
90 lines
2.6 KiB

* rsa-compat
* Copyright(c) 2016 AJ ONeal <>
* Apache-2.0 OR MIT (and hence also MPL 2.0)
'use strict';
var RSA = {};
var NOBJ = {};
function create(deps) {
var crypto = require('crypto');
deps = deps || {};
deps.NOBJ = {};
deps.RSA = RSA;
RSA.utils = require('./lib/key-utils.js');
RSA.utils._bytesToBuffer = function (bytes) {
var forge = require("node-forge");
return new Buffer(forge.util.bytesToHex(bytes), "hex");
RSA._internal = require('./lib/node');//.create(deps);
RSA.thumbprint = function (jwk) {
jwk = jwk.privateKeyJwk || jwk.publicKeyJwk || jwk;
if (!jwk.e || !jwk.n) {
throw new Error("You must provide an RSA jwk with 'e' and 'n' (the public components)");
var input = RSA.utils._bytesToBuffer('{"e":"'+ jwk.e + '","kty":"RSA","n":"'+ jwk.n +'"}');
return RSA.util.b64enc(crypto.createHash('sha256').update(input).digest());
RSA.generateKeypair = function (length, exponent, options, cb) {
var keypair = {
privateKeyPem: undefined
, publicKeyPem: undefined
, privateKeyJwk: undefined
, publicKeyJwk: undefined
, _ursa: undefined
, _forge: undefined
options = options || NOBJ;
RSA._internal.generateKeypair(length, exponent, options, function (err, keys) {
if (false !== options.jwk || options.thumbprint) {
keypair.privateKeyJwk = RSA._internal.exportPrivateJwk(keys);
if (options.public) {
keypair.publicKeyJwk = RSA._internal.exportPublicJwk(keys);
if (options.pem) {
keypair.privateKeyPem = RSA._internal.exportPrivatePem(keys);
if (options.public) {
keypair.publicKeyPem = RSA._internal.exportPublicPem(keys);
if (options.thumprint) {
keypair.thumbprint = RSA.thumbprint(keypair.privateKeyJwk /*|| keypair.publicKeyJwk*/);
if (options.internal) {
//keypair._ursa = undefined;
//keypair._forge = undefined;
keypair._ursa = keys._ursa;
keypair._forge = keys._forge;
cb(null, keypair);
RSA.exportPrivateKey = RSA._internal.exportPrivatePem;
RSA.exportPublicKey = RSA._internal.exportPublicPem;
RSA.exportPrivatePem = RSA._internal.exportPrivatePem;
RSA.exportPublicPem = RSA._internal.exportPublicPem;
RSA.exportPrivateJwk = RSA._internal.exportPrivateJwk;
RSA.exportPublicJwk = RSA._internal.exportPublicJwk;
return RSA;
module.exports.RSA = create(/*require('./lib/node')*/);
//module.exports.RSA.create = create;