'use strict'; /*global Promise*/ var PromiseA = Promise; var crypto = require('crypto'); var util = require('util'); var readFile = util.promisify(require('fs').readFile); var exec = require('child_process').exec; function sshAllowsPassword(user) { // SSH on Windows is a thing now (beta 2015, standard 2018) // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/313111/is-there-a-dev-null-on-windows var nullfile = '/dev/null'; if (/^win/i.test(process.platform)) { nullfile = 'NUL'; } var args = [ 'ssh', '-v', '-n' , '-o', 'Batchmode=yes' , '-o', 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no' , '-o', 'UserKnownHostsFile=' + nullfile , user + '@localhost' , '| true' ]; return new PromiseA(function (resolve) { // not using promisify because all 3 arguments convey information exec(args.join(' '), function (err, stdout, stderr) { stdout = (stdout||'').toString('utf8'); stderr = (stderr||'').toString('utf8'); if (/\bpassword\b/.test(stdout) || /\bpassword\b/.test(stderr)) { resolve('yes'); return; } if (/\bAuthentications\b/.test(stdout) || /\bAuthentications\b/.test(stderr)) { resolve('no'); return; } resolve('maybe'); }); }); } module.exports.checkSecurity = function () { var conf = {}; var sshdConf = '/etc/ssh/sshd_config'; var noRootPasswordRe = /(?:^|[\r\n]+)\s*PermitRootLogin\s+(prohibit-password|without-password|no)\s*/i; var noPasswordRe = /(?:^|[\r\n]+)\s*PasswordAuthentication\s+(no)\s*/i; return readFile(sshdConf, null).then(function (sshd) { sshd = sshd.toString('utf8'); var match; match = sshd.match(noRootPasswordRe); conf.permit_root_login = match ? match[1] : 'yes'; match = sshd.match(noPasswordRe); conf.password_authentication = match ? match[1] : 'yes'; }).catch(function () { // ignore error as that might not be the correct sshd_config location }).then(function () { var doesntExist = crypto.randomBytes(16).toString('hex'); return sshAllowsPassword(doesntExist).then(function (maybe) { conf.requests_password = maybe; }); }).then(function () { return conf; }); }; if (require.main === module) { module.exports.checkSecurity().then(function (conf) { console.log(conf); return conf; }); }