💯 RSA tools. Lightweight. Zero Dependencies. Great tests. Universal compatibility.
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il y a 5 ans
# cause errors to hard-fail
# (and diff non-0 exit status will cause failure)
il y a 5 ans
set -e
pemtojwk() {
if [ -z "$keyid" ]; then
echo ""
echo "Testing PEM-to-JWK PKCS#1"
node bin/rasha.js ./fixtures/privkey-rsa-2048.pkcs1.${keyid}pem \
> ./fixtures/privkey-rsa-2048.jwk.1.json
diff ./fixtures/privkey-rsa-2048.jwk.${keyid}json ./fixtures/privkey-rsa-2048.jwk.1.json
node bin/rasha.js ./fixtures/pub-rsa-2048.pkcs1.${keyid}pem \
> ./fixtures/pub-rsa-2048.jwk.1.json
diff ./fixtures/pub-rsa-2048.jwk.${keyid}json ./fixtures/pub-rsa-2048.jwk.1.json
il y a 5 ans
if [ -z "$keyid" ]; then
echo "Pass"
il y a 5 ans
if [ -z "$keyid" ]; then
echo ""
echo "Testing PEM-to-JWK PKCS#8"
node bin/rasha.js ./fixtures/privkey-rsa-2048.pkcs8.${keyid}pem \
> ./fixtures/privkey-rsa-2048.jwk.1.json
diff ./fixtures/privkey-rsa-2048.jwk.${keyid}json ./fixtures/privkey-rsa-2048.jwk.1.json
node bin/rasha.js ./fixtures/pub-rsa-2048.spki.${keyid}pem \
> ./fixtures/pub-rsa-2048.jwk.1.json
diff ./fixtures/pub-rsa-2048.jwk.${keyid}json ./fixtures/pub-rsa-2048.jwk.1.json
il y a 5 ans
if [ -z "$keyid" ]; then
echo "Pass"
il y a 5 ans
jwktopem() {
if [ -z "$keyid" ]; then
echo ""
echo "Testing JWK-to-PEM PKCS#1"
node bin/rasha.js ./fixtures/privkey-rsa-2048.jwk.${keyid}json pkcs1 \
> ./fixtures/privkey-rsa-2048.pkcs1.1.pem
diff ./fixtures/privkey-rsa-2048.pkcs1.${keyid}pem ./fixtures/privkey-rsa-2048.pkcs1.1.pem
node bin/rasha.js ./fixtures/pub-rsa-2048.jwk.${keyid}json pkcs1 \
> ./fixtures/pub-rsa-2048.pkcs1.1.pem
diff ./fixtures/pub-rsa-2048.pkcs1.${keyid}pem ./fixtures/pub-rsa-2048.pkcs1.1.pem
il y a 5 ans
if [ -z "$keyid" ]; then
echo "Pass"
il y a 5 ans
if [ -z "$keyid" ]; then
echo ""
echo "Testing JWK-to-PEM PKCS#8"
node bin/rasha.js ./fixtures/privkey-rsa-2048.jwk.${keyid}json pkcs8 \
> ./fixtures/privkey-rsa-2048.pkcs8.1.pem
diff ./fixtures/privkey-rsa-2048.pkcs8.${keyid}pem ./fixtures/privkey-rsa-2048.pkcs8.1.pem
node bin/rasha.js ./fixtures/pub-rsa-2048.jwk.${keyid}json spki \
> ./fixtures/pub-rsa-2048.spki.1.pem
diff ./fixtures/pub-rsa-2048.spki.${keyid}pem ./fixtures/pub-rsa-2048.spki.1.pem
il y a 5 ans
if [ -z "$keyid" ]; then
echo "Pass"
if [ -z "$keyid" ]; then
echo ""
echo "Testing JWK-to-SSH"
node bin/rasha.js ./fixtures/privkey-rsa-2048.jwk.${keyid}json ssh > ./fixtures/pub-rsa-2048.ssh.1.pub
diff ./fixtures/pub-rsa-2048.ssh.${keyid}pub ./fixtures/pub-rsa-2048.ssh.1.pub
node bin/rasha.js ./fixtures/pub-rsa-2048.jwk.${keyid}json ssh > ./fixtures/pub-rsa-2048.ssh.1.pub
diff ./fixtures/pub-rsa-2048.ssh.${keyid}pub ./fixtures/pub-rsa-2048.ssh.1.pub
il y a 5 ans
if [ -z "$keyid" ]; then
echo "Pass"
rndkey() {
# Generate 2048-bit RSA Keypair
openssl genrsa -out fixtures/privkey-rsa-2048.pkcs1.${keyid}pem $keysize
# Convert PKCS1 (traditional) RSA Keypair to PKCS8 format
openssl rsa -in fixtures/privkey-rsa-2048.pkcs1.${keyid}pem -pubout \
-out fixtures/pub-rsa-2048.spki.${keyid}pem
# Export Public-only RSA Key in PKCS1 (traditional) format
openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -nocrypt -in fixtures/privkey-rsa-2048.pkcs1.${keyid}pem \
-out fixtures/privkey-rsa-2048.pkcs8.${keyid}pem
# Convert PKCS1 (traditional) RSA Public Key to SPKI/PKIX format
openssl rsa -in fixtures/pub-rsa-2048.spki.${keyid}pem -pubin -RSAPublicKey_out \
-out fixtures/pub-rsa-2048.pkcs1.${keyid}pem
# Convert RSA public key to SSH format
sshpub=$(ssh-keygen -f fixtures/pub-rsa-2048.spki.${keyid}pem -i -mPKCS8)
echo "$sshpub rsa@localhost" > fixtures/pub-rsa-2048.ssh.${keyid}pub
il y a 5 ans
# to JWK
node bin/rasha.js ./fixtures/privkey-rsa-2048.pkcs1.${keyid}pem \
> ./fixtures/privkey-rsa-2048.jwk.${keyid}json
node bin/rasha.js ./fixtures/pub-rsa-2048.pkcs1.${keyid}pem \
> ./fixtures/pub-rsa-2048.jwk.${keyid}json
pemtojwk "$keyid"
jwktopem "$keyid"
pemtojwk ""
jwktopem ""
il y a 5 ans
echo ""
echo "testing node key generation"
echo "defaults"
node bin/rasha.js > /dev/null
echo "jwk"
node bin/rasha.js jwk > /dev/null
echo "json 2048"
node bin/rasha.js json 2048 > /dev/null
echo "der"
node bin/rasha.js der > /dev/null
echo "pkcs8 der"
node bin/rasha.js pkcs8 der > /dev/null
echo "pem"
node bin/rasha.js pem > /dev/null
echo "pkcs1"
node bin/rasha.js pkcs1 pem > /dev/null
echo "spki"
node bin/rasha.js spki > /dev/null
echo "PASS"
il y a 5 ans
echo ""
echo ""
il y a 5 ans
echo "Re-running tests with random keys of varying sizes"
il y a 5 ans
echo ""
# commented out sizes below 512, since they are below minimum size on some systems.
# rndkey 32 # minimum key size
# rndkey 64
# rndkey 128
# rndkey 256
rndkey 512
rndkey 768
rndkey 1024
rndkey 2048 # first secure key size
if [ "${RASHA_TEST_LARGE_KEYS}" == "true" ]; then
rndkey 3072
rndkey 4096 # largest reasonable key size
echo ""
echo "Note:"
echo "Keys larger than 2048 have been tested and work, but are omitted from automated tests to save time."
echo "Set RASHA_TEST_LARGE_KEYS=true to enable testing of keys up to 4096."
echo ""
echo "Pass"
il y a 5 ans
rm fixtures/*.1.*
echo ""
echo "Testing Thumbprints"
node bin/rasha.js ./fixtures/privkey-rsa-2048.pkcs1.pem thumbprint
node bin/rasha.js ./fixtures/pub-rsa-2048.jwk.json thumbprint
echo "PASS"
il y a 5 ans
echo ""
echo ""
echo "PASSED:"
echo "• All inputs produced valid outputs"
echo "• All outputs matched known-good values"
il y a 5 ans
echo "• All random tests passed reciprosity"