#!/usr/bin/env node (function () { 'use strict'; var pkg = require('../package.json'); var argv = process.argv.slice(2); var telebitd = require('../telebitd.js'); var Greenlock = require('greenlock'); var confIndex = argv.indexOf('--config'); var confpath; if (-1 === confIndex) { confIndex = argv.indexOf('-c'); } confpath = argv[confIndex + 1]; function help() { console.info(''); console.info('Usage:'); console.info(''); console.info('\ttelebitd --config '); console.info(''); console.info('Example:'); console.info(''); console.info('\ttelebitd --config /etc/telebit/telebitd.yml'); console.info(''); console.info('Config:'); console.info(''); console.info('\tSee https://git.coolaj86.com/coolaj86/telebitd.js'); console.info(''); console.info(''); process.exit(0); } if (-1 === confIndex || -1 !== argv.indexOf('-h') || -1 !== argv.indexOf('--help')) { help(); } if (!confpath || /^--/.test(confpath)) { help(); } function applyConfig(config) { var state = { ports: [ 80, 443 ], tcp: {} }; state.tlsOptions = {}; // TODO just close the sockets that would use this early? or use the admin servername state.config = config; state.servernames = config.servernames || []; state.secret = state.config.secret; if (!state.secret) { state.secret = require('crypto').randomBytes(16).toString('hex'); console.info(""); console.info("Secret for this session:"); console.info(""); console.info("\t" + state.secret); console.info(""); console.info(""); } if (!state.config.greenlock) { state.config.greenlock = {}; } if (!state.config.greenlock.configDir) { state.config.greenlock.configDir = require('os').homedir() + require('path').sep + 'acme'; } function approveDomains(opts, certs, cb) { console.log('[debug] approveDomains', opts.domains); // This is where you check your database and associated // email addresses with domains and agreements and such // The domains being approved for the first time are listed in opts.domains // Certs being renewed are listed in certs.altnames if (certs) { opts.domains = certs.altnames; cb(null, { options: opts, certs: certs }); return; } if (state.config.vhost) { console.log('[sni] vhost checking is turned on'); var vhost = state.config.vhost.replace(/:hostname/, opts.domains[0]); require('fs').readdir(vhost, function (err, nodes) { console.log('[sni] checking fs vhost'); if (err) { check(); return; } if (nodes) { approve(); } }); return; } function approve() { opts.email = state.config.email; opts.agreeTos = state.config.agreeTos; opts.challenges = { // TODO dns-01 'http-01': require('le-challenge-fs').create({ webrootPath: '/tmp/acme-challenges' }) }; opts.communityMember = state.config.communityMember; cb(null, { options: opts, certs: certs }); } function check() { console.log('[sni] checking servername'); if (-1 !== state.servernames.indexOf(opts.domain) || -1 !== (state._servernames||[]).indexOf(opts.domain)) { approve(); } else { cb(new Error("failed the approval chain '" + opts.domains[0] + "'")); } console.log('Approve Domains cb'); } check(); } /* if (!config.email || !config.agreeTos) { console.error("You didn't specify --email and --agree-tos"); console.error("(required for ACME / Let's Encrypt / Greenlock TLS/SSL certs)"); console.error(""); process.exit(1); } */ state.greenlock = Greenlock.create({ version: state.config.greenlock.version || 'draft-11' , server: state.config.greenlock.server || 'https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory' //, server: 'https://acme-staging-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory' , store: require('le-store-certbot').create({ debug: true, webrootPath: '/tmp/acme-challenges' }) , approveDomains: approveDomains , configDir: state.config.greenlock.configDir , debug: state.config.debug || state.config.greenlock.debug //, approvedDomains: program.servernames }); require('../handlers').create(state); // adds directly to config for now... //require('cluster-store').create().then(function (store) { //program.store = store; var net = require('net'); var netConnHandlers = telebitd.create(state); // { tcp, ws } var WebSocketServer = require('ws').Server; var wss = new WebSocketServer({ server: (state.httpTunnelServer || state.httpServer) }); wss.on('connection', netConnHandlers.ws); state.ports.forEach(function (port) { if (state.tcp[port]) { console.error("skipping previously added port " + port); return; } state.tcp[port] = net.createServer(); state.tcp[port].listen(port, function () { console.log('listening plain TCP on ' + port); }); //state.tcp[port].on('connection', function (conn) { netConnHandlers.tcp(conn, port); }); state.tcp[port].on('connection', netConnHandlers.tcp); }); //}); } require('fs').readFile(confpath, 'utf8', function (err, text) { var config; var recase = require('recase').create({}); var camelCopy = recase.camelCopy.bind(recase); if (err) { console.error("\nCouldn't load config:\n\n\t" + err.message + "\n"); process.exit(1); return; } try { config = JSON.parse(text); } catch(e1) { try { config = require('js-yaml').safeLoad(text); } catch(e2) { console.error(e1.message); console.error(e2.message); process.exit(1); return; } } applyConfig(camelCopy(config)); }); function adjustArgs() { function collectServernames(val, memo) { var lowerCase = val.split(/,/).map(function (servername) { return servername.toLowerCase(); }); return memo.concat(lowerCase); } function collectProxies(val, memo) { var vals = val.split(/,/g); vals.map(function (location) { // http:john.example.com:3000 // http://john.example.com:3000 var parts = location.split(':'); if (1 === parts.length) { parts[1] = parts[0]; parts[0] = 'wss'; } if (2 === parts.length) { if (/\./.test(parts[0])) { parts[2] = parts[1]; parts[1] = parts[0]; parts[0] = 'wss'; } if (!/\./.test(parts[1])) { throw new Error("bad --serve option Example: wss://tunnel.example.com:1337"); } } parts[0] = parts[0].toLowerCase(); parts[1] = parts[1].toLowerCase().replace(/(\/\/)?/, '') || '*'; parts[2] = parseInt(parts[2], 10) || 0; if (!parts[2]) { // TODO grab OS list of standard ports? if (-1 !== [ 'ws', 'http' ].indexOf(parts[0])) { //parts[2] = 80; } else if (-1 !== [ 'wss', 'https' ].indexOf(parts[0])) { //parts[2] = 443; } else { throw new Error("port must be specified - ex: tls:*:1337"); } } return { protocol: parts[0] , hostname: parts[1] , port: parts[2] }; }).forEach(function (val) { memo.push(val); }); return memo; } function collectPorts(val, memo) { return memo.concat(val.split(/,/g).map(Number).filter(Boolean)); } program .version(pkg.version) .option('--agree-tos', "Accept the Daplie and Let's Encrypt Terms of Service") .option('--email ', "Email to use for Daplie and Let's Encrypt accounts") .option('--serve ', 'comma separated list of :: to which matching incoming http and https should forward (reverse proxy). Ex: https://john.example.com,tls:*:1337', collectProxies, [ ]) .option('--ports ', 'comma separated list of ports on which to listen. Ex: 80,443,1337', collectPorts, [ ]) .option('--servernames ', 'comma separated list of servernames to use for the admin interface. Ex: tunnel.example.com,tunnel.example.net', collectServernames, [ ]) .option('--secret ', 'the same secret used by telebitd (used for JWT authentication)') .parse(process.argv) ; var portsMap = {}; var servernamesMap = {}; program.serve.forEach(function (proxy) { servernamesMap[proxy.hostname] = true; if (proxy.port) { portsMap[proxy.port] = true; } }); program.servernames.forEach(function (name) { servernamesMap[name] = true; }); program.ports.forEach(function (port) { portsMap[port] = true; }); program.servernames = Object.keys(servernamesMap); if (!program.servernames.length) { throw new Error('You must give this server at least one servername for its admin interface. Example:\n\n\t--servernames tunnel.example.com,tunnel.example.net'); } program.ports = Object.keys(portsMap); if (!program.ports.length) { program.ports = [ 80, 443 ]; } if (!program.secret) { // TODO randomly generate and store in file? console.warn("[SECURITY] you must provide --secret '" + require('crypto').randomBytes(16).toString('hex') + "'"); process.exit(1); return; } //program.tlsOptions.SNICallback = program.greenlock.httpsOptions.SNICallback; /* program.middleware = program.greenlock.middleware(function (req, res) { res.end('Hello, World!'); }); */ } //adjustArgs(); }());