WIP simplify output

This commit is contained in:
AJ ONeal 2018-09-11 02:03:50 -06:00
parent bcc8b957d4
commit 313b8f194b
1 changed files with 53 additions and 34 deletions

View File

@ -6,10 +6,17 @@ var pkg = require('../package.json');
var os = require('os');
//var url = require('url');
var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
var http = require('http');
//var https = require('https');
var YAML = require('js-yaml');
var TOML = require('toml');
if ('function' !== typeof TOML.stringify) {
TOML.stringify = require('json2toml');
var recase = require('recase').create({});
var camelCopy = recase.camelCopy.bind(recase);
//var snakeCopy = recase.snakeCopy.bind(recase);
@ -20,6 +27,9 @@ var common = require('../lib/cli-common.js');
var argv = process.argv.slice(2);
var argIndex = argv.indexOf('--config');
if (-1 === argIndex) {
argIndex = argv.indexOf('-c');
var confpath;
var useTty;
var state = {};
@ -35,38 +45,42 @@ if (-1 !== argIndex) {
function help() {
//console.info('Telebit Remote v' + pkg.version);
console.info('Telebit is a tool for helping you access your devices and share your stuff.');
console.info('\ttelebit [--config <path>] <module> <module-options>');
console.info('\ttelebit [flags] <command> <arguments>');
console.info('The flags are:');
console.info('\t--config <path> specify a config file (default is ~/.config/telebit/telebit.yml)');
//console.info('\ttelebit init # bootstrap the config files');
//console.info('\tinit bootstrap the config files');
console.info('\ttelebit status # whether enabled or disabled');
console.info('\ttelebit enable # disallow incoming connections');
console.info('\ttelebit disable # allow incoming connections');
console.info('\tstatus whether enabled or disabled');
console.info('\tenable disallow incoming connections');
console.info('\tdisable allow incoming connections');
console.info('\ttelebit list # list rules for servernames and ports');
console.info('\tlist list rules for servernames and ports');
console.info('\ttelebit http none # remove all https handlers');
console.info('\ttelebit http 3000 # forward all https traffic to port 3000');
console.info('\ttelebit http /module/path # load a node module to handle all https traffic');
console.info('\thttp <path> [domain] serve a file, folder, or node express app');
console.info('\thttp <port> forward all https traffic to port 3000');
console.info('\thttp none remove all https handlers');
console.info('\ttelebit http none example.com # remove https handler from example.com');
console.info('\ttelebit http 3001 sub.example.com # forward https traffic for sub.example.com to port 3001');
console.info('\ttelebit http /module/path sub # forward https traffic for sub.example.com to port 3001');
console.info('\thttp none example.com remove https handler from example.com');
console.info('\thttp 3001 sub.example.com forward https traffic for sub.example.com to port 3001');
console.info('\thttp /module/path sub forward https traffic for sub.example.com to port 3001');
console.info('\ttelebit tcp none # remove all tcp handlers');
console.info('\ttelebit tcp 5050 # forward all tcp to port 5050');
console.info('\ttelebit tcp /module/path # handle all tcp with a node module');
console.info('\ttcp none remove all tcp handlers');
console.info('\ttcp 5050 forward all tcp to port 5050');
console.info('\ttcp /module/path handle all tcp with a node module');
console.info('\ttelebit tcp none 6565 # remove tcp handler from external port 6565');
console.info('\ttelebit tcp 5050 6565 # forward external port 6565 to local 5050');
console.info('\ttelebit tcp /module/path 6565 # handle external port 6565 with a node module');
console.info('\ttcp none 6565 remove tcp handler from external port 6565');
console.info('\ttcp 5050 6565 forward external port 6565 to local 5050');
console.info('\ttcp /module/path 6565 handle external port 6565 with a node module');
@ -78,7 +92,7 @@ function help() {
var verstr = [ pkg.name + ' remote v' + pkg.version ];
if (!confpath) {
confpath = path.join(os.homedir(), '.config/telebit/telebit.yml');
verstr.push('(--config "' + confpath + '")');
verstr.push('(--config \'' + confpath.replace(new RegExp('^' + os.homedir()), '~') + '\')');
if (-1 !== argv.indexOf('-h') || -1 !== argv.indexOf('--help')) {
@ -435,6 +449,7 @@ var utils = {
} else if ("CONFIG" === body.code) {
delete body.code;
} else {
if ('http' === body.module) {
@ -447,7 +462,7 @@ var utils = {
} else if ('tcp' === body.module) {
console.info('> Forwarding ' + state.config.relay + ':' + body.remote + ' => localhost:' + body.local);
} else if ('ssh' === body.module) {
console.info('> Forwarding ' + state.config.relay + ' -p ' + body.remote + ' => localhost:' + body.local);
//console.info('> Forwarding ' + state.config.relay + ' -p ' + JSON.stringify(body) + ' => localhost:' + body.local);
console.info('> Forwarding ssh+https (openssl proxy) => localhost:' + body.local);
} else {
console.info(JSON.stringify(body, null, 2));
@ -604,7 +619,7 @@ function getToken(err, state) {
if (state._useTty) {
setTimeout(function () {
console.info("Some fun things to try first:\n");
console.info(" ~/telebit http 3000");
console.info(" ~/telebit http ~/public");
console.info(" ~/telebit tcp 5050");
console.info(" ~/telebit ssh auto");
@ -670,8 +685,12 @@ function handleConfig(err, config) {
state.config = config;
var verstr = [ pkg.name + ' daemon v' + state.config.version ];
var verstrd = [ pkg.name + ' daemon v' + state.config.version ];
if (state.config.version && state.config.version !== pkg.version) {
console.info(verstr.join(' '), verstrd.join(' '));
} else {
console.info(verstr.join(' '));
if (err) { console.error(err); process.exit(101); return; }
@ -714,22 +733,22 @@ function handleConfig(err, config) {
function parseConfig(err, text) {
console.info(verstr.join(' '));
try {
state._clientConfig = JSON.parse(text || '{}');
} catch(e1) {
try {
state._clientConfig = YAML.safeLoad(text || '{}');
} catch(e2) {
try {
state._clientConfig = TOML.parse(text || '');
} catch(e3) {
state._clientConfig = camelCopy(state._clientConfig || {}) || {};
@ -833,6 +852,6 @@ var parsers = {
require('fs').readFile(confpath, 'utf8', parseConfig);
fs.readFile(confpath, 'utf8', parseConfig);