From 986dc1c17f82e77f90409c12f9c7aaaec754780e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: AJ ONeal Date: Fri, 1 Jun 2018 13:14:59 -0600 Subject: [PATCH] update installer --- installer/ | 221 ++---------------------------------------- installer/ | 225 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2 files changed, 233 insertions(+), 213 deletions(-) create mode 100644 installer/ diff --git a/installer/ b/installer/ index acce785..7849c92 100644 --- a/installer/ +++ b/installer/ @@ -1,11 +1,6 @@ #!/bin/bash #

-# This is a 3 step process
-#   1. First we need to figure out whether to use wget or curl for fetching remote files
-#   2. Next we need to figure out whether to use unzip or tar for downloading releases
-#   3. We need to actually install the stuff
 set -e
 set -u
@@ -18,9 +13,9 @@ set -u
 # See
+export _my_http_get=""
+export _my_http_opts=""
+export _my_http_out=""
@@ -55,215 +50,15 @@ http_bash()
+export http_get
+export http_bash
 ##       END HTTP_GET        ##
-my_name="Telebit Remote"
-if [ -z "${my_email}" ]; then
-  echo ""
-  echo ""
-  echo "Telebit uses Greenlock for free automated ssl through Let's Encrypt."
-  echo ""
-  echo "To accept the Terms of Service for Telebit, Greenlock and Let's Encrypt,"
-  echo "please enter your email."
-  echo ""
-  read -p "email: " my_email
-  echo ""
-  # UX - just want a smooth transition
-  sleep 0.5
-if [ -z "${my_relay}" ]; then
-  echo "What relay will you be using?"
-  echo ""
-  read -p "relay (ex: wss:// " my_relay
-  echo ""
-  # UX - just want a smooth transition
-  sleep 0.5
-if [ -z "${my_servernames}" ]; then
-  echo "What servername(s) will you be relaying here?"
-  echo ""
-  read -p "domain (ex:, " my_servernames
-  echo ""
-  # UX - just want a smooth transition
-  sleep 0.5
-if [ -z "${my_secret}" ]; then
-  echo "What's your authorization for the relay server?"
-  echo ""
-  read -p "auth: " my_secret
-  echo ""
-  # UX - just want a smooth transition
-  sleep 0.5
-echo ""
-if [ -z "${TELEBIT_PATH:-}" ]; then
-  echo 'TELEBIT_PATH="'${TELEBIT_PATH:-}'"'
-  TELEBIT_PATH=/opt/$my_app
-echo "Installing $my_name to '$TELEBIT_PATH'"
-echo "Installing node.js dependencies into $TELEBIT_PATH"
-# v10.2+ has much needed networking fixes, but breaks ursa. v9.x has severe networking bugs. v8.x has working ursa, but requires tls workarounds"
-export NODEJS_VER
-export NODE_PATH="$TELEBIT_PATH/lib/node_modules"
-export PATH="$TELEBIT_PATH/bin:$PATH"
-sleep 1
-http_bash --no-dev-deps >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
-my_secret=$($my_node -e "'hex'))")
-my_npm="$my_node $TELEBIT_PATH/bin/npm"
-mkdir -p $my_tmp
-echo "sudo mkdir -p '$TELEBIT_PATH'"
-sudo mkdir -p "$TELEBIT_PATH"
-echo "sudo mkdir -p '/etc/$my_user/'"
-sudo mkdir -p "/etc/$my_user/"
-set +e
-my_unzip=$(type -p unzip)
-my_tar=$(type -p tar)
-if [ -n "$my_unzip" ]; then
-  rm -f $my_tmp/$my_app-$
-  http_get$my_repo/archive/$ $my_tmp/$my_app-$
-  # -o means overwrite, and there is no option to strip
-  $my_unzip -o $my_tmp/$my_app-$ -d $TELEBIT_PATH/ > /dev/null 2>&1
-  cp -ar  $TELEBIT_PATH/$my_repo/* $TELEBIT_PATH/ > /dev/null
-  rm -rf $TELEBIT_PATH/$my_bin
-elif [ -n "$my_tar" ]; then
-  rm -f $my_tmp/$my_app-$my_tree.tar.gz
-  http_get$my_repo/archive/$my_tree.tar.gz $my_tmp/$my_app-$my_tree.tar.gz
-  ls -lah $my_tmp/$my_app-$my_tree.tar.gz
-  $my_tar -xzf $my_tmp/$my_app-$my_tree.tar.gz --strip 1 -C $TELEBIT_PATH/
+if [ -e "installer/" ]; then
+  bash installer/ "$@"
-  echo "Neither tar nor unzip found. Abort."
-  exit 13
+  http_bash "$@"
-set -e
-pushd $TELEBIT_PATH >/dev/null
-  $my_npm install >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
-popd >/dev/null
-cat << EOF > $TELEBIT_PATH/bin/$my_app
-$my_node $TELEBIT_PATH/bin/$my_bin
-chmod a+x $TELEBIT_PATH/bin/$my_app
-echo "sudo ln -sf $TELEBIT_PATH/bin/$my_app /usr/local/bin/$my_app"
-sudo ln -sf $TELEBIT_PATH/bin/$my_app /usr/local/bin/$my_app
-set +e
-if type -p setcap >/dev/null 2>&1; then
-  #echo "Setting permissions to allow $my_app to run on port 80 and port 443 without sudo or root"
-  echo "sudo setcap cap_net_bind_service=+ep $TELEBIT_PATH/bin/node"
-  sudo setcap cap_net_bind_service=+ep $TELEBIT_PATH/bin/node
-set -e
-if [ -z "$(cat /etc/passwd | grep $my_user)" ]; then
-  echo "sudo adduser --home $TELEBIT_PATH --gecos '' --disabled-password $my_user"
-  sudo adduser --home $TELEBIT_PATH --gecos '' --disabled-password $my_user >/dev/null 2>&1
-mkdir -p "$(dirname $my_config)"
-if [ ! -e "$my_config" ]; then
-  #rsync -a examples/$my_app.yml "$my_config"
-  echo "email: $my_email" >> "$my_config"
-  echo "secret: $my_secret" >> "$my_config"
-  echo "servernames:\n  $my_servernames: {}" >> "$my_config"
-  #echo "dynamic_ports:\n  {}" >> "$my_config"
-  cat examples/$my_app.yml.tpl >> "$my_config"
-mkdir -p "$(dirname $my_config)"
-if [ ! -e "$my_config" ]; then
-  echo "cli: true" >> "$my_config"
-  echo "email: $my_email" >> "$my_config"
-  echo "secret: $my_secret" >> "$my_config"
-  cat examples/$my_app.yml.tpl >> "$my_config"
-if [ ! -e "$my_config_link" ]; then
-  echo "sudo ln -sf '$my_config' '$my_config_link'"
-  #sudo mkdir -p /etc/$my_user
-  sudo ln -sf "$my_config" "$my_config_link"
-echo "sudo chown -R $my_user '$TELEBIT_PATH' '/etc/$my_user'"
-sudo chown -R $my_user "$TELEBIT_PATH" "/etc/$my_user"
-# ~/.config/systemd/user/
-# %h/.config/telebit/telebit.yml
-echo "### Adding $my_app is a system service"
-echo "sudo rsync -a $TELEBIT_PATH/dist/etc/systemd/system/$my_app.service /etc/systemd/system/$my_app.service"
-sudo rsync -a $TELEBIT_PATH/dist/etc/systemd/system/$my_app.service /etc/systemd/system/$my_app.service
-sudo systemctl daemon-reload
-echo "sudo systemctl enable $my_app"
-sudo systemctl enable $my_app
-echo "sudo systemctl start $my_app"
-sudo systemctl restart $my_app
-sleep 1
-echo ""
-echo ""
-echo ""
-echo "=============================================="
-echo "  Privacy Settings in Config"
-echo "=============================================="
-echo ""
-echo "The example config file /etc/$my_user/$my_app.yml opts-in to"
-echo "contributing telemetrics and receiving infrequent relevant updates"
-echo "(probably once per quarter or less) such as important notes on"
-echo "a new release, an important API change, etc. No spam."
-echo ""
-echo "Please edit the config file to meet your needs before starting."
-echo ""
-sleep 2
-echo ""
-echo ""
-echo "=============================================="
-echo "Installed successfully. Last steps:"
-echo "=============================================="
-echo ""
-echo "Edit the config and restart, if desired:"
-echo ""
-echo "    sudo vim /etc/$my_user/$my_app.yml"
-echo "    sudo systemctl restart $my_app"
-echo ""
-echo "Or disabled the service and start manually:"
-echo ""
-echo "    sudo systemctl stop $my_app"
-echo "    sudo systemctl disable $my_app"
-echo "    $my_app --config /etc/$my_user/$my_app.yml"
-echo ""
-sleep 1
diff --git a/installer/ b/installer/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..382714c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/installer/
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@

+# This is a 3 step process
+#   1. First we need to figure out whether to use wget or curl for fetching remote files
+#   2. Next we need to figure out whether to use unzip or tar for downloading releases
+#   3. We need to actually install the stuff
+set -e
+set -u
+### http_bash exported by
+my_name="Telebit Remote"
+if [ -z "${my_email}" ]; then
+  echo ""
+  echo ""
+  echo "Telebit uses Greenlock for free automated ssl through Let's Encrypt."
+  echo ""
+  echo "To accept the Terms of Service for Telebit, Greenlock and Let's Encrypt,"
+  echo "please enter your email."
+  echo ""
+  read -p "email: " my_email
+  echo ""
+  # UX - just want a smooth transition
+  sleep 0.5
+if [ -z "${my_relay}" ]; then
+  echo "What relay will you be using? (press enter for default)"
+  echo ""
+  read -p "relay [default: wss://]: " my_relay
+  echo ""
+  # UX - just want a smooth transition
+  sleep 0.5
+if [ -z "${my_servernames}" ]; then
+  echo "What servername(s) will you be relaying here? (press enter for default)"
+  echo ""
+  read -p "domain [default:]: " my_servernames
+  echo ""
+  # UX - just want a smooth transition
+  sleep 0.5
+if [ -z "${my_secret}" ]; then
+  echo "What's your authorization for the relay server? (press enter for default)"
+  echo ""
+  read -p "auth [default: new account]: " my_secret
+  echo ""
+  # UX - just want a smooth transition
+  sleep 0.5
+echo ""
+if [ -z "${TELEBIT_PATH:-}" ]; then
+  echo 'TELEBIT_PATH="'${TELEBIT_PATH:-}'"'
+  TELEBIT_PATH=/opt/$my_app
+echo "Installing $my_name to '$TELEBIT_PATH'"
+echo "Installing node.js dependencies into '$TELEBIT_PATH'"
+# v10.2+ has much needed networking fixes, but breaks ursa. v9.x has severe networking bugs. v8.x has working ursa, but requires tls workarounds"
+export NODEJS_VER
+export NODE_PATH="$TELEBIT_PATH/lib/node_modules"
+export PATH="$TELEBIT_PATH/bin:$PATH"
+sleep 1
+http_bash --no-dev-deps >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+my_npm="$my_node $TELEBIT_PATH/bin/npm"
+mkdir -p $my_tmp
+echo "sudo mkdir -p '$TELEBIT_PATH'"
+sudo mkdir -p "$TELEBIT_PATH"
+echo "sudo mkdir -p '/etc/$my_user/'"
+sudo mkdir -p "/etc/$my_user/"
+set +e
+my_unzip=$(type -p unzip)
+my_tar=$(type -p tar)
+if [ -n "$my_unzip" ]; then
+  rm -f $my_tmp/$my_app-$
+  http_get$my_repo/archive/$ $my_tmp/$my_app-$
+  # -o means overwrite, and there is no option to strip
+  $my_unzip -o $my_tmp/$my_app-$ -d $TELEBIT_PATH/ > /dev/null 2>&1
+  cp -ar  $TELEBIT_PATH/$my_repo/* $TELEBIT_PATH/ > /dev/null
+  rm -rf $TELEBIT_PATH/$my_bin
+elif [ -n "$my_tar" ]; then
+  rm -f $my_tmp/$my_app-$my_tree.tar.gz
+  http_get$my_repo/archive/$my_tree.tar.gz $my_tmp/$my_app-$my_tree.tar.gz
+  ls -lah $my_tmp/$my_app-$my_tree.tar.gz
+  $my_tar -xzf $my_tmp/$my_app-$my_tree.tar.gz --strip 1 -C $TELEBIT_PATH/
+  echo "Neither tar nor unzip found. Abort."
+  exit 13
+set -e
+pushd $TELEBIT_PATH >/dev/null
+  $my_npm install >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
+popd >/dev/null
+cat << EOF > $TELEBIT_PATH/bin/$my_app
+$my_node $TELEBIT_PATH/bin/$my_bin
+chmod a+x $TELEBIT_PATH/bin/$my_app
+echo "sudo ln -sf $TELEBIT_PATH/bin/$my_app /usr/local/bin/$my_app"
+sudo ln -sf $TELEBIT_PATH/bin/$my_app /usr/local/bin/$my_app
+set +e
+if type -p setcap >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+  #echo "Setting permissions to allow $my_app to run on port 80 and port 443 without sudo or root"
+  echo "sudo setcap cap_net_bind_service=+ep $TELEBIT_PATH/bin/node"
+  sudo setcap cap_net_bind_service=+ep $TELEBIT_PATH/bin/node
+set -e
+if [ -z "$(cat /etc/passwd | grep $my_user)" ]; then
+  echo "sudo adduser --home $TELEBIT_PATH --gecos '' --disabled-password $my_user"
+  sudo adduser --home $TELEBIT_PATH --gecos '' --disabled-password $my_user >/dev/null 2>&1
+mkdir -p "$(dirname $my_config)"
+if [ ! -e "$my_config" ]; then
+  #rsync -a examples/$my_app.yml "$my_config"
+  echo "email: $my_email" >> "$my_config"
+  if [ -n "$my_secret" ]; then
+    echo "secret: $my_secret" >> "$my_config"
+  fi
+  if [ -n "$my_servernames" ]; then
+    echo "servernames:\n  $my_servernames: {}" >> "$my_config"
+  fi
+  #echo "dynamic_ports:\n  []" >> "$my_config"
+  cat examples/$my_app.yml.tpl >> "$my_config"
+mkdir -p "$(dirname $my_config)"
+if [ ! -e "$my_config" ]; then
+  echo "cli: true" >> "$my_config"
+  echo "email: $my_email" >> "$my_config"
+  if [ -n "$my_secret" ]; then
+    echo "secret: $my_secret" >> "$my_config"
+  fi
+  cat examples/$my_app.yml.tpl >> "$my_config"
+if [ ! -e "$my_config_link" ]; then
+  echo "sudo ln -sf '$my_config' '$my_config_link'"
+  #sudo mkdir -p /etc/$my_user
+  sudo ln -sf "$my_config" "$my_config_link"
+echo "sudo chown -R $my_user '$TELEBIT_PATH' '/etc/$my_user'"
+sudo chown -R $my_user "$TELEBIT_PATH" "/etc/$my_user"
+# ~/.config/systemd/user/
+# %h/.config/telebit/telebit.yml
+echo "### Adding $my_app is a system service"
+echo "sudo rsync -a $TELEBIT_PATH/dist/etc/systemd/system/$my_app.service /etc/systemd/system/$my_app.service"
+sudo rsync -a "$TELEBIT_PATH/dist/etc/systemd/system/$my_app.service" "/etc/systemd/system/$my_app.service"
+sudo systemctl daemon-reload
+echo "sudo systemctl enable $my_app"
+sudo systemctl enable $my_app
+echo "sudo systemctl start $my_app"
+sudo systemctl restart $my_app
+sleep 1
+echo ""
+echo ""
+echo ""
+echo "=============================================="
+echo "  Privacy Settings in Config"
+echo "=============================================="
+echo ""
+echo "The example config file /etc/$my_user/$my_app.yml opts-in to"
+echo "contributing telemetrics and receiving infrequent relevant updates"
+echo "(probably once per quarter or less) such as important notes on"
+echo "a new release, an important API change, etc. No spam."
+echo ""
+echo "Please edit the config file to meet your needs before starting."
+echo ""
+sleep 2
+echo ""
+echo ""
+echo "=============================================="
+echo "Installed successfully. Last steps:"
+echo "=============================================="
+echo ""
+echo "Edit the config and restart, if desired:"
+echo ""
+echo "    sudo vim /etc/$my_user/$my_app.yml"
+echo "    sudo systemctl restart $my_app"
+echo ""
+echo "Or disabled the service and start manually:"
+echo ""
+echo "    sudo systemctl stop $my_app"
+echo "    sudo systemctl disable $my_app"
+echo "    $my_app --config /etc/$my_user/$my_app.yml"
+echo ""
+sleep 1