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ssl-root-cas.js |
SSL Root CAs
The module you need to solve node's SSL woes when including a custom certificate.
Let's say you're trying to connect to a site with a cheap-o SSL cert -
such as RapidSSL certificate from name.com (the best place to get your domains, btw) -
you'll probably get an error like UNABLE_TO_VERIFY_LEAF_SIGNATURE
and after you google around and figure that
out you'll be able to connect to that site just fine, but now when you try to connect to other sites you get
or possibly other errors.
This module is the solution to your woes!
'use strict';
var https = require('https')
, cas
cas = https.globalAgent.options.ca = https.globalAgent.options.ca || [];
cas = cas.concat(require('ssl-root-cas'));
cas.push(fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'ssl', '01-cheap-ssl-intermediary-a.pem')));
cas.push(fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'ssl', '02-cheap-ssl-intermediary-b.pem')));
cas.push(fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'ssl', '03-cheap-ssl-site.pem')));
For the sake of version consistency this package ships with the CA certs that were available at the time it was published.
If you want the latest certificates (downloaded as part of the postinstall process), you can require those instead like so:
, latest = require('ssl-root-cas/latest')
cas = cas.concat(latest);
Don't use dissolutions such as these. :-)
This will turn off SSL validation checking. This is not a good idea. Please do not do it. (really I'm only providing it as a reference for search engine seo so that people who are trying to figure out how to avoid doing that will end up here)
The same dissolution from the terminal would be
node my-service.js