'use strict'; var Packer = require('proxy-packer'); module.exports = function pipeWs(servername, service, conn, remote, serviceport) { var browserAddr = Packer.socketToAddr(conn); var cid = Packer.addrToId(browserAddr); browserAddr.service = service; browserAddr.serviceport = serviceport; browserAddr.name = servername; conn.tunnelCid = cid; var rid = Packer.socketToId(remote.upgradeReq.socket); //if (state.debug) { console.log('[pipeWs] client', cid, '=> remote', rid, 'for', servername, 'via', service); } function sendWs(data, serviceOverride) { if (remote.ws && (!conn.tunnelClosing || serviceOverride)) { try { remote.ws.send(Packer.pack(browserAddr, data, serviceOverride), { binary: true }); // If we can't send data over the websocket as fast as this connection can send it to us // (or there are a lot of connections trying to send over the same websocket) then we // need to pause the connection for a little. We pause all connections if any are paused // to make things more fair so a connection doesn't get stuck waiting for everyone else // to finish because it got caught on the boundary. Also if serviceOverride is set it // means the connection is over, so no need to pause it. if (!serviceOverride && (remote.pausedConns.length || remote.ws.bufferedAmount > 1024*1024)) { // console.log('pausing', cid, 'to allow web socket to catch up'); conn.pause(); remote.pausedConns.push(conn); } } catch (err) { console.warn('[pipeWs] remote', rid, ' => client', cid, 'error sending websocket message', err); } } } remote.clients[cid] = conn; conn.on('data', function (chunk) { //if (state.debug) { console.log('[pipeWs] client', cid, ' => remote', rid, chunk.byteLength, 'bytes'); } sendWs(chunk); }); conn.on('error', function (err) { console.warn('[pipeWs] client', cid, 'connection error:', err); }); conn.on('close', function (hadErr) { //if (state.debug) { console.log('[pipeWs] client', cid, 'closing'); } sendWs(null, hadErr ? 'error': 'end'); delete remote.clients[cid]; }); };