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/// S2 Geometry functions
// the regional scoreboard is based on a level 6 S2 Cell
// - https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Hl4KapfAENAOf4gv-pSngKwvS_jwNVHRPZTTDzXXn6Q/view?pli=1#slide=id.i22
// at the time of writing there's no actual API for the intel map to retrieve scoreboard data,
// but it's still useful to plot the score cells on the intel map
// the S2 geometry is based on projecting the earth sphere onto a cube, with some scaling of face coordinates to
// keep things close to approximate equal area for adjacent cells
// to convert a lat,lng into a cell id:
// - convert lat,lng to x,y,z
// - convert x,y,z into face,u,v
// - u,v scaled to s,t with quadratic formula
// - s,t converted to integer i,j offsets
// - i,j converted to a position along a Hubbert space-filling curve
// - combine face,position to get the cell id
//NOTE: compared to the google S2 geometry library, we vary from their code in the following ways
// - cell IDs: they combine face and the hilbert curve position into a single 64 bit number. this gives efficient space
// and speed. javascript doesn't have appropriate data types, and speed is not cricical, so we use
// as [face,[bitpair,bitpair,...]] instead
// - i,j: they always use 30 bits, adjusting as needed. we use 0 to (1<<level)-1 instead
// (so GetSizeIJ for a cell is always 1)
(function(exports) {
'use strict';
var S2 = exports.S2 = {};
S2.LatLngToXYZ = function(latLng) {
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8981943/lat-long-to-x-y-z-position-in-js-not-working
var lat = latLng.lat;
var lon = latLng.lng;
var DEG_TO_RAD = Math.PI / 180.0;
var phi = lat * DEG_TO_RAD;
var theta = lon * DEG_TO_RAD;
var cosLat = Math.cos(phi);
var sinLat = Math.sin(phi);
var cosLon = Math.cos(theta);
var sinLon = Math.sin(theta);
var rad = 500.0;
return [
rad * cosLat * cosLon
, rad * cosLat * sinLon
, rad * sinLat
S2.LatLngToXYZ = function(latLng) {
var d2r = S2.L.LatLng.DEG_TO_RAD;
var phi = latLng.lat*d2r;
var theta = latLng.lng*d2r;
var cosphi = Math.cos(phi);
return [Math.cos(theta)*cosphi, Math.sin(theta)*cosphi, Math.sin(phi)];
S2.XYZToLatLng = function(xyz) {
var r2d = S2.L.LatLng.RAD_TO_DEG;
var lat = Math.atan2(xyz[2], Math.sqrt(xyz[0]*xyz[0]+xyz[1]*xyz[1]));
var lng = Math.atan2(xyz[1], xyz[0]);
return S2.L.LatLng(lat*r2d, lng*r2d);
var largestAbsComponent = function(xyz) {
var temp = [Math.abs(xyz[0]), Math.abs(xyz[1]), Math.abs(xyz[2])];
if (temp[0] > temp[1]) {
if (temp[0] > temp[2]) {
return 0;
} else {
return 2;
} else {
if (temp[1] > temp[2]) {
return 1;
} else {
return 2;
var faceXYZToUV = function(face,xyz) {
var u,v;
switch (face) {
case 0: u = xyz[1]/xyz[0]; v = xyz[2]/xyz[0]; break;
case 1: u = -xyz[0]/xyz[1]; v = xyz[2]/xyz[1]; break;
case 2: u = -xyz[0]/xyz[2]; v = -xyz[1]/xyz[2]; break;
case 3: u = xyz[2]/xyz[0]; v = xyz[1]/xyz[0]; break;
case 4: u = xyz[2]/xyz[1]; v = -xyz[0]/xyz[1]; break;
case 5: u = -xyz[1]/xyz[2]; v = -xyz[0]/xyz[2]; break;
default: throw {error: 'Invalid face'};
return [u,v];
S2.XYZToFaceUV = function(xyz) {
var face = largestAbsComponent(xyz);
if (xyz[face] < 0) {
face += 3;
var uv = faceXYZToUV (face,xyz);
return [face, uv];
S2.FaceUVToXYZ = function(face,uv) {
var u = uv[0];
var v = uv[1];
switch (face) {
case 0: return [ 1, u, v];
case 1: return [-u, 1, v];
case 2: return [-u,-v, 1];
case 3: return [-1,-v,-u];
case 4: return [ v,-1,-u];
case 5: return [ v, u,-1];
default: throw {error: 'Invalid face'};
var singleSTtoUV = function(st) {
if (st >= 0.5) {
return (1/3.0) * (4*st*st - 1);
} else {
return (1/3.0) * (1 - (4*(1-st)*(1-st)));
S2.STToUV = function(st) {
return [singleSTtoUV(st[0]), singleSTtoUV(st[1])];
var singleUVtoST = function(uv) {
if (uv >= 0) {
return 0.5 * Math.sqrt (1 + 3*uv);
} else {
return 1 - 0.5 * Math.sqrt (1 - 3*uv);
S2.UVToST = function(uv) {
return [singleUVtoST(uv[0]), singleUVtoST(uv[1])];
S2.STToIJ = function(st,order) {
var maxSize = (1<<order);
var singleSTtoIJ = function(st) {
var ij = Math.floor(st * maxSize);
return Math.max(0, Math.min(maxSize-1, ij));
return [singleSTtoIJ(st[0]), singleSTtoIJ(st[1])];
S2.IJToST = function(ij,order,offsets) {
var maxSize = (1<<order);
return [
// hilbert space-filling curve
// based on http://blog.notdot.net/2009/11/Damn-Cool-Algorithms-Spatial-indexing-with-Quadtrees-and-Hilbert-Curves
// note: rather then calculating the final integer hilbert position, we just return the list of quads
// this ensures no precision issues whth large orders (S3 cell IDs use up to 30), and is more
// convenient for pulling out the individual bits as needed later
var pointToHilbertQuadList = function(x,y,order) {
var hilbertMap = {
'a': [ [0,'d'], [1,'a'], [3,'b'], [2,'a'] ],
'b': [ [2,'b'], [1,'b'], [3,'a'], [0,'c'] ],
'c': [ [2,'c'], [3,'d'], [1,'c'], [0,'b'] ],
'd': [ [0,'a'], [3,'c'], [1,'d'], [2,'d'] ]
var currentSquare='a';
var positions = [];
for (var i=order-1; i>=0; i--) {
var mask = 1<<i;
var quad_x = x&mask ? 1 : 0;
var quad_y = y&mask ? 1 : 0;
var t = hilbertMap[currentSquare][quad_x*2+quad_y];
currentSquare = t[1];
return positions;
// S2Cell class
S2.S2Cell = function(){};
//static method to construct
S2.S2Cell.FromLatLng = function(latLng, level) {
if (!latLng.lat || !latLng.lng) {
throw new Error("Pass { lat: lat, lng: lng } to S2.S2Cell.FromLatLng");
var xyz = S2.LatLngToXYZ(latLng);
var faceuv = S2.XYZToFaceUV(xyz);
var st = S2.UVToST(faceuv[1]);
var ij = S2.STToIJ(st,level);
return S2.S2Cell.FromFaceIJ (faceuv[0], ij, level);
S2.faceIjLevelToXyz = function (face, ij, level) {
var st = S2.IJToST(ij, level, [0.5, 0.5]);
var uv = S2.STToUV(st);
var xyz = S2.FaceUVToXYZ(face, uv);
return S2.XYZToLatLng(xyz);
return xyz;
S2.S2Cell.FromFaceIJ = function(face,ij,level) {
var cell = new S2.S2Cell();
cell.face = face;
cell.ij = ij;
cell.level = level;
return cell;
S2.S2Cell.prototype.toString = function() {
return 'F'+this.face+'ij['+this.ij[0]+','+this.ij[1]+']@'+this.level;
S2.S2Cell.prototype.getLatLng = function() {
var st = S2.IJToST(this.ij,this.level, [0.5,0.5]);
var uv = S2.STToUV(st);
var xyz = S2.FaceUVToXYZ(this.face, uv);
return S2.XYZToLatLng(xyz);
S2.S2Cell.prototype.getCornerLatLngs = function() {
var result = [];
var offsets = [
[ 0.0, 0.0 ],
[ 0.0, 1.0 ],
[ 1.0, 1.0 ],
[ 1.0, 0.0 ]
for (var i=0; i<4; i++) {
var st = S2.IJToST(this.ij, this.level, offsets[i]);
var uv = S2.STToUV(st);
var xyz = S2.FaceUVToXYZ(this.face, uv);
result.push ( S2.XYZToLatLng(xyz) );
return result;
S2.S2Cell.prototype.getFaceAndQuads = function () {
var quads = pointToHilbertQuadList(this.ij[0], this.ij[1], this.level);
return [this.face,quads];
S2.S2Cell.prototype.toHilbertQuadkey = function () {
var quads = pointToHilbertQuadList(this.ij[0], this.ij[1], this.level);
return this.face.toString(10) + '/' + quads.join('');
S2.S2Cell.prototype.getNeighbors = function() {
var fromFaceIJWrap = function(face,ij,level) {
var maxSize = (1<<level);
if (ij[0]>=0 && ij[1]>=0 && ij[0]<maxSize && ij[1]<maxSize) {
// no wrapping out of bounds
return S2.S2Cell.FromFaceIJ(face,ij,level);
} else {
// the new i,j are out of range.
// with the assumption that they're only a little past the borders we can just take the points as
// just beyond the cube face, project to XYZ, then re-create FaceUV from the XYZ vector
var st = S2.IJToST(ij,level,[0.5,0.5]);
var uv = S2.STToUV(st);
var xyz = S2.FaceUVToXYZ(face,uv);
var faceuv = S2.XYZToFaceUV(xyz);
face = faceuv[0];
uv = faceuv[1];
st = S2.UVToST(uv);
ij = S2.STToIJ(st,level);
return S2.S2Cell.FromFaceIJ (face, ij, level);
var face = this.face;
var i = this.ij[0];
var j = this.ij[1];
var level = this.level;
return [
fromFaceIJWrap(face, [i-1,j], level),
fromFaceIJWrap(face, [i,j-1], level),
fromFaceIJWrap(face, [i+1,j], level),
fromFaceIJWrap(face, [i,j+1], level)
// Functional Style
S2.MAX_LEVEL = 30;
S2.POS_BITS = (2 * S2.MAX_LEVEL) + 1; // 61 (60 bits of data, 1 bit lsb marker)
S2.fromFacePosLevel = function (faceN, posS, levelN) {
var Long = exports.dcodeIO && exports.dcodeIO.Long || require('long');
var faceB;
var posB;
var bin;
if (!levelN) {
levelN = posS.length;
if (posS.length > levelN) {
posS = posS.substr(0, levelN);
// 3-bit face value
faceB = Long.fromString(faceN.toString(10), true, 10).toString(2);
while (faceB.length < S2.FACE_BITS) {
faceB = '0' + faceB;
// 60-bit position value
posB = Long.fromString(posS, true, 4).toString(2);
while (posB.length < (2 * levelN)) {
posB = '0' + posB;
bin = faceB + posB;
// 1-bit lsb marker
bin += '1';
// n-bit padding to 64-bits
while (bin.length < (S2.FACE_BITS + S2.POS_BITS)) {
bin += '0';
return Long.fromString(bin, true, 2).toString(10);
S2.toId = S2.toCellId = S2.fromKey = function (key) {
var parts = key.split('/');
return S2.fromFacePosLevel(parts[0], parts[1], parts[1].length);
S2.toKey = S2.fromId = S2.fromCellId = S2.toHilbertQuadkey = function (idS) {
var Long = exports.dcodeIO && exports.dcodeIO.Long || require('long');
var bin = Long.fromString(idS, true, 10).toString(2);
while (bin.length < (S2.FACE_BITS + S2.POS_BITS)) {
bin = '0' + bin;
// MUST come AFTER binstr has been left-padded with '0's
var lsbIndex = bin.lastIndexOf('1');
// substr(start, len)
// substring(start, end) // includes start, does not include end
var faceB = bin.substring(0, 3);
// posB will always be a multiple of 2 (or it's invalid)
var posB = bin.substring(3, lsbIndex);
var levelN = posB.length / 2;
var faceS = Long.fromString(faceB, true, 2).toString(10);
var posS = Long.fromString(posB, true, 2).toString(4);
while (posS.length < levelN) {
posS = '0' + posS;
return faceS + '/' + posS;
S2.latLngToKey = S2.latLngToQuadkey = function (lat, lng, level) {
// S2.idToLatLng(id)
// S2.keyToLatLng(key)
// S2.nextFace(key) // prevent wrapping on nextKey
// S2.prevFace(key) // prevent wrapping on prevKey
// .toKeyArray(id) // face,quadtree
// .toKey(id) // hilbert
// .toPoint(id) // ij
// .toId(key) // uint64 (as string)
// .toLong(key) // long.js
// .toLatLng(id) // object? or array?, or string (with comma)?
// maybe S2.HQ.x, S2.GPS.x, S2.CI.x?
return S2.S2Cell.FromLatLng({ lat: lat, lng: lng }, level).toHilbertQuadkey();
S2.stepKey = function (key, num) {
var Long = exports.dcodeIO && exports.dcodeIO.Long || require('long');
var parts = key.split('/');
var faceS = parts[0];
var posS = parts[1];
var level = parts[1].length;
var posL = Long.fromString(posS, true, 4);
// TODO handle wrapping (0 === pos + 1)
// (only on the 12 edges of the globe)
var otherL;
if (num > 0) {
otherL = posL.add(Math.abs(num));
else if (num < 0) {
otherL = posL.subtract(Math.abs(num));
var otherS = otherL.toString(4);
if ('0' === otherS) {
console.warning(new Error("face/position wrapping is not yet supported"));
while (otherS.length < level) {
otherS = '0' + otherS;
return faceS + '/' + otherS;
S2.prevKey = function (key) {
return S2.stepKey(key, -1);
S2.nextKey = function (key) {
return S2.stepKey(key, 1);
})('undefined' !== typeof window ? window : module.exports);
(function (exports) {
'use strict';
// Adapted from Leafletjs https://searchcode.com/codesearch/view/42525008/
var L = {};
var S2 = exports.S2;
if (!exports.L) {
exports.L = L;
S2.L = L;
L.LatLng = function (/*Number*/ rawLat, /*Number*/ rawLng, /*Boolean*/ noWrap) {
var lat = parseFloat(rawLat, 10);
var lng = parseFloat(rawLng, 10);
if (isNaN(lat) || isNaN(lng)) {
throw new Error('Invalid LatLng object: (' + rawLat + ', ' + rawLng + ')');
if (noWrap !== true) {
lat = Math.max(Math.min(lat, 90), -90); // clamp latitude into -90..90
lng = (lng + 180) % 360 + ((lng < -180 || lng === 180) ? 180 : -180); // wrap longtitude into -180..180
return { lat: lat, lng: lng };
L.LatLng.DEG_TO_RAD = Math.PI / 180;
L.LatLng.RAD_TO_DEG = 180 / Math.PI;
})('undefined' !== typeof window ? window : module.exports);