'use strict'; // Explained here: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/nodejs/AjkHSYmiGYs/1LfNHbMhd48J var fs = require('fs') , path = require('path') , request = require('request') , CERTDB_URL = 'https://mxr.mozilla.org/nss/source/lib/ckfw/builtins/certdata.txt?raw=1' , HEADER , outputFile , outputPemsDir ; HEADER = "/**\n" + " * Mozilla's root CA store\n" + " *\n" + " * generated from " + CERTDB_URL + "\n" + " */\n\n"; function Certificate() { this.name = null; this.body = ''; this.trusted = true; } Certificate.prototype.quasiPEM = function quasiPEM() { var bytes = this.body.split('\\') , offset = 0 , converted ; bytes.shift(); converted = new Buffer(bytes.length); while(bytes.length > 0) { converted.writeUInt8(parseInt(bytes.shift(), 8), offset++); } return { name: this.name , value: ' // ' + this.name + '\n' + ' "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\\n" +\n' + converted.toString('base64').replace(/(.{1,76})/g, ' "$1\\n" +\n') + ' "-----END CERTIFICATE-----\\n"' }; }; function parseBody(current, lines) { var line ; while (lines.length > 0) { line = lines.shift(); if (line.match(/^END/)) { break; } current.body += line; } while (lines.length > 0) { line = lines.shift(); if (line.match(/^CKA_CLASS CK_OBJECT_CLASS CKO_NSS_TRUST/)) { break; } } while (lines.length > 0) { line = lines.shift(); if (line.match(/^#|^\s*$/)) { break; } if (line.match(/^CKA_TRUST_SERVER_AUTH\s+CK_TRUST\s+CKT_NSS_NOT_TRUSTED$/) || line.match(/^CKA_TRUST_SERVER_AUTH\s+CK_TRUST\s+CKT_NSS_TRUST_UNKNOWN$/)) { current.trusted = false; } } if (current.trusted) return current; } function parseCertData(lines) { var certs = [] , current , skipped = 0 , match , finished ; function parseLine(line) { // nuke whitespace and comments if (line.match(/^#|^\s*$/)) { return; } if (line.match(/^CKA_CLASS CK_OBJECT_CLASS CKO_CERTIFICATE/)) { current = new Certificate(); } if (current) { match = line.match(/^CKA_LABEL UTF8 \"(.*)\"/); if (match) { current.name = match[1]; } if (line.match(/^CKA_VALUE MULTILINE_OCTAL/)) { finished = parseBody(current, lines); if (finished) { certs.push(finished); } else { skipped++; } current = null; } } } while (lines.length > 0) { parseLine(lines.shift()); } console.info("Skipped %s untrusted certificates.", skipped); console.info("Processed %s certificates.", certs.length); return certs; } function dumpCerts(certs, filename, pemsDir) { certs.forEach(function (cert) { var pem = cert.quasiPEM() , pemName = pem.name.toLowerCase().replace(/\W/g, '-').replace(/-+/g, '-') , pemsFile = path.join(pemsDir, pemName + '.pem') ; fs.writeFileSync(pemsFile, pem.value); }); console.info("Wrote " + certs.length + " certificates in '" + path.join(__dirname, 'pems/').replace(/'/g, "\\'") + "'."); fs.writeFileSync( filename , HEADER + 'var cas = module.exports = [\n' + certs.map(function (cert) { return cert.quasiPEM().value; }).join(',\n\n') + '\n];\n' + "module.exports.rootCas = cas;\n" + "module.exports.inject = function () {\n" + " var opts = require('https').globalAgent.options;\n" + " if (!opts.ca || !opts.ca.__injected) { opts.ca = (opts.ca||[]).concat(cas); }\n" + " opts.ca.__injected = true;\n" + " return module.exports;\n" + "};\n" + "module.exports.addFile = function (filepath) {\n" + " var opts = require('https').globalAgent.options;\n" + " var root = filepath[0] === '/' ? '/' : '';\n" + " var filepaths = filepath.split(/\\//g);\n" + " if (root) { filepaths.unshift(root); }\n" + " opts.ca = opts.ca || [];\n" + " opts.ca.push(require('fs').readFileSync(require('path').join.apply(null, filepaths)));\n" + " return module.exports;\n" + "};\n" ); console.info("Wrote '" + filename.replace(/'/g, "\\'") + "'."); } if (process.argv[2] == null) { console.error("Error: No file specified"); console.info("Usage: %s ", process.argv[1]); console.info(" where is the name of the file to write to, relative to %s", process.argv[1]); console.info("Note that a 'pems/' directory will also be created at the same location as the , containing individual .pem files."); process.exit(3); } // main (combined) output file location, relative to this script's location outputFile = path.resolve(__dirname, process.argv[2]); // pems/ output directory, in the same directory as the outputFile outputPemsDir = path.resolve(outputFile, '../pems'); console.info("Loading latest certificates from " + CERTDB_URL); request(CERTDB_URL, function (error, response, body) { if (error) { console.error(error.stacktrace); process.exit(1); } if (response.statusCode !== 200) { console.error("Fetching failed with status code %s", response.statusCode); process.exit(2); } var lines = body.split("\n") , certs = parseCertData(lines) ; dumpCerts(certs, outputFile, outputPemsDir); });