;(function () { 'use strict'; var fs = require('fs'); var infile = process.argv[2]; var outfile = process.argv[3]; if (!infile || !outfile) { console.error("Usage:"); console.error("node test-pack.js input.json output.bin"); process.exit(1); return; } var json = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(infile, 'utf8')); var data = require('fs').readFileSync(json.filepath, null); var Packer = require('./index.js'); /* function pack() { var version = json.version; var address = json.address; var header = address.family + ',' + address.address + ',' + address.port + ',' + data.byteLength + ',' + (address.service || '') ; var buf = Buffer.concat([ Buffer.from([ 255 - version, header.length ]) , Buffer.from(header) , data ]); } */ var buf = Packer.pack(json.address, data); fs.writeFileSync(outfile, buf, null); console.log("wrote " + buf.byteLength + " bytes to '" + outfile + "' ('hexdump " + outfile + "' to inspect)"); }());