diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index d19040b..8d958cd 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ in ~100 LoC. For Node.js & Browsers.
-XTZ is a poor man's Temporal polyfill, but just for time zones. \
+XTZ is a poor man's `Temporal` polyfill, but just for time zones. \
> What UTC time will it be when it's 3:15am in New York?
@@ -180,8 +180,8 @@ utcDate.toISOString();
> In 2021 Daylight Savings (in the US)
-> - begins at 2am on March 14th
-> - ends at 2am on November 7th
+> - begins at 2am on March 14th (skips to 3am)
+> - ends at 2am on November 7th (resets to 1am)
> See .
@@ -196,15 +196,15 @@ Q: What happens in March when 2am is skipped?
// (same as "2021-03-14T01:15:59.000-0500")
-Q: What happens in November when 2am happens twice?
+Q: What happens in November when 1am happens twice?
-- A: Although both 2ams are distinguishable with ISO offset times, only the first can be resolved from a local time
+- A: Although both 1ams are distinguishable with ISO offset times, only the first can be resolved from a local time
with this library.
var utcDate = TZ.toUTC("2021-11-07 01:15:59.000", "America/New_York");
// "2021-11-07T01:15:59.000-0400", same as "2021-11-07T05:15:59.000Z"
- // (an hour before the 2nd 2am at "2021-11-07T01:15:59.000-0500")
+ // (an hour before the 2nd 1am at "2021-11-07T01:15:59.000-0500")
# List of Time Zones