Snapcraft configuration #2

coolaj86 sloučil 1 commity z větve :feat/snapcraft do větve master před 2018-11-23 19:39:56 +00:00
First-time contributor

This pr adds the necessary files to build telebit-relay as a snap

Following things need to get fixed:

  • Unsure if the description is the best, just took some stuff from readme
  • It needs to be documented somewhere that the user needs to create the config under /var/snap/telebit-relay/common/config.yml if using the snap
This pr adds the necessary files to build telebit-relay as a snap Following things need to get fixed: - [ ] Unsure if the description is the best, just took some stuff from readme - [ ] It needs to be documented somewhere that the user needs to create the config under `/var/snap/telebit-relay/common/config.yml` if using the snap
coolaj86 uzavřel/a tento požadavek na natažení 2018-11-23 19:39:56 +00:00
Přihlaste se pro zapojení do konverzace.
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1 účastníků
Termín dokončení
Termín dokončení není platný nebo je mimo rozsah. Použijte prosím formát „rrrr-mm-dd“.

Žádný termín dokončení.


Nejsou nastaveny žádné závislosti.

Reference: coolaj86/telebit-relay.js#2
No description provided.