hellabit.com' }; } var addr = getAddress(); var connectionHeader = addr.family + ',' + addr.address + ',' + addr.port + ',0,connection,' + (addr.serviceport || '') + ',' + (addr.name || '') + ',' + (addr.service || ''); var header = addr.family + ',' + addr.address + ',' + addr.port + ',' + hello.byteLength + ',' + (addr.service || '') + ',' + (addr.serviceport || '') + ',' + (addr.name || ''); var endHeader = addr.family + ',' + addr.address + ',' + addr.port + ',0,end,' + (addr.serviceport || '') + ',' + (addr.name || ''); var buf = Buffer.concat([ Buffer.from([255 - version, connectionHeader.length]), Buffer.from(connectionHeader), Buffer.from([255 - version, header.length]), Buffer.from(header), hello, Buffer.from([255 - version, endHeader.length]), Buffer.from(endHeader) ]); var services = { ssh: 22, http: 4080, https: 8443 }; var clients = {}; var count = 0; var packer = require('../'); var machine = packer.create({ onconnection: function(tun) { console.info(''); if (!tun.service || 'connection' === tun.service) { throw new Error('missing service: ' + JSON.stringify(tun)); } console.info('[onConnection]'); count += 1; }, onmessage: function(tun) { //console.log('onmessage', tun); var id = tun.family + ',' + tun.address + ',' + tun.port; var service = 'https'; var port = services[service]; var servername = sni(tun.data); console.info( '[onMessage]', service, port, servername, tun.data.byteLength ); if (!tun.data.equals(hello)) { throw new Error( "'data' packet is not equal to original 'hello' packet" ); } //console.log('all', tun.data.byteLength, 'bytes are equal'); //console.log('src:', tun.family, tun.address + ':' + tun.port + ':' + tun.serviceport); //console.log('dst:', 'IPv4' + port); if (!clients[id]) { clients[id] = true; if (!servername) { throw new Error("no servername found for '" + id + "'"); } //console.log("servername: '" + servername + "'", tun.name); } count += 1; }, onerror: function() { throw new Error('Did not expect onerror'); }, onend: function() { console.info('[onEnd]'); count += 1; } }); var packts, packed; packts = []; packts.push(packer.packHeader(getAddress(), null, 'connection')); //packts.push(packer.pack(address, hello)); packts.push(packer.packHeader(getAddress(), hello)); packts.push(hello); packts.push(packer.packHeader(getAddress(), null, 'end')); packed = Buffer.concat(packts); if (!packed.equals(buf)) { console.error(''); console.error(buf.toString('hex') === packed.toString('hex')); console.error(''); console.error('auto-packed:'); console.error(packed.toString('hex'), packed.byteLength); console.error(''); console.error('hand-packed:'); console.error(buf.toString('hex'), buf.byteLength); console.error(''); throw new Error('packer (new) did not pack as expected'); } packts = []; packts.push(packer.pack(getAddress(), null, 'connection')); packts.push(packer.pack(getAddress(), hello)); //packts.push(packer.packHeader(getAddress(), hello)); //packts.push(hello); packts.push(packer.pack(getAddress(), null, 'end')); packed = Buffer.concat(packts); // XXX TODO REMOVE // // Nasty fix for short-term backwards-compat // // In the old way of doing things we always have at least one byte // of data (due to a parser bug which has now been fixed) and so // there are two strings padded with a space which gives the // data a length of 1 rather than 0 // // Here all four of those instances are replaced, but it requires // maching a few things on either side. // // Only 6 bytes are changed - two 1 => 0, four ' ' => '' var hex = packed .toString('hex') //.replace(/2c313939/, '2c30') .replace(/32312c312c636f/, '32312c302c636f') .replace(/3332312c312c656e64/, '3332312c302c656e64') .replace(/7320/, '73') .replace(/20$/, ''); if (hex !== buf.toString('hex')) { console.error(''); console.error(buf.toString('hex') === hex); console.error(''); console.error('auto-packed:'); console.error(hex, packed.byteLength); console.error(''); console.error('hand-packed:'); console.error(buf.toString('hex'), buf.byteLength); console.error(''); throw new Error('packer (old) did not pack as expected'); } console.info(''); // full message in one go // 223 = 2 + 22 + 199 console.info('[WHOLE BUFFER]', 2, header.length, hello.length, buf.byteLength); clients = {}; machine.fns.addChunk(buf); console.info(''); // messages one byte at a time console.info('[BYTE-BY-BYTE BUFFER]', 1); clients = {}; buf.forEach(function(byte) { machine.fns.addChunk(Buffer.from([byte])); }); console.info(''); // split messages in overlapping thirds // 0-2 (2) // 2-24 (22) // 24-223 (199) // 223-225 (2) // 225-247 (22) // 247-446 (199) buf = Buffer.concat([buf, buf]); console.info('[OVERLAPPING BUFFERS]', buf.length); clients = {}; [ buf.slice(0, 7), // version + header buf.slice(7, 14), // header buf.slice(14, 21), // header buf.slice(21, 28), // header + body buf.slice(28, 217), // body buf.slice(217, 224), // body + version buf.slice(224, 238), // version + header buf.slice(238, buf.byteLength) // header + body ].forEach(function(buf) { machine.fns.addChunk(Buffer.from(buf)); }); console.info(''); process.on('exit', function() { if (count !== 12) { throw new Error('should have delivered 12 messages, not ' + count); } console.info('TESTS PASS'); console.info(''); });