/*! * rsa-compat * Copyright(c) 2016 AJ ONeal https://daplie.com * Apache-2.0 OR MIT (and hence also MPL 2.0) */ 'use strict'; require('buffer-v6-polyfill'); var RSA = {}; var NOBJ = {}; function create(deps) { var crypto = require('crypto'); deps = deps || {}; deps.NOBJ = {}; deps.RSA = RSA; try { RSA._URSA = require('ursa'); } catch(e) { // ignore } RSA.utils = require('./lib/key-utils.js'); RSA.utils.toWebsafeBase64 = function (b64) { return b64.replace(/[+]/g, "-").replace(/\//g, "_").replace(/=/g,""); }; RSA.utils._forgeBytesToBuf = function (bytes) { var forge = require("node-forge"); return new Buffer(forge.util.bytesToHex(bytes), "hex"); }; RSA._internal = require('./lib/node');//.create(deps); RSA._thumbprintInput = function (n, e) { // #L147 const rsaThumbprintTemplate = `{"e":"%s","kty":"RSA","n":"%s"}` return new Buffer('{"e":"'+ e + '","kty":"RSA","n":"'+ n +'"}', 'ascii'); }; RSA.thumbprint = function (keypair) { var publicKeyJwk = RSA.exportPublicJwk(keypair); if (!publicKeyJwk.e || !publicKeyJwk.n) { throw new Error("You must provide an RSA jwk with 'e' and 'n' (the public components)"); } var input = RSA._thumbprintInput(publicKeyJwk.n, publicKeyJwk.e); console.log('thumbprint input', input.toString('ascii')); var base64Digest = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(input).digest('base64'); return RSA.utils.toWebsafeBase64(base64Digest); }; RSA.generateKeypair = function (length, exponent, options, cb) { if (!RSA._URSA && /arm|mips/i.test(require('os').arch) && !RSA._SLOW_WARN) { console.warn("================================================================"); console.warn(" WARNING"); console.warn("================================================================"); console.warn(""); console.warn("WARNING: You are generating an RSA key using pure JavaScript on"); console.warn(" a VERY SLOW cpu. This could take DOZENS of minutes!"); console.warn(""); console.warn(" We recommend installing a C compiler and 'ursa'"); console.warn(""); console.warn("EXAMPLE:"); console.warn(""); console.warn(" sudo apt-get install build-essential && npm install ursa"); console.warn(""); console.warn("================================================================"); RSA._SLOW_WARN = true; } var keypair = { privateKeyPem: undefined , publicKeyPem: undefined , privateKeyJwk: undefined , publicKeyJwk: undefined , _ursa: undefined , _ursaPublic: undefined , _forge: undefined , _forgePublic: undefined }; options = options || NOBJ; RSA._internal.generateKeypair(length, exponent, options, function (err, keys) { if (false !== options.jwk || options.thumbprint) { keypair.privateKeyJwk = RSA._internal.exportPrivateJwk(keys); if (options.public) { keypair.publicKeyJwk = RSA._internal.exportPublicJwk(keys); } } if (options.pem) { keypair.privateKeyPem = RSA._internal.exportPrivatePem(keys); if (options.public) { keypair.publicKeyPem = RSA._internal.exportPublicPem(keys); } } if (options.thumprint) { keypair.thumbprint = RSA.thumbprint(keypair); } if (options.internal) { //keypair._ursa = undefined; //keypair._forge = undefined; keypair._ursa = keys._ursa; keypair._forge = keys._forge; } cb(null, keypair); return; }); }; RSA.import = function (keypair/*, options*/) { keypair = RSA._internal.import(keypair, { internal: true }); keypair = RSA._internal.importForge(keypair, { internal: true }); //options = options || NOBJ; // ignore if (keypair.privateKeyJwk || keypair.privateKeyPem || keypair._ursa || keypair._forge) { keypair.privateKeyJwk = RSA._internal.exportPrivateJwk(keypair, { internal: true }); //keypair.privateKeyPem = RSA._internal.exportPrivatePem(keypair, { internal: true }); return keypair; } if (keypair.publicKeyJwk || keypair.publicKeyPem || keypair._ursaPublic || keypair._forgePublic) { keypair.publicKeyJwk = RSA._internal.exportPublicJwk(keypair, { internal: true }); //keypair.publicKeyPem = RSA._internal.exportPublicPem(keypair, { internal: true }); return keypair; } throw new Error('found neither private nor public keypair in any supported format'); }; RSA._ursaGenerateSig = function (keypair, sha256Buf) { var sig = keypair._ursa.sign('sha256', sha256Buf); var sig64 = RSA.utils.toWebsafeBase64(sig.toString('base64')); return sig64; }; RSA._forgeGenerateSig = function (keypair, sha256Buf) { var forge = require('node-forge'); var bufF = forge.util.createBuffer(sha256Buf.toString('binary'), 'binary'); var md = { algorithm: 'sha256' , blockLength: 64 , digestLength: 20 , digest: function () { return bufF; } }; var sigF = keypair._forge.sign(md); var sig64 = RSA.utils.toWebsafeBase64( new Buffer(forge.util.bytesToHex(sigF), "hex").toString('base64') ); return sig64; }; RSA.signJws = RSA.generateJws = RSA.generateSignatureJws = RSA.generateSignatureJwk = function (keypair, payload, nonce) { keypair = RSA._internal.import(keypair); keypair = RSA._internal.importForge(keypair); keypair.publicKeyJwk = RSA.exportPublicJwk(keypair); // Compute JWS signature var protectedHeader = ""; if (nonce) { protectedHeader = JSON.stringify({nonce: nonce}); } var protected64 = RSA.utils.toWebsafeBase64(new Buffer(protectedHeader).toString('base64')); var payload64 = RSA.utils.toWebsafeBase64(payload.toString('base64')); var raw = protected64 + "." + payload64; var sha256Buf = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(raw).digest(); var sig64; if (RSA._URSA) { sig64 = RSA._ursaGenerateSig(keypair, sha256Buf); } else { sig64 = RSA._forgeGenerateSig(keypair, sha256Buf); } return { header: { alg: "RS256" , jwk: keypair.publicKeyJwk } , protected: protected64 , payload: payload64 , signature: sig64 }; }; // // Generate CSR // RSA._generateCsrForge = function (keypair, names) { var forge = require('node-forge'); keypair = RSA._internal.importForge(keypair); // Create and sign the CSR var csr = forge.pki.createCertificationRequest(); csr.publicKey = keypair._forgePublic; // TODO should the commonName be shift()ed off so that it isn't also in altNames? // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5935369/ssl-how-do-common-names-cn-and-subject-alternative-names-san-work-together csr.setSubject([{ name: 'commonName', value: names[0] }]); var sans = names.map(function (name) { return { type: 2, value: name }; }); csr.setAttributes([{ name: 'extensionRequest', extensions: [{name: 'subjectAltName', altNames: sans}] }]); // TODO wrap with node crypto (as done for signature) csr.sign(keypair._forge, forge.md.sha256.create()); return csr; }; RSA.generateCsrAsn1 = function (keypair, names) { var forge = require('node-forge'); var csr = RSA._generateCsrForge(keypair, names); var asn1 = forge.pki.certificationRequestToAsn1(csr); return RSA.utils._forgeBytesToBuf(asn1); }; RSA.generateCsrPem = function (keypair, names) { var forge = require('node-forge'); var csr = RSA._generateCsrForge(keypair, names); return forge.pki.certificationRequestToPem(csr); }; RSA.generateCsrDer = function (keypair, names) { var forge = require('node-forge'); var csr = RSA._generateCsrForge(keypair, names); var asn1 = forge.pki.certificationRequestToAsn1(csr); var der = forge.asn1.toDer(asn1); return RSA.utils._forgeBytesToBuf(der); }; RSA.generateCsrDerWeb64 =RSA.generateCsrWeb64 = function (keypair, names) { var buf = RSA.generateCsrDer(keypair, names); var b64 = buf.toString('base64'); var web64 = RSA.utils.toWebsafeBase64(b64); return web64; }; RSA.exportPrivateKey = RSA._internal.exportPrivatePem; RSA.exportPublicKey = RSA._internal.exportPublicPem; RSA.exportPrivatePem = RSA._internal.exportPrivatePem; RSA.exportPublicPem = RSA._internal.exportPublicPem; RSA.exportPrivateJwk = RSA._internal.exportPrivateJwk; RSA.exportPublicJwk = RSA._internal.exportPublicJwk; return RSA; } module.exports.RSA = create(/*require('./lib/node')*/); //module.exports.RSA.create = create;