// Copyright 2016-2018 AJ ONeal. All rights reserved /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ 'use strict'; var RSA = module.exports; RSA.utils = {}; try { require('buffer-v6-polyfill'); } catch(e) { /* ignore */ } var Rasha = require('./rasha'); var RSACSR = require('./rsa-csr'); var NOBJ = {}; var DEFAULT_BITLEN = 2048; var DEFAULT_EXPONENT = 0x10001; RSA.generateKeypair = function (options, cb, extra1, extra2) { var length; var exponent; if ('function' === typeof extra2) { length = options || DEFAULT_BITLEN; exponent = cb || DEFAULT_EXPONENT; options = extra1 || NOBJ; cb = extra2; } else { if (!options) { options = NOBJ; } length = options.bitlen || DEFAULT_BITLEN; exponent = options.exp || DEFAULT_EXPONENT; } try { var keypair = require('./generate-privkey.js')(length, exponent); keypair.thumbprint = RSA.thumbprint(keypair); cb(null, keypair); } catch(e) { cb(e); } }; RSA.import = function (options) { options = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(options)); // Private Keys if (options.privateKeyPem) { if (!options.privateKeyJwk) { options.privateKeyJwk = Rasha.importSync({ pem: options.privateKeyPem }); } } if (options.privateKeyJwk) { if (!options.privateKeyPem) { options.privateKeyPem = Rasha.exportSync({ jwk: options.privateKeyJwk , format: options.format || 'pkcs1' , encoding: options.encoding || 'pem' }); } } // Public Keys if (options.publicKeyPem || options.privateKeyPem) { if (!options.publicKeyJwk) { options.publicKeyJwk = Rasha.importSync({ pem: options.publicKeyPem || options.privateKeyPem , public: true }); } } if (options.publicKeyJwk || options.privateKeyJwk) { if (!options.publicKeyPem) { options.publicKeyPem = Rasha.exportSync({ jwk: options.publicKeyJwk || options.privateKeyJwk , format: options.format || 'pkcs1' , encoding: options.encoding || 'pem' , public: true }); } } if (!options.publicKeyPem) { throw new Error("Error: no keys were present to import"); } // Consistent CRLF if (options.privateKeyPem) { options.privateKeyPem = options.privateKeyPem .trim().replace(/[\r\n]+/g, '\r\n') + '\r\n'; } options.publicKeyPem = options.publicKeyPem .trim().replace(/[\r\n]+/g, '\r\n') + '\r\n'; // Thumbprint if (!options.thumbprint) { options.thumbprint = RSA._thumbprint(options); } return options; }; RSA.exportPrivatePem = function (keypair) { keypair = RSA.import(keypair); return keypair.privateKeyPem; }; RSA.exportPublicPem = function (keypair) { keypair = RSA.import(keypair); return keypair.publicKeyPem; }; RSA.exportPrivateJwk = function (keypair) { keypair = RSA.import(keypair); return keypair.privateKeyJwk; }; RSA.exportPublicJwk = function (keypair) { if (!keypair.publicKeyJwk) { keypair = RSA.import(keypair); } return keypair.publicKeyJwk; }; RSA.signJws = RSA.generateJws = RSA.generateSignatureJws = RSA.generateSignatureJwk = function (keypair, header, protect, payload) { // old (keypair, payload, nonce) var nonce; keypair = RSA.import(keypair); keypair.publicKeyJwk = RSA.exportPublicJwk(keypair); if ('string' === typeof protect || ('undefined' === typeof protect && 'undefined' === typeof payload)) { console.warn("deprecation notice: new signature for signJws(keypair, header, protect, payload)"); // old API payload = header; nonce = protect; protect = undefined; header = { alg: "RS256" , jwk: keypair.publicKeyJwk }; protect = { nonce: nonce }; } // Compute JWS signature var protectedHeader = ""; if (protect) { protectedHeader = JSON.stringify(protect); // { alg: prot.alg, nonce: prot.nonce, url: prot.url }); } var protected64 = RSA.utils.toWebsafeBase64(Buffer.from(protectedHeader).toString('base64')); var payload64 = RSA.utils.toWebsafeBase64(payload.toString('base64')); var raw = protected64 + "." + payload64; var pem = RSA.exportPrivatePem(keypair); var signer = require('crypto').createSign("RSA-SHA256"); signer.update(raw); return { header: header , protected: protected64 , payload: payload64 , signature: signer.sign(pem, 'base64') .replace(/\+/g, '-') .replace(/\//g, '_') .replace(/=/g, '') }; }; RSA.generateCsrPem = function (keypair, domains) { keypair = RSA.import(keypair); return RSACSR.sync({ jwk: keypair.privateKeyJwk, domains: domains }); }; RSA.generateCsrDer = function (keypair, domains) { keypair = RSA.import(keypair); return RSACSR.sync({ jwk: keypair.privateKeyJwk , domains: domains , encoding: 'der' }); }; RSA.generateCsrDerWeb64 =RSA.generateCsrWeb64 = function (keypair, names) { var buf = RSA.generateCsrDer(keypair, names); var b64 = buf.toString('base64'); return RSA.utils.toWebsafeBase64(b64); }; RSA._thumbprintInput = function (n, e) { // #L147 const rsaThumbprintTemplate = `{"e":"%s","kty":"RSA","n":"%s"}` return Buffer.from('{"e":"'+ e + '","kty":"RSA","n":"'+ n +'"}', 'ascii'); }; RSA._thumbprint = function (keypair) { var publicKeyJwk = keypair.publicKeyJwk; if (!publicKeyJwk.e || !publicKeyJwk.n) { throw new Error("You must provide an RSA jwk with 'e' and 'n' (the public components)"); } var input = RSA._thumbprintInput(publicKeyJwk.n, publicKeyJwk.e); var base64Digest = require('crypto').createHash('sha256').update(input).digest('base64'); return RSA.utils.toWebsafeBase64(base64Digest); }; RSA.thumbprint = function (keypair) { if (!keypair.publicKeyJwk) { keypair.publicKeyJwk = RSA.exportPublicJwk(keypair); } return RSA._thumbprint(keypair); }; RSA.utils.toWebsafeBase64 = function (b64) { return b64.replace(/\+/g, "-").replace(/\//g, "_").replace(/=/g,""); }; RSA.exportPrivateKey = RSA.exportPrivatePem; RSA.exportPublicKey = RSA.exportPublicPem;