Merge branch 'issuer-rewrite'

This commit is contained in:
tigerbot 2017-10-19 17:05:04 -06:00
commit f4b172af01
8 changed files with 1236 additions and 557 deletions

View File

@ -149,9 +149,10 @@ module.exports.create = function () {
process.on('unhandledRejection', function (err) {
// this should always throw
// (it means somewhere we're not using bluebird by accident)
console.error('[caught] [unhandledRejection]');
console.error('[caught unhandledRejection]:', err.message || '');
Object.keys(err).forEach(function (key) {
console.log('\t'+key+': '+err[key]);
process.on('rejectionHandled', function (msg) {

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ module.exports.create = function (xconfx, apiFactories, apiDeps) {
var express = require('express-lazy');
var fs = PromiseA.promisifyAll(require('fs'));
var path = require('path');
var localCache = { rests: {}, pkgs: {} };
var localCache = { rests: {}, pkgs: {}, assets: {} };
var promisableRequest = require('./common').promisableRequest;
var rejectableRequest = require('./common').rejectableRequest;
var crypto = require('crypto');
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ module.exports.create = function (xconfx, apiFactories, apiDeps) {
function isThisClientAllowedToUseThisPkg(myConf, clientUrih, pkgId) {
function isThisClientAllowedToUseThisPkg(req, myConf, clientUrih, pkgId) {
var appApiGrantsPath = path.join(myConf.appApiGrantsPath, clientUrih);
return fs.readFileAsync(appApiGrantsPath, 'utf8').then(function (text) {
@ -51,12 +51,23 @@ module.exports.create = function (xconfx, apiFactories, apiDeps) {
return true;
if (clientUrih === ('api.' + xconfx.setupDomain) && 'org.oauth3.consumer' === pkgId) {
console.log('assets.' + xconfx.setupDomain);
console.log('assets.' + clientUrih);
if (req.clientAssetsUri === ('assets.' + clientUrih) && -1 !== [ 'session', '', '', '' ].indexOf(pkgId)) {
// fallthrough
return true;
} else {
return null;
if (clientUrih === ('api.' + xconfx.setupDomain) && -1 !== ['org.oauth3.consumer', '', ''].indexOf(pkgId)) {
// fallthrough
return true;
return null;
@ -150,7 +161,7 @@ module.exports.create = function (xconfx, apiFactories, apiDeps) {
function accountRequired(req, res, next) {
// if this already has auth, great
if (req.oauth3.ppid) {
if (req.oauth3.ppid && req.oauth3.accountIdx) {
@ -211,57 +222,7 @@ module.exports.create = function (xconfx, apiFactories, apiDeps) {
rejectableRequest(req, res, promise, "[] required account (not /public)");
function loadRestHelper(myConf, clientUrih, pkgId) {
var pkgPath = path.join(myConf.restPath, pkgId);
var pkgLinks = [];
// TODO allow recursion, but catch cycles
return fs.lstatAsync(pkgPath).then(function (stat) {
if (!stat.isFile()) {
return fs.readFileAsync(pkgPath, 'utf8').then(function (text) {
pkgId = text.trim();
pkgPath = path.join(myConf.restPath, pkgId);
}, function () {
// ignore error
}).then(function () {
// TODO should not require package.json. Should work with files alone.
return fs.readFileAsync(path.join(pkgPath, 'package.json'), 'utf8').then(function (text) {
var pkg = JSON.parse(text);
var pkgDeps = {};
var myApp;
if (pkg.walnut) {
pkgPath = path.join(pkgPath, pkg.walnut);
Object.keys(apiDeps).forEach(function (key) {
pkgDeps[key] = apiDeps[key];
Object.keys(apiFactories).forEach(function (key) {
pkgDeps[key] = apiFactories[key];
// TODO pull db stuff from package.json somehow and pass allowed data models as deps
// how can we tell which of these would be correct?
// deps.memstore = apiFactories.memstoreFactory.create(pkgId);
// deps.memstore = apiFactories.memstoreFactory.create(req.experienceId);
// deps.memstore = apiFactories.memstoreFactory.create(req.experienceId + pkgId);
// let's go with this one for now and the api can choose to scope or not to scope
pkgDeps.memstore = apiFactories.memstoreFactory.create(pkgId);
console.log('DEBUG pkgPath', pkgPath);
myApp = express();
myApp.handlePromise = promisableRequest;
myApp.handleRejection = rejectableRequest;
myApp.grantsRequired = function (grants) {
function grantsRequired(grants) {
if (!Array.isArray(grants)) {
throw new Error("Usage: app.grantsRequired([ 'name|altname|altname2', 'othergrant' ])");
@ -280,40 +241,91 @@ module.exports.create = function (xconfx, apiFactories, apiDeps) {
res.send({ error: { message: "You must be logged in", code: "E_NO_AUTHN" } });
if ('string' !== typeof req.oauth3.token.scp) {
res.send({ error: { message: "Token must contain a grants string in 'scp'", code: "E_NO_GRANTS" } });
var scope = req.oauth3.token.scope || req.oauth3.token.scp || req.oauth3.token.grants;
if ('string' !== typeof scope) {
res.send({ error: { message: "Token must contain a grants string in 'scope'", code: "E_NO_GRANTS" } });
tokenScopes = req.oauth3.token.scp.split(/[,\s]+/mg);
tokenScopes = scope.split(/[,\s]+/mg);
if (-1 !== tokenScopes.indexOf('*')) {
// has full account access
// every grant in the array must be present
if (!grants.every(function (grant) {
var scopes = grant.split(/\|/g);
return scopes.some(function (scp) {
return tokenScopes.some(function (s) {
return scp === s;
// every grant in the array must be present, though some grants can be satisfied
// by multiple scopes.
var missing = grants.filter(function (grant) {
return !grant.split('|').some(function (scp) {
return tokenScopes.indexOf(scp) !== -1;
})) {
res.send({ error: { message: "Token does not contain valid grants: '" + grants + "'", code: "E_NO_GRANTS" } });
if (missing.length) {
res.send({ error: { message: "Token missing required grants: '" + missing.join(',') + "'", code: "E_NO_GRANTS" } });
function loadRestHelperApi(myConf, clientUrih, pkg, pkgId, pkgPath) {
var pkgLinks = [];
var pkgRestApi;
var pkgDeps = {};
var myApp;
var pkgPathApi;
var _getOauth3Controllers = pkgDeps.getOauth3Controllers = require('oauthcommon/example-oauthmodels').create(
{ sqlite3Sock: xconfx.sqlite3Sock, ipcKey: xconfx.ipcKey }
//require('oauthcommon').inject(packagedApi._getOauth3Controllers, packagedApi._api, pkgConf, pkgDeps);
require('oauthcommon').inject(_getOauth3Controllers, myApp/*, pkgConf, pkgDeps*/);
pkgPathApi = pkgPath;
if (pkg.walnut) {
pkgPathApi = path.join(pkgPath, pkg.walnut);
pkgRestApi = require(pkgPathApi);
Object.keys(apiDeps).forEach(function (key) {
pkgDeps[key] = apiDeps[key];
Object.keys(apiFactories).forEach(function (key) {
pkgDeps[key] = apiFactories[key];
// TODO pull db stuff from package.json somehow and pass allowed data models as deps
// how can we tell which of these would be correct?
// deps.memstore = apiFactories.memstoreFactory.create(pkgId);
// deps.memstore = apiFactories.memstoreFactory.create(req.experienceId);
// deps.memstore = apiFactories.memstoreFactory.create(req.experienceId + pkgId);
// let's go with this one for now and the api can choose to scope or not to scope
pkgDeps.memstore = apiFactories.memstoreFactory.create(pkgId);
myApp = express();
myApp.handlePromise = promisableRequest;
myApp.handleRejection = rejectableRequest;
myApp.grantsRequired = grantsRequired;
function getSitePackageStoreProp(otherPkgId) {
var restPath = path.join(myConf.restPath, otherPkgId);
var apiPath = path.join(myConf.apiPath, otherPkgId);
var dir;
// TODO usage package.json as a falback if the standard location is not used
try {
dir = require(path.join(apiPath, 'models.js'));
} catch(e) {
dir = require(path.join(restPath, 'models.js'));
return getSiteStore(clientUrih, otherPkgId, dir);
function attachOauth3(req, res, next) {
return getSitePackageStoreProp('').then(function (Models) {
return require('./oauth3').attachOauth3(Models, req, res, next);
myApp.use('/', attachOauth3);
// TODO delete these caches when config changes
var _stripe;
@ -323,8 +335,12 @@ module.exports.create = function (xconfx, apiFactories, apiDeps) {
var _twilio;
var _get_response;
myApp.use('/', function preHandler(req, res, next) {
//if (xconfx.debug) { console.log('[api.js] loading handler prereqs'); }
return getSiteConfig(clientUrih).then(function (siteConfig) {
Object.defineProperty(req, 'getSiteMailer', {
//if (xconfx.debug) { console.log('[api.js] loaded handler site config'); }
// Use getSiteCapability('') instead
Object.defineProperty(req, 'getSiteMailer' /*deprecated*/, {
enumerable: true
, configurable: false
, writable: false
@ -361,6 +377,13 @@ module.exports.create = function (xconfx, apiFactories, apiDeps) {
Object.defineProperty(req, 'getSitePackageStore', {
enumerable: true
, configurable: false
, writable: false
, value: getSitePackageStoreProp
Object.defineProperty(req, 'getSiteStore', {
enumerable: true
, configurable: false
@ -502,7 +525,6 @@ module.exports.create = function (xconfx, apiFactories, apiDeps) {
// (realized later)
// HAHA HAHA HAHAHAHAHA this is my own gist... so much more polite attribution
var scmp = require('scmp')
, crypto = require('crypto')
, mailgunExpirey = 15 * 60 * 1000
, mailgunHashType = 'sha256'
, mailgunSignatureEncoding = 'hex'
@ -599,11 +621,64 @@ module.exports.create = function (xconfx, apiFactories, apiDeps) {
var settingsPromise = PromiseA.resolve();
function manageSiteSettings(section) {
var submanager;
var manager = {
set: function (section, value) {
if ('' === section) {
section = '';
settingsPromise = settingsPromise.then(function () {
return manager.get().then(function () {
siteConfig[section] = value;
var siteConfigPath = path.join(xconfx.appConfigPath, clientUrih);
return mkdirpAsync(siteConfigPath).then(function () {
return fs.writeFileAsync(path.join(siteConfigPath, 'config.json'), JSON.stringify(siteConfig), 'utf8');
return settingsPromise;
, get: function (section) {
if ('' === section) {
section = '';
settingsPromise = settingsPromise.then(function () {
return getSiteConfig(clientUrih).then(function (_siteConfig) {
siteConfig = _siteConfig;
return PromiseA.resolve((_siteConfig || {})[section]);
return settingsPromise;
submanager = manager;
if (section) {
submanager = {
set: function (value) {
return manager.set(section, value);
, get: function () {
return manager.get(section);
return apiDeps.Promise.resolve(submanager);
var caps = {
// Capabilities for APIs
'': mailgunMail // whichever mailer
'': manageSiteSettings
, '': mailgunMail // whichever mailer
, '': mailgunMail // whichever mailer
, '': mailgunMail // specifically mailgun
, '': daplieTel // whichever telephony service
@ -722,21 +797,218 @@ module.exports.create = function (xconfx, apiFactories, apiDeps) {
// TODO handle /accounts/:accountId
return PromiseA.resolve(require(pkgPath).create({
return PromiseA.resolve(pkgRestApi.create({
etcpath: xconfx.etcpath
}/*pkgConf*/, pkgDeps/*pkgDeps*/, myApp/*myApp*/)).then(function (handler) {
//if (xconfx.debug) { console.log('[api.js] got handler'); }
myApp.use('/', function postHandler(req, res, next) {
req.url = req._walnutOriginalUrl;
localCache.pkgs[pkgId] = { pkgId: pkgId, pkg: pkg, handler: handler || myApp, createdAt: };
pkgLinks.forEach(function (pkgLink) {
localCache.pkgs[pkgLink] = localCache.pkgs[pkgId];
return localCache.pkgs[pkgId];
function loadRestHelperAssets(myConf, clientUrih, pkg, pkgId, pkgPath) {
var myApp;
var pkgDeps = {};
var pkgRestAssets;
try {
pkgRestAssets = require(path.join(pkgPath, 'assets.js'));
} catch(e) {
return PromiseA.reject(e);
Object.keys(apiDeps).forEach(function (key) {
pkgDeps[key] = apiDeps[key];
Object.keys(apiFactories).forEach(function (key) {
pkgDeps[key] = apiFactories[key];
// TODO pull db stuff from package.json somehow and pass allowed data models as deps
// how can we tell which of these would be correct?
// deps.memstore = apiFactories.memstoreFactory.create(pkgId);
// deps.memstore = apiFactories.memstoreFactory.create(req.experienceId);
// deps.memstore = apiFactories.memstoreFactory.create(req.experienceId + pkgId);
// let's go with this one for now and the api can choose to scope or not to scope
pkgDeps.memstore = apiFactories.memstoreFactory.create(pkgId);
myApp = express();
myApp.handlePromise = promisableRequest;
myApp.handleRejection = rejectableRequest;
myApp.grantsRequired = grantsRequired;
function otherGetSitePackageStoreProp(otherPkgId) {
var restPath = path.join(myConf.restPath, otherPkgId);
var apiPath = path.join(myConf.apiPath, otherPkgId);
var dir;
// TODO usage package.json as a falback if the standard location is not used
try {
dir = require(path.join(apiPath, 'models.js'));
} catch(e) {
dir = require(path.join(restPath, 'models.js'));
return getSiteStore(clientUrih, otherPkgId, dir);
myApp.use('/', function cookieAttachOauth3(req, res, next) {
return otherGetSitePackageStoreProp('').then(function (Models) {
return require('./oauth3').cookieOauth3(Models, req, res, next);
myApp.use('/', function (req, res, next) {
console.log('########################################### session ###############################');
console.log('req.url', req.url);
console.log('req.oauth3', req.oauth3);
function otherAttachOauth3(req, res, next) {
return otherGetSitePackageStoreProp('').then(function (Models) {
return require('./oauth3').attachOauth3(Models, req, res, next);
}'/assets/', otherAttachOauth3, function (req, res) {
console.log('get the session');
res.cookie('jwt', req.oauth3.encodedToken, { domain: req.clientAssetsUri, path: '/assets', httpOnly: true });
res.send({ success: true });
// TODO delete these caches when config changes
myApp.use('/', function preHandler(req, res, next) {
//if (xconfx.debug) { console.log('[api.js] loading handler prereqs'); }
return getSiteConfig(clientUrih).then(function (siteConfig) {
//if (xconfx.debug) { console.log('[api.js] loaded handler site config'); }
Object.defineProperty(req, 'getSiteConfig', {
enumerable: true
, configurable: false
, writable: false
, value: function getSiteConfigProp(section) {
return PromiseA.resolve((siteConfig || {})[section]);
Object.defineProperty(req, 'getSitePackageConfig', {
enumerable: true
, configurable: false
, writable: false
, value: function getSitePackageConfigProp() {
return getSitePackageConfig(clientUrih, pkgId);
Object.defineProperty(req, 'getSiteStore', {
enumerable: true
, configurable: false
, writable: false
, value: function getSiteStoreProp() {
var restPath = path.join(myConf.restPath, pkgId);
var apiPath = path.join(myConf.apiPath, pkgId);
var dir;
// TODO usage package.json as a falback if the standard location is not used
try {
dir = require(path.join(apiPath, 'models.js'));
} catch(e) {
dir = require(path.join(restPath, 'models.js'));
return getSiteStore(clientUrih, pkgId, dir);
req._walnutOriginalUrl = req.url;
// "/path/api/com.example/hello".replace(/.*\/api\//, '').replace(/([^\/]*\/+)/, '/') => '/hello'
req.url = req.url.replace(/\/(api|assets)\//, '').replace(/.*\/(api|assets)\//, '').replace(/([^\/]*\/+)/, '/');
myApp.use('/public', function preHandler(req, res, next) {
// TODO authenticate or use guest user
req.isPublic = true;
myApp.use('/accounts/:accountId', accountRequiredById);
myApp.use('/acl', accountRequired);
// TODO handle /accounts/:accountId
function myAppWrapper(req, res, next) {
return myApp(req, res, next);
Object.keys(myApp).forEach(function (key) {
myAppWrapper[key] = myApp[key];
myAppWrapper.use = function () { myApp.use.apply(myApp, arguments); };
myAppWrapper.get = function () { myApp.get.apply(myApp, arguments); }; = function () { myApp.use(function (req, res, next) { next(); }); /*throw new Error("assets may not handle POST");*/ };
myAppWrapper.put = function () { throw new Error("assets may not handle PUT"); };
myAppWrapper.del = function () { throw new Error("assets may not handle DELETE"); };
myAppWrapper.delete = function () { throw new Error("assets may not handle DELETE"); };
return PromiseA.resolve(pkgRestAssets.create({
etcpath: xconfx.etcpath
}/*pkgConf*/, pkgDeps/*pkgDeps*/, myAppWrapper)).then(function (assetsHandler) {
//if (xconfx.debug) { console.log('[api.js] got handler'); }
myApp.use('/', function postHandler(req, res, next) {
req.url = req._walnutOriginalUrl;
return assetsHandler || myApp;
function loadRestHelper(myConf, clientUrih, pkgId) {
var pkgPath = path.join(myConf.restPath, pkgId);
// TODO allow recursion, but catch cycles
return fs.lstatAsync(pkgPath).then(function (stat) {
if (!stat.isFile()) {
return fs.readFileAsync(pkgPath, 'utf8').then(function (text) {
pkgId = text.trim();
pkgPath = path.join(myConf.restPath, pkgId);
}, function () {
// ignore error
}).then(function () {
// TODO should not require package.json. Should work with files alone.
return fs.readFileAsync(path.join(pkgPath, 'package.json'), 'utf8').then(function (text) {
var pkg = JSON.parse(text);
return loadRestHelperApi(myConf, clientUrih, pkg, pkgId, pkgPath).then(function (stuff) {
return loadRestHelperAssets(myConf, clientUrih, pkg, pkgId, pkgPath).then(function (assetsHandler) {
stuff.assetsHandler = assetsHandler;
return stuff;
}, function (err) {
console.error('[lib/api.js] no assets handler:');
return stuff;
@ -777,31 +1049,45 @@ module.exports.create = function (xconfx, apiFactories, apiDeps) {
return function (req, res, next) {
cors(req, res, function () {
if (xconfx.debug) { console.log('[api.js] post cors'); }
//if (xconfx.debug) { console.log('[api.js] after cors'); }
// Canonical client names
// should use for all requests
// should resolve to
// should resolve to
// should resolve to
var clientUrih = req.hostname.replace(/^api\./, '') + req.url.replace(/\/api\/.*/, '/').replace(/\/+/g, '#').replace(/#$/, '');
var clientApiUri = req.hostname + req.url.replace(/\/api\/.*/, '/').replace(/\/$/, '');
// should resolve to
// should resolve to
var appUri = req.hostname.replace(/^(api|assets)\./, '') + req.url.replace(/\/(api|assets)\/.*/, '/').replace(/\/$/, '');
var clientUrih = appUri.replace(/\/+/g, '#').replace(/#$/, '');
var clientApiUri = req.hostname.replace(/^(api|assets)\./, 'api.') + req.url.replace(/\/(api|assets)\/.*/, '/').replace(/\/$/, '');
var clientAssetsUri = req.hostname.replace(/^(api|assets)\./, 'assets.') + req.url.replace(/\/(api|assets)\/.*/, '/').replace(/\/$/, '');
//var clientAssetsUri = req.hostname.replace(/^(api|assets)\./, 'api.') + req.url.replace(/\/(api|assets)\/.*/, '/').replace(/\/$/, '');
// Canonical package names
// '/api/com.daplie.hello/hello' should resolve to 'com.daplie.hello'
// '/subapp/api/com.daplie.hello/hello' should also 'com.daplie.hello'
// '/subapp/api/com.daplie.hello/' may exist... must be a small api
var pkgId = req.url.replace(/.*\/api\//, '').replace(/^\//, '').replace(/\/.*/, '');
var pkgId = req.url.replace(/.*\/(api|assets)\//, '').replace(/^\//, '').replace(/\/.*/, '');
var now =;
var hasBeenHandled = false;
// Existing (Deprecated)
Object.defineProperty(req, 'clientUrl', {
enumerable: true
, configurable: false
, writable: false
, value: (req.headers.referer || ('https://' + appUri)).replace(/\/$/, '').replace(/\?.*/, '')
Object.defineProperty(req, 'apiUrlPrefix', {
enumerable: true
, configurable: false
, writable: false
, value: 'https://' + clientApiUri + '/api/' + pkgId
Object.defineProperty(req, 'experienceId', {
Object.defineProperty(req, 'assetsUrlPrefix', {
enumerable: true
, configurable: false
, writable: false
, value: 'https://' + clientAssetsUri + '/assets/' + pkgId
Object.defineProperty(req, 'experienceId' /*deprecated*/, {
enumerable: true
, configurable: false
, writable: false
@ -813,6 +1099,12 @@ module.exports.create = function (xconfx, apiFactories, apiDeps) {
, writable: false
, value: clientApiUri
Object.defineProperty(req, 'clientAssetsUri', {
enumerable: true
, configurable: false
, writable: false
, value: clientAssetsUri
Object.defineProperty(req, 'apiId', {
enumerable: true
, configurable: false
@ -820,7 +1112,6 @@ module.exports.create = function (xconfx, apiFactories, apiDeps) {
, value: pkgId
// New
Object.defineProperty(req, 'clientUrih', {
enumerable: true
, configurable: false
@ -838,37 +1129,61 @@ module.exports.create = function (xconfx, apiFactories, apiDeps) {
// TODO cache permission (although the FS is already cached, NBD)
var promise = isThisClientAllowedToUseThisPkg(xconfx, clientUrih, pkgId).then(function (yes) {
var promise = isThisClientAllowedToUseThisPkg(req, xconfx, clientUrih, pkgId).then(function (yes) {
//if (xconfx.debug) { console.log('[api.js] azp is allowed?', yes); }
if (!yes) {
notConfigured(req, res);
return null;
if (localCache.rests[pkgId]) {
function handleWithHandler() {
if (/\/assets\//.test(req.url) || /(^|\.)assets\./.test(req.hostname)) {
if (localCache.assets[pkgId]) {
if ('function' !== typeof localCache.assets[pkgId].handler) { console.log('localCache.assets[pkgId]'); console.log(localCache.assets[pkgId]); }
localCache.assets[pkgId].handler(req, res, next);
} else {
return true;
} else {
localCache.rests[pkgId].handler(req, res, next);
if (localCache.rests[pkgId]) {
if (handleWithHandler()) {
hasBeenHandled = true;
if (now - localCache.rests[pkgId].createdAt > staleAfter) {
localCache.rests[pkgId] = null;
localCache.assets[pkgId] = null;
if (!localCache.rests[pkgId]) {
//return doesThisPkgExist
//if (xconfx.debug) { console.log('[api.js] before rest handler'); }
return loadRestHandler(xconfx, clientUrih, pkgId).then(function (myHandler) {
if (!myHandler) {
//if (xconfx.debug) { console.log('[api.js] not configured'); }
notConfigured(req, res);
localCache.rests[pkgId] = { handler: myHandler.handler, createdAt: now };
localCache.assets[pkgId] = { handler: myHandler.assetsHandler, createdAt: now };
if (!hasBeenHandled) {
myHandler.handler(req, res, next);
if (handleWithHandler()) {
rejectableRequest(req, res, promise, "[] load api package");

View File

@ -1,20 +1,21 @@
'use strict';
module.exports.rejectableRequest = function rejectableRequest(req, res, promise, msg) {
function rejectableRequest(req, res, promise, msg) {
return promise.error(function (err) {
}).catch(function (err) {
console.error('[ERROR] \'' + msg + '\'');
// The stack contains the message as well, so no need to log the message when we log the stack
console.error(err.stack || err.message || JSON.stringify(err));
module.exports.rejectableRequest = rejectableRequest;
module.exports.promisableRequest =
module.exports.promiseRequest = function promiseRequest(req, res, promise, msg) {
return promise.then(function (result) {
promise = promise.then(function (result) {
if (result._cache) {
res.setHeader('Cache-Control', 'public, max-age=' + (result._cache / 1000));
res.setHeader('Expires', new Date( + result._cache).toUTCString());
@ -26,13 +27,7 @@ module.exports.promiseRequest = function promiseRequest(req, res, promise, msg)
result = result._value;
}).error(function (err) {
}).catch(function (err) {
console.error('[ERROR] \'' + msg + '\'');
return rejectableRequest(req, res, promise, msg);

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
'use strict';
module.exports.create = function (app, xconfx, apiFactories, apiDeps, errorIfApi) {
module.exports.create = function (app, xconfx, apiFactories, apiDeps, errorIfApi, errorIfAssets) {
var PromiseA = require('bluebird');
var path = require('path');
var fs = PromiseA.promisifyAll(require('fs'));
@ -293,10 +293,27 @@ module.exports.create = function (app, xconfx, apiFactories, apiDeps, errorIfApi
// TODO handle
app.use('/api', require('connect-send-error').error());
app.use('/assets', require('connect-send-error').error());
app.use('/', function (req, res, next) {
// If this doesn't look like an API we can move along
if (!/\/api(\/|$)/.test(req.url)) {
// /^api\./.test(req.hostname) &&
// If this doesn't look like an API or assets we can move along
console.log('[main.js] req.url, req.hostname');
if (!/\/(api|assets)(\/|$)/.test(req.url)) {
//console.log('[main.js] api|assets');
// keep but skip
if (/\/assets(\/|$)/.test(req.url) && !/(^|\.)(api|assets)(\.)/.test(req.hostname) && !/^[0-9\.]+$/.test(req.hostname)) {
//console.log('[main.js] skip');
@ -325,6 +342,7 @@ module.exports.create = function (app, xconfx, apiFactories, apiDeps, errorIfApi
app.use('/', errorIfApi);
app.use('/', errorIfAssets);
app.use('/', serveStatic);
app.use('/', serveApps);

lib/oauth3.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
'use strict';
var PromiseA = require('bluebird');
function generateRescope(req, Models, decoded, fullPpid, ppid) {
return function (/*sub*/) {
// TODO: this function is supposed to convert PPIDs of different parties to some account
// ID that allows application to keep track of permisions and what-not.
console.log('[rescope] Attempting ', fullPpid);
return Models.IssuerOauth3OrgGrants.find({ azpSub: fullPpid }).then(function (results) {
if (results[0]) {
console.log('[rescope] lukcy duck: got it on the 1st try');
return PromiseA.resolve(results);
// should be able to distinguish between own ids and 3rd party via
return Models.IssuerOauth3OrgGrants.find({ azpSub: ppid });
}).then(function (results) {
var result = results[0];
if (!result || !result.sub || !decoded.iss) {
// XXX BUG XXX TODO swap this external ppid for an internal (and ask user to link with existing profile)
//req.oauth3.accountIdx = fullPpid;
throw new Error("internal / external ID swapping not yet implemented. TODO: "
+ "No profile found with that credential. Would you like to create a new profile or link to an existing profile?");
// XXX BUG XXX need to pass own url in to use as issuer for own tokens
req.oauth3.accountIdx = result.sub + '@' + decoded.iss;
console.log('[rescope] result:');
return PromiseA.resolve(req.oauth3.accountIdx);
function extractAccessToken(req) {
var token = null;
var parts;
var scheme;
var credentials;
if (req.headers && req.headers.authorization) {
// Works for all of Authorization: Bearer {{ token }}, Token {{ token }}, JWT {{ token }}
parts = req.headers.authorization.split(' ');
if (parts.length !== 2) {
return PromiseA.reject(new Error("malformed Authorization header"));
scheme = parts[0];
credentials = parts[1];
if (-1 !== ['token', 'bearer'].indexOf(scheme.toLowerCase())) {
token = credentials;
if (req.body && req.body.access_token) {
if (token) { PromiseA.reject(new Error("token exists in header and body")); }
token = req.body.access_token;
// TODO disallow query with req.method === 'GET'
// NOTE: the case of DDNS on routers requires a GET and access_token
// (cookies should be used for protected static assets)
if (req.query && req.query.access_token) {
if (token) { PromiseA.reject(new Error("token already exists in either header or body and also in query")); }
token = req.query.access_token;
err = new Error(challenge());
err.code = 'E_BEARER_REALM';
if (!token) { return PromiseA.reject(err); }
return PromiseA.resolve(token);
function verifyToken(token) {
var jwt = require('jsonwebtoken');
var decoded;
if (!token) {
return PromiseA.reject({
message: 'no token provided'
, code: 'E_NO_TOKEN'
, url: ''
try {
decoded = jwt.decode(token, {complete: true});
} catch (e) {}
if (!decoded) {
return PromiseA.reject({
message: 'provided token not a JSON Web Token'
, code: 'E_NOT_JWT'
, url: ''
var sub = decoded.payload.sub || decoded.payload.ppid || decoded.payload.appScopedId;
if (!sub) {
return PromiseA.reject({
message: 'token missing sub'
, code: 'E_MISSING_SUB'
, url: ''
var kid = decoded.header.kid || decoded.payload.kid;
if (!kid) {
return PromiseA.reject({
message: 'token missing kid'
, code: 'E_MISSING_KID'
, url: ''
if (!decoded.payload.iss) {
return PromiseA.reject({
message: 'token missing iss'
, code: 'E_MISSING_ISS'
, url: ''
var OAUTH3 = require('oauth3.js');
OAUTH3._hooks = require('oauth3.js/');
return (directives) {
var args = (directives || {}).retrieve_jwk;
if (typeof args === 'string') {
args = { url: args, method: 'GET' };
if (typeof (args || {}).url !== 'string') {
return PromiseA.reject({
message: 'token issuer does not support retrieving JWKs'
, code: 'E_INVALID_ISS'
, url: ''
var params = {
sub: sub
, kid: kid
var url = args.url;
var body;
Object.keys(params).forEach(function (key) {
if (url.indexOf(':'+key) !== -1) {
url = url.replace(':'+key, params[key]);
delete params[key];
if (Object.keys(params).length > 0) {
if ('GET' === (args.method || 'GET').toUpperCase()) {
url += '?' + OAUTH3.query.stringify(params);
} else {
body = params;
return OAUTH3.request({
url: OAUTH3.url.resolve(directives.api, url)
, method: args.method
, data: body
}).catch(function (err) {
return PromiseA.reject({
message: 'failed to retrieve public key from token issuer'
, code: 'E_NO_PUB_KEY'
, url: ''
, subErr: err.toString()
}, function (err) {
return PromiseA.reject({
message: 'token issuer is not a valid OAuth3 provider'
, code: 'E_INVALID_ISS'
, url: ''
, subErr: err.toString()
}).then(function (res) {
if ( {
return PromiseA.reject(;
var opts = {};
if (Array.isArray( {
opts.algorithms =;
} else if (typeof === 'string') {
opts.algorithms = [];
try {
return jwt.verify(token, require('jwk-to-pem')(, opts);
} catch (err) {
return PromiseA.reject({
message: 'token verification failed'
, url: ''
, subErr: err.toString()
function deepFreeze(obj) {
Object.keys(obj).forEach(function (key) {
if (obj[key] && typeof obj[key] === 'object') {
function cookieOauth3(Models, req, res, next) {
req.oauth3 = {};
var token = req.cookies.jwt;
req.oauth3.encodedToken = token;
req.oauth3.verifyAsync = function (jwt) {
return verifyToken(jwt || token);
return verifyToken(token).then(function (decoded) {
req.oauth3.token = decoded;
if (!decoded) {
return null;
var ppid = decoded.sub || decoded.ppid || decoded.appScopedId;
req.oauth3.ppid = ppid;
req.oauth3.accountIdx = ppid+'@'+decoded.iss;
var hash = require('crypto').createHash('sha256').update(req.oauth3.accountIdx).digest('base64');
hash = hash.replace(/\+/g, '-').replace(/\//g, '_').replace(/\=+/g, '');
req.oauth3.accountHash = hash;
req.oauth3.rescope = generateRescope(req, Models, decoded, fullPpid, ppid);
}).then(function () {
//Object.defineProperty(req, 'oauth3', {configurable: false, writable: false});
}, function (err) {
if ('E_NO_TOKEN' === err.code) {
console.error('[walnut] cookie lib/oauth3 error:');
function attachOauth3(Models, req, res, next) {
req.oauth3 = {};
extractAccessToken(req).then(function (token) {
req.oauth3.encodedToken = token;
req.oauth3.verifyAsync = function (jwt) {
return verifyToken(jwt || token);
if (!token) {
return null;
return verifyToken(token);
}).then(function (decoded) {
req.oauth3.token = decoded;
if (!decoded) {
return null;
var ppid = decoded.sub || decoded.ppid || decoded.appScopedId;
var fullPpid = ppid+'@'+decoded.iss;
req.oauth3.ppid = ppid;
// TODO we can anonymize the relationship between our user as the other service's user
// in our own database by hashing the remote service's ppid and using that as the lookup
var hash = require('crypto').createHash('sha256').update(fullPpid).digest('base64');
hash = hash.replace(/\+/g, '-').replace(/\//g, '_').replace(/\=+/g, '');
req.oauth3.accountHash = hash;
req.oauth3.rescope = generateRescope(req, Models, decoded, fullPpid, ppid);
console.log('############### assigned req.oauth3:');
}).then(function () {
//Object.defineProperty(req, 'oauth3', {configurable: false, writable: false});
}, function (err) {
console.error('[walnut] JWT lib/oauth3 error:');
module.exports.attachOauth3 = attachOauth3;
module.exports.cookieOauth3 = cookieOauth3;
module.exports.verifyToken = verifyToken;

View File

@ -55,19 +55,7 @@ function getApi(conf, pkgConf, pkgDeps, packagedApi) {
packagedApi._api = require('express-lazy')();
packagedApi._api_app = myApp;
//require('./oauth3-auth').inject(conf, packagedApi._api, pkgConf, pkgDeps);
pkgDeps.getOauth3Controllers =
packagedApi._getOauth3Controllers = require('oauthcommon/example-oauthmodels').create(conf).getControllers;
require('oauthcommon').inject(packagedApi._getOauth3Controllers, packagedApi._api, pkgConf, pkgDeps);
packagedApi._api.use('/', function (req, res, next) {
console.log('[DEBUG pkgApiApp]', req.method, req.hostname, req.url);
packagedApi._api.use('/', require('./oauth3').attachOauth3);
// TODO fix backwards compat

View File

@ -150,6 +150,21 @@ module.exports.create = function (webserver, xconfx, state) {
models: models
// TODO don't let packages use this directly
, Promise: PromiseA
, dns: PromiseA.promisifyAll(require('dns'))
, crypto: PromiseA.promisifyAll(require('crypto'))
, fs: PromiseA.promisifyAll(require('fs'))
, path: require('path')
, validate: {
isEmail: function (email) {
return /@/.test(email) && !/\s+/.test(email);
, email: function (email) {
if (apiDeps.validate.isEmail(email)) {
return null;
return new Error('invalid email address');
var apiFactories = {
memstoreFactory: { create: scopeMemstore }
@ -180,7 +195,7 @@ module.exports.create = function (webserver, xconfx, state) {
function setupMain() {
if (xconfx.debug) { console.log('[main] setup'); }
mainApp = express();
require('./main').create(mainApp, xconfx, apiFactories, apiDeps, errorIfApi).then(function () {
require('./main').create(mainApp, xconfx, apiFactories, apiDeps, errorIfApi, errorIfAssets).then(function () {
if (xconfx.debug) { console.log('[main] ready'); }
// TODO process.send({});
@ -225,6 +240,24 @@ module.exports.create = function (webserver, xconfx, state) {
function errorIfNotAssets(req, res, next) {
var hostname = req.hostname ||;
if (!/^assets\.[a-z0-9\-]+/.test(hostname)) {
res.send({ error:
{ message: "['" + hostname + req.url + "'] protected asset access is restricted to proper 'asset'-prefixed lowercase subdomains."
+ " The HTTP 'Host' header must exist and must begin with 'assets.' as in ''."
+ " For development you may test with (or any domain by modifying your /etc/hosts)"
, code: 'E_NOT_API'
, _hostname: hostname
function errorIfApi(req, res, next) {
if (!/^api\./.test( {
@ -240,7 +273,25 @@ module.exports.create = function (webserver, xconfx, state) {
res.send({ error: { code: 'E_NO_IMPL', message: "not implemented" } });
res.send({ error: { code: 'E_NO_IMPL', message: "API not implemented" } });
function errorIfAssets(req, res, next) {
if (!/^assets\./.test( {
// has api. hostname prefix
// doesn't have /api url prefix
if (!/^\/assets\//.test(req.url)) {
console.log('[walnut/worker assets] req.url', req.url);
res.send({ error: { message: "missing /assets/ url prefix" } });
res.send({ error: { code: 'E_NO_IMPL', message: "assets handler not implemented" } });
@ -258,8 +309,11 @@ module.exports.create = function (webserver, xconfx, state) {
app.use('/api', recase);
var cookieParser = require('cookie-parser'); // signing is done in JWT
app.set('trust proxy', ['loopback', 'linklocal', 'uniquelocal']);
app.use('/api', errorIfNotApi);
app.use('/assets', /*errorIfNotAssets,*/ cookieParser()); // serializer { path: '/assets', httpOnly: true, sameSite: true/*, domain:*/ }
app.use('/', function (req, res) {
if (!(req.encrypted || {
// did not come from https

View File

@ -52,6 +52,8 @@
"express": "4.x",
"express-lazy": "^1.1.1",
"express-session": "^1.11.3",
"jsonwebtoken": "^7.4.1",
"jwk-to-pem": "^1.2.6",
"mailchimp-api-v3": "^1.7.0",
"mandrill-api": "^1.0.45",
"masterquest-sqlite3": "git+",
@ -59,7 +61,7 @@
"multiparty": "^4.1.3",
"nodemailer": "^1.4.0",
"nodemailer-mailgun-transport": "1.x",
"oauthcommon": "git+",
"oauth3.js": "git+",
"request": "^2.81.0",
"serve-static": "1.x",
"sqlite3-cluster": "git+",