
133 lines
3.0 KiB

'use strict';
var SSH = module.exports;
var Enc = require('./encoding.js');
SSH.parse = function (opts) {
var pub = || opts;
var ssh = SSH.parseBlock(pub);
ssh = SSH.parseElements(ssh);
//delete ssh.bytes;
return SSH.parsePublicKey(ssh);
/*global Promise*/
SSH.fingerprint = function (opts) {
var ssh;
if (opts.bytes) {
ssh = opts;
} else {
ssh = SSH.parseBlock(;
// for browser compat
return Promise.resolve().then(function () {
return 'SHA256:' + require('crypto').createHash('sha256')
.update(ssh.bytes).digest('base64').replace(/=+$/g, '');
SSH.parseBlock = function (ssh) {
ssh = ssh.split(/\s+/g);
return {
type: ssh[0]
, bytes: Enc.base64ToBuf(ssh[1])
, comment: ssh[2]
SSH.parseElements = function (ssh) {
var buf = ssh.bytes;
var fulllen = buf.byteLength || buf.length;
var offset = (buf.byteOffset || 0);
var i = 0;
var index = 0;
// using dataview to be browser-compatible (I do want _some_ code reuse)
var dv = new DataView(buf.buffer.slice(offset, offset + fulllen));
var els = [];
var el;
var len;
while (index < fulllen) {
i += 1;
if (i > 15) { throw new Error("15+ elements, probably not a public ssh key"); }
len = dv.getUint32(index, false);
index += 4;
el = buf.slice(index, index + len);
// remove BigUInt '00' prefix
if (0x00 === el[0]) {
el = el.slice(1);
index += len;
if (fulllen !== index) {
throw new Error("invalid ssh public key length \n" + (b) {
return Enc.bufToHex(b);
ssh.elements = els;
return ssh;
SSH.parsePublicKey = function (ssh) {
var els = ssh.elements;
var typ = Enc.bufToBin(els[0]);
var len;
// RSA keys are all the same
if (SSH.types.rsa === typ) {
ssh.jwk = {
kty: 'RSA'
, n: Enc.bufToUrlBase64(els[2])
, e: Enc.bufToUrlBase64(els[1])
return ssh;
// EC keys are each different
if (SSH.types.p256 === typ) {
len = 32;
ssh.jwk = { kty: 'EC', crv: 'P-256' };
} else if (SSH.types.p384 === typ) {
len = 48;
ssh.jwk = { kty: 'EC', crv: 'P-384' };
} else {
throw new Error("Unsupported ssh public key type: "
+ Enc.bufToBin(els[0]));
// els[1] is just a repeat of a subset of els[0]
var x = els[2].slice(1, 1 + len);
var y = els[2].slice(1 + len, 1 + len + len);
// I don't think EC keys use 0x00 padding, but just in case
while (0x00 === x[0]) { x = x.slice(1); }
while (0x00 === y[0]) { y = y.slice(1); }
ssh.jwk.x = Enc.bufToUrlBase64(x);
ssh.jwk.y = Enc.bufToUrlBase64(y);
return ssh;
SSH.types = {
// 19 '00000013'
// e c d s a - s h a 2 - n i s t p 2 5 6
// 65636473612d736861322d6e69737470323536
// 6e69737470323536
p256: 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp256'
// 19 '00000013'
// e c d s a - s h a 2 - n i s t p 3 8 4
// 65636473612d736861322d6e69737470333834
// 6e69737470323536
, p384: 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp384'
// 7 '00000007'
// s s h - r s a
// 7373682d727361
, rsa: 'ssh-rsa'