Telebit (Remote) Setup v{{ config.version }}

{{ views.flash.error }}

Create Account

You'll receive a friendly note now and then in addition to the important updates.

You'll only receive updates that we believe will be of the most value to you, and the required updates.

You'll only receive security updates, transactional and account-related messages, and legal notices.


{{ init }}

Advanced Setup for {{ init.relay }}

(comma separated list of domains to use for http, tls, https, etc)

(comman separated list of ports, excluding 80 and 443, typically port over 1024)

{{ init }}

{{ init.otp }}

http://localhost:{{ status.port }}

SSH: {{ status.ssh }}

SSH is currently running
SSH is not currently running

Password Authentication is NOT disabled. Please consider updating your sshd_config and restarting ssh.
{{ status }}
Key-Only Authentication is enabled :)

Important: Accessing this device with other SSH clients:
In order to use your other ssh clients with telebit you will need to put them into ssh+https mode. We recommend downloading sclient to do so, because it makes it as simple as adding -o ProxyCommand="sclient %h" to your ssh command to enable ssh+https:
ssh -o ProxyCommand="sclient %h" {{ }}

However, most clients can also use openssl s_client, which does the same thing, but is more difficult to remember:
proxy_cmd='openssl s_client -connect %h:443 -servername %h -quiet'
ssh -o ProxyCommand="$proxy_cmd"
Path Hosting:
  • {{ }}

Port Forwarding:
  • {{ }}

Uptime: {{ statusUptime }}
Runtime: {{ statusRuntime }}
Reconnects: {{ status.reconnects }}

{{ status }}