660 lines
22 KiB
660 lines
22 KiB
'use strict';
var http = require('http');
var https = require('https');
var url = require('url');
var os = require('os');
var pkg = require('./package.json');
var fs = require('fs'); // only for streams
function debug() {
if (module.exports.debug) {
console.log.apply(console, arguments);
function mergeOrDelete(defaults, updates) {
Object.keys(defaults).forEach(function (key) {
if (!(key in updates)) {
updates[key] = defaults[key];
// neither accept the prior default nor define an explicit value
// CRDT probs...
if ('undefined' === typeof updates[key]) {
delete updates[key];
} else if (
'object' === typeof defaults[key] &&
'object' === typeof updates[key]
) {
updates[key] = mergeOrDelete(defaults[key], updates[key]);
return updates;
// retrieves an existing header, case-sensitive
function getHeaderName(reqOpts, header) {
var headerNames = {};
Object.keys(reqOpts.headers).forEach(function (casedName) {
headerNames[casedName.toLowerCase()] = casedName;
// returns the key, which in erroneous cases could be an empty string
return headerNames[header.toLowerCase()];
// returns whether or not a header exists, case-insensitive
function hasHeader(reqOpts, header) {
return 'undefined' !== typeof getHeaderName(reqOpts, header);
function toJSONifier(keys) {
return function () {
var obj = {};
var me = this;
keys.forEach(function (key) {
if (me[key] && 'function' === typeof me[key].toJSON) {
obj[key] = me[key].toJSON();
} else {
obj[key] = me[key];
return obj;
function setDefaults(defs) {
defs = defs || {};
function urequestHelper(opts, cb) {
debug('\n[urequest] processed options:');
var req;
var finalOpts = {};
function onResponse(resp) {
var followRedirect;
Object.keys(defs).forEach(function (key) {
if (key in opts && 'undefined' !== typeof opts[key]) {
opts[key] = defs[key];
followRedirect = opts.followRedirect;
resp.toJSON = toJSONifier([
resp.request = req;
resp.request.uri = url.parse(opts.url);
//resp.request.method = opts.method;
resp.request.headers = finalOpts.headers;
resp.request.toJSON = toJSONifier(['uri', 'method', 'headers']);
if (opts.debug) {
console.debug('[@root/request] Response Headers:');
if (
followRedirect &&
resp.headers.location &&
-1 !== [301, 302, 307, 308].indexOf(resp.statusCode)
) {
debug('Following redirect: ' + resp.headers.location);
if ('GET' !== opts.method && !opts.followAllRedirects) {
followRedirect = false;
if (opts._redirectCount >= opts.maxRedirects) {
followRedirect = false;
if ('function' === opts.followRedirect) {
if (!opts.followRedirect(resp)) {
followRedirect = false;
if (followRedirect) {
if (!opts.followOriginalHttpMethod) {
opts.method = 'GET';
opts.body = null;
delete opts.headers[
getHeaderName(opts, 'Content-Length')
delete opts.headers[
getHeaderName(opts, 'Transfer-Encoding')
if (opts.removeRefererHeader && opts.headers) {
delete opts.headers.referer;
// TODO needs baseUrl, maybe test for host / socketPath?
opts.url = resp.headers.location;
opts.uri = url.parse(opts.url);
return urequestHelper(opts, cb);
if (opts.stream) {
// make the response await-able
var resolve;
var reject;
resp.stream = new Promise(function (_resolve, _reject) {
resolve = _resolve;
reject = _reject;
// allow specifying a file
if ('string' === typeof opts.stream) {
try {
if (opts.debug) {
'[@root/request] file write stream created'
opts.stream = fs.createWriteStream(opts.stream);
} catch (e) {
// or an existing write stream
if ('function' === typeof opts.stream.pipe) {
if (opts.debug) {
console.debug('[@root/request] stream piped');
resp.on('error', function (e) {
if (opts.debug) {
console.debug("[@root/request] stream 'error'");
if ('function' === opts.stream.destroy) {
resp.on('end', function () {
if (opts.debug) {
console.debug("[@root/request] stream 'end'");
if ('function' === opts.stream.destroy) {
// this will close the stream (i.e. sync to disk)
resp.on('close', function () {
if (opts.debug) {
console.debug("[@root/request] stream 'close'");
// and in all cases, return the stream
cb(null, resp);
if (null === opts.encoding) {
resp._body = [];
} else {
resp.body = '';
resp._bodyLength = 0;
resp.on('data', function (chunk) {
if ('string' === typeof resp.body) {
resp.body += chunk.toString(opts.encoding);
} else {
resp._bodyLength += chunk.length;
resp.on('end', function () {
if ('string' !== typeof resp.body) {
if (1 === resp._body.length) {
resp.body = resp._body[0];
} else {
resp.body = Buffer.concat(resp._body, resp._bodyLength);
resp._body = null;
if (opts.json && 'string' === typeof resp.body) {
// TODO I would parse based on Content-Type
// but request.js doesn't do that.
try {
resp.body = JSON.parse(resp.body);
} catch (e) {
// ignore
debug('\n[urequest] resp.toJSON():');
if (module.exports.debug) {
if (opts.debug) {
console.debug('[@root/request] Response Body:');
cb(null, resp, resp.body);
var _body;
var MyFormData;
var form;
var formHeaders;
var requester;
if (opts.body) {
if (true === opts.json) {
_body = JSON.stringify(opts.body);
} else {
_body = opts.body;
} else if (opts.json && true !== opts.json) {
_body = JSON.stringify(opts.json);
} else if (opts.form) {
_body = Object.keys(opts.form)
.filter(function (key) {
if ('undefined' !== typeof opts.form[key]) {
return true;
.map(function (key) {
return (
encodeURIComponent(key) +
'=' +
opts.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
if ('string' === typeof _body) {
_body = Buffer.from(_body);
Object.keys(opts.uri).forEach(function (key) {
finalOpts[key] = opts.uri[key];
// A bug should be raised if request does it differently,
// but I think we're supposed to pass all acceptable options
// on to the raw http request
].forEach(function (key) {
finalOpts[key] = opts.uri[key];
finalOpts.method = opts.method;
finalOpts.headers = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(opts.headers));
var uaHeader = getHeaderName(finalOpts, 'User-Agent') || 'User-Agent';
// set a default user-agent
if (!finalOpts.headers[uaHeader]) {
if (false === finalOpts.headers[uaHeader]) {
delete finalOpts.headers[uaHeader];
} else {
finalOpts.headers[uaHeader] = getUserAgent(opts.userAgent);
if (_body) {
// Most APIs expect (or require) Content-Length except in the case of multipart uploads
// Transfer-Encoding: Chunked (the default) is generally only well-supported downstream
if (
'undefined' !== typeof _body.byteLength ||
'undefined' !== typeof _body.length
) {
finalOpts.headers['Content-Length'] =
_body.byteLength || _body.length;
if (opts.auth) {
// if opts.uri specifies auth it will be parsed by url.parse and passed directly to the http module
if ('string' !== typeof opts.auth) {
opts.auth =
(opts.auth.user || opts.auth.username || '') +
':' +
(opts.auth.pass || opts.auth.password || '');
if ('string' === typeof opts.auth) {
finalOpts.auth = opts.auth;
if (false === opts.sendImmediately) {
'[Warn] setting `sendImmediately: false` is not yet supported. Please open an issue if this is an important feature that you need.'
// [request-compat]
if (opts.auth.bearer) {
// having a shortcut for base64 encoding makes sense, but this? Eh, whatevs...
finalOpts.header.Authorization = 'Bearer ' + opts.auth.bearer;
if (opts.formData) {
try {
MyFormData = opts.FormData || require('form-data');
// potential options https://github.com/felixge/node-combined-stream/blob/master/lib/combined_stream.js#L7-L15
} catch (e) {
'urequest does not include extra dependencies by default'
"if you need to use 'form-data' you may install it, like so:"
console.error(' npm install --save form-data');
try {
form = new MyFormData();
Object.keys(opts.formData).forEach(function (key) {
function add(key, data, opts) {
if (data.value) {
opts = data.options;
data = data.value;
form.append(key, data, opts);
if (Array.isArray(opts.formData[key])) {
opts.formData[key].forEach(function (data) {
add(key, data);
} else {
add(key, opts.formData[key]);
} catch (e) {
formHeaders = form.getHeaders();
Object.keys(formHeaders).forEach(function (header) {
finalOpts.headers[header] = formHeaders[header];
// TODO support unix sockets
if ('https:' === finalOpts.protocol) {
// https://nodejs.org/api/https.html#https_https_request_options_callback
debug('\n[urequest] https.request(opts):');
requester = https;
} else if ('http:' === finalOpts.protocol) {
// https://nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_http_request_options_callback
debug('\n[urequest] http.request(opts):');
requester = http;
} else {
cb(new Error("unknown protocol: '" + opts.uri.protocol + "'"));
if (form) {
debug("\n[urequest] '" + finalOpts.method + "' (request) form");
// generally uploads don't use Chunked Encoding (some systems have issues with it)
// and I don't want to do the work to calculate the content-lengths. This seems to work.
req = form.submit(finalOpts, function (err, resp) {
if (err) {
//req = requester.request(finalOpts, onResponse);
//req.on('error', cb);
if (opts.debug) {
console.debug('[@root/request] Request Options:');
if (_body) {
console.debug('[@root/request] Request Body:');
opts.body || opts.form || opts.formData || opts.json
req = requester.request(finalOpts, onResponse);
req.on('error', cb);
if (_body) {
debug("\n[urequest] '" + finalOpts.method + "' (request) body");
if ('function' === typeof _body.pipe) {
// used for chunked encoding
_body.on('error', function (err) {
// https://nodejs.org/api/stream.html#stream_readable_pipe_destination_options
// if the Readable stream emits an error during processing,
// the Writable destination is not closed automatically
} else {
// used for known content-length
} else {
function parseUrl(str) {
var obj = url.parse(str);
var paths;
if ('unix' !== (obj.hostname || obj.host || '').toLowerCase()) {
return obj;
obj.href = null;
obj.hostname = obj.host = null;
paths = (obj.pathname || obj.path || '').split(':');
obj.socketPath = paths.shift();
obj.pathname = obj.path = paths.join(':');
return obj;
function urequest(opts, cb) {
debug('\n[urequest] received options:');
var reqOpts = {};
// request.js behavior:
// encoding: null + json ? unknown
// json => attempt to parse, fail silently
// encoding => buffer.toString(encoding)
// null === encoding => Buffer.concat(buffers)
if ('string' === typeof opts) {
opts = { url: opts };
module.exports._keys.forEach(function (key) {
if (key in opts && 'undefined' !== typeof opts[key]) {
reqOpts[key] = opts[key];
} else if (key in defs) {
reqOpts[key] = defs[key];
// TODO url.resolve(defs.baseUrl, opts.url);
if ('string' === typeof opts.url || 'string' === typeof opts.uri) {
if ('string' === typeof opts.url) {
reqOpts.url = opts.url;
reqOpts.uri = parseUrl(opts.url);
} else if ('string' === typeof opts.uri) {
reqOpts.url = opts.uri;
reqOpts.uri = parseUrl(opts.uri);
} else {
if ('object' === typeof opts.uri) {
reqOpts.url = url.format(opts.uri);
reqOpts.uri = opts.uri;
//reqOpts.uri = url.parse(reqOpts.uri);
} else if ('object' === typeof opts.url) {
reqOpts.url = url.format(opts.url);
reqOpts.uri = opts.url;
//reqOpts.uri = url.parse(reqOpts.url);
if (
opts.body ||
(opts.json && true !== opts.json) ||
opts.form ||
) {
// TODO this is probably a deviation from request's API
// need to check and probably eliminate it
reqOpts.method = (reqOpts.method || 'POST').toUpperCase();
} else {
reqOpts.method = (reqOpts.method || 'GET').toUpperCase();
if (!reqOpts.headers) {
reqOpts.headers = {};
// crazy case for easier testing
if (!hasHeader(reqOpts, 'CoNTeNT-TyPe')) {
if (
(true === reqOpts.json && reqOpts.body) ||
(true !== reqOpts.json && reqOpts.json)
) {
reqOpts.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json';
if (opts.debug) {
reqOpts.debug = opts.debug;
return urequestHelper(reqOpts, cb);
function smartPromisify(fn) {
return function (opts) {
var cb;
if ('function' === typeof arguments[1]) {
cb = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments)[1];
return fn(opts, cb);
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
fn(opts, function (err, resp) {
if (err) {
err._response = resp;
var smartUrequest = smartPromisify(urequest);
smartUrequest.defaults = function (_defs) {
_defs = mergeOrDelete(defs, _defs);
return setDefaults(_defs);
['get', 'put', 'post', 'patch', 'delete', 'head', 'options'].forEach(
function (method) {
smartUrequest[method] = smartPromisify(function (obj, cb) {
if ('string' === typeof obj) {
obj = { url: obj };
obj.method = method.toUpperCase();
urequest(obj, cb);
smartUrequest.del = urequest.delete;
return smartUrequest;
var nodeUa =
'@root+request/' +
pkg.version +
' ' +
process.release.name +
'/' +
process.version +
' ' +
os.platform() +
'/' +
os.release() +
' ' +
os.type() +
'/' +
function getUserAgent(additional) {
// See https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8555#section-6.1
// And https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-5.5.3
// And https://community.letsencrypt.org/t/user-agent-flag-explained/3843/2
var ua = nodeUa;
if (additional) {
ua = additional + ' ' + ua;
return ua;
var _defaults = {
sendImmediately: true,
method: '',
headers: {},
useQuerystring: false,
followRedirect: true,
followAllRedirects: false,
followOriginalHttpMethod: false,
maxRedirects: 10,
removeRefererHeader: false,
// encoding: undefined,
// stream: false, // TODO allow a stream?
gzip: false
//, body: undefined
//, json: undefined
module.exports = setDefaults(_defaults);
module.exports._keys = Object.keys(_defaults).concat([
'userAgent' // non-standard for request.js
module.exports.debug =
-1 !== (process.env.NODE_DEBUG || '').split(/\s+/g).indexOf('urequest');
debug('DEBUG ON for urequest');