'use strict'; // I'm not a fan of singletons (as they are EVIL). // However, this module is, by intent, meant to // represent a worker process in a cluster. // Thus, it is appropriately a singleton. var processWebSocket; var promiseWebSocket; function startServer(opts, verbs, myServer) { if (myServer) { return verbs.Promise.resolve(myServer); } return require('./server').create(opts, verbs).then(function (server) { // this process doesn't need to connect to itself // through a socket return server.masterClient; }); } // connection is scoped per-process, nothing more function getConnection(opts, verbs, mySocket) { function incr(ws) { if (!ws.__count) { ws.__count = 0; } ws.__count += 1; return ws; } if (mySocket || processWebSocket) { promiseWebSocket = verbs.Promise.resolve(mySocket || processWebSocket); return promiseWebSocket.then(incr); } if (promiseWebSocket) { return promiseWebSocket.then(incr); } promiseWebSocket = new verbs.Promise(function (resolve) { //setTimeout(function () { var WebSocket = require('ws'); // TODO how to include path and such? // http://unix:/absolute/path/to/unix.socket:/request/path // https://github.com/websockets/ws/issues/236 var address = require('url').parse('ws+unix:' + opts.sock); var ws; address.pathname = opts.sock; address.path = '/' + require('cluster').worker.id + '/' + opts.ipcKey; address.query = { ipcKey: opts.ipcKey , ipc_key: opts.ipcKey , worker_id: require('cluster').worker.id }; address.path += '?' + require('querystring').stringify(address.query); ws = new WebSocket(address); ws.on('error', function (err) { console.error('[ERROR] ws connection failed, retrying'); console.error(err.stack); function retry() { // TODO eventually throw up setTimeout(function () { getConnection(opts, verbs, mySocket).then(resolve, retry); }, 100 + (Math.random() * 250)); } if (!opts.connect && ('ENOENT' === err.code || 'ECONNREFUSED' === err.code)) { console.log('[NO SERVER] attempting to create a server #######################'); return startServer(opts, verbs).then(function (client) { // ws.masterClient = client; resolve({ masterClient: client }); }, function (err) { console.error('[ERROR] failed to connect to sqlite3-cluster service. retrying...'); console.error(err); retry(); }); } retry(); }); ws.on('open', function () { resolve(ws); }); //}, 100 + (Math.random() * 250)); }).then(function (ws) { if (!processWebSocket) { processWebSocket = ws; } return ws; }); return promiseWebSocket.then(incr); } module.exports.createClientFactory = function (conf, verbs, _socket) { // TODO distinguish between defaults and mandates if (!conf.ipcKey) { throw new Error("[E_NO_IPCKEY] Your config must specify an ipcKey."); } return { create: function (opts, _s) { var copy = {}; if (_socket && _s) { throw new Error("[E_USR_SOCKET] Your parent has decided that you may not choose your own SOCKET. Don't get mad at me, take it up with them."); } if (opts.dirname && conf.dirname) { throw new Error("[E_USR_TENANT] Your parent has decided that you may not choose your own TENANT. Don't get mad at me, take it up with them."); } if (opts.tenant && conf.tenant) { throw new Error("[E_USR_TENANT] Your parent has decided that you may not choose your own TENANT. Don't get mad at me, take it up with them."); } if (opts.prefix && conf.prefix) { throw new Error("[E_USR_PREFIX] Your parent has decided that you may not choose your own PREFIX. Don't get mad at me, take it up with them."); } if (opts.suffix && conf.suffix) { throw new Error("[E_USR_SUFFIX] Your parent has decided that you may not choose your own SUFFIX. Don't get mad at me, take it up with them."); } if (opts.ext && conf.ext) { throw new Error("[E_USR_EXT] Your parent has decided that you may not choose your own EXT. Don't get mad at me, take it up with them."); } if (opts.serve) { throw new Error("[E_USR_SERVE] Your parent have forbidden you to SERVE. Don't get mad at me, take it up with them."); } if (opts.sock && conf.sock) { throw new Error("[E_USR_SERVE] Your parent have forbidden you to choose your own SOCK. Don't get mad at me, take it up with them."); } Object.keys(conf).forEach(function (key) { copy[key] = conf[key]; }); Object.keys(opts).forEach(function (key) { copy[key] = opts[key]; }); if (!verbs) { verbs = { Promise: null }; } if (!verbs.Promise) { verbs.Promise = require('bluebird'); } copy.connect = true; copy.sock = conf.sock; copy.tenant = conf.tenant; copy.ipcKey = conf.ipcKey; return module.exports.create(copy, verbs, _socket || _s || processWebSocket); } }; }; module.exports.create = function (opts, verbs, mySocket) { if (!verbs) { verbs = {}; } var PromiseA = verbs && verbs.Promise || require('bluebird'); verbs.Promise = PromiseA; // TODO iterate over the prototype // translate request / response var sqlite3real = require('sqlite3'); if (!mySocket) { mySocket = processWebSocket; } function create(opts) { if (!opts.tenant) { opts.tenant = ""; } if (!opts.subtenant) { opts.subtenant = ""; } if (!opts.prefix) { opts.prefix = ''; } if (!opts.suffix) { opts.suffix = ''; } if (!opts.ext) { opts.ext = '.sqlite3'; // also .sqlcipher } if (!opts.dbname) { throw new Error("Please specify opts.dbname as the name of the database"); } var promise; var numcpus = require('os').cpus().length; // if we're only on one core, use the lib directly, no socket if (opts.standalone || (1 === numcpus && !opts.serve && !opts.connect)) { return require('./wrapper').create(opts, verbs); } function retryServe() { return startServer(opts, verbs).then(function (client) { // ws.masterClient = client; return { masterClient: client }; }, function (err) { console.error('[ERROR] retryServe()'); console.error(err); retryServe(); }); } if (!opts.sock) { throw new Error("Please specify opts.sock as the path to the master socket. '/tmp/sqlite3-cluster' would do nicely."); } if (opts.serve) { promise = retryServe(opts); } else { promise = getConnection(opts, verbs, mySocket).then(function (socket) { mySocket = socket; return mySocket; }); } // TODO maybe use HTTP POST instead? return promise.then(function (ws) { if (ws.masterClient) { // for the server return ws.masterClient; } var db = {}; var proto = sqlite3real.Database.prototype; var messages = []; var idprefix = require('crypto').randomBytes(12).toString('base64'); var idcount = 0; function genId() { idcount += 1; return idprefix + idcount; } function init(opts) { return new PromiseA(function (resolve, reject) { // TODO needs to reject by a timeout var id = genId(); ws.send(JSON.stringify({ type: 'init' , args: [opts] , func: 'init' , dirname: opts.dirname , prefix: opts.prefix , subtenant: opts.subtenant , tenant: opts.tenant , dbname: opts.dbname , suffix: opts.suffix , ext: opts.ext , id: id })); function onMessage(data) { var cmd; if ( (data.dbname !== opts.dbname) || (data.dirname !== opts.dirname) || (data.prefix !== opts.prefix) || (data.subtenant !== opts.subtenant) || (data.tenant !== opts.tenant) || (data.suffix !== opts.suffix) || (data.ext !== opts.ext) ) { return reject(new Error("suxors to rejexors")); } try { cmd = JSON.parse(data.toString('utf8')); } catch(e) { console.error('[ERROR] in client, from sql server parse json'); console.error(e); console.error(data); console.error(); // ignore this message, it came out of order return reject(new Error("suxors to rejexors")); } if (cmd.id !== id) { // ignore this message, it came out of order return; } if (cmd.self) { cmd.args = [db]; } messages.splice(messages.indexOf(onMessage), 1); if ('error' === cmd.type) { reject(cmd.args[0]); return; } //console.log('RESOLVING INIT'); resolve(cmd.args[0]); return; } messages.push(onMessage); }); } function rpcThunk(fname, args) { var id; var cb; if ('function' === typeof args[args.length - 1]) { id = genId(); cb = args.pop(); } ws.send(JSON.stringify({ type: 'rpc' , func: fname , args: args , dirname: opts.dirname , prefix: opts.prefix , subtenant: opts.subtenant , tenant: opts.tenant , dbname: opts.dbname , suffix: opts.suffix , ext: opts.ext , id: id })); if (!cb) { return; } function onMessage(data) { var cmd; try { cmd = JSON.parse(data.toString('utf8')); } catch(e) { console.error('[ERROR] in client, from sql server parse json'); console.error(e); console.error(data); console.error(); //ws.send(JSON.stringify({ type: 'error', value: { message: e.message, code: "E_PARSE_JSON" } })); return; } if (cmd.id !== id) { // ignore this message, it probably came out of order return; } if (cmd.self) { cmd.args = [db]; } //console.log('RESOLVING RPC', cmd.this, cmd.args); cb.apply(cmd.this, cmd.args); if ('on' !== fname) { var index = messages.indexOf(onMessage); messages.splice(index, 1); } } messages.push(onMessage); } db.sanitize = require('./wrapper').sanitize; db.escape = require('./wrapper').escape; // TODO get methods from server (cluster-store does this) // instead of using the prototype Object.keys(sqlite3real.Database.prototype).forEach(function (key) { if ('function' === typeof proto[key]) { db[key] = function () { rpcThunk(key, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments)); }; } }); db.init = init; ws.on('message', function (data) { messages.forEach(function (fn) { try { fn(data); } catch(e) { console.error("[ERROR] ws.on('message', fn) (multi-callback)"); console.error(e); // ignore } }); }); // serialize // parallel db.serialize = db.parallel = function () { throw new Error('NOT IMPLEMENTED in SQLITE3-remote'); }; db.close = function (fn) { ws.__count -= 1; if (!ws.__count) { // waiting for https://github.com/websockets/ws/issues/613 to land // 1000 means 'normal' https://github.com/websockets/ws/blob/master/lib/ErrorCodes.js ws.close(1000, null, fn); } }; return db; }); } return create(opts); }; module.exports.sanitize = require('./wrapper').sanitize; module.exports.escape = require('./wrapper').escape;