'use strict'; function tplCaddyfile(conf) { var contents = []; conf.domains.forEach(function (hostname) { var content = ""; // TODO prefix content+= "https://" + hostname + " {\n" + " gzip\n" + " tls " + "/srv/walnut/certs/live/" + hostname + "/fullchain.pem " + "/srv/walnut/certs/live/" + hostname + "/privkey.pem\n" ; if (conf.locked) { content += " root /srv/walnut/init.public/\n"; } else { content += " root /srv/walnut/sites-enabled/" + hostname + "/\n"; } content += " proxy /api http://localhost:" + conf.localPort.toString() + " {\n" + " proxy_header Host {host}\n" + " proxy_header X-Forwarded-Host {host}\n" + " proxy_header X-Forwarded-Proto {scheme}\n" // # TODO internal + " }\n" + "}"; contents.push(content); }); return contents.join('\n\n'); } module.exports.tplCaddyfile = tplCaddyfile; module.exports.create = function (config) { var spawn = require('child_process').spawn; var caddypath = config.caddypath; var caddyfilepath = config.caddyfilepath; var sitespath = config.sitespath; var caddy; var fs = require('fs'); // TODO this should be expanded to include proxies a la proxydyn function writeCaddyfile(conf, cb) { fs.readdir(sitespath, function (err, nodes) { if (err) { if (cb) { cb(err); return; } console.error('[writeCaddyFile] 0'); console.error(err.stack); throw err; } conf.domains = nodes.filter(function (node) { return /\./.test(node) && !/(^\.)|([\/\:\\])/.test(node); }); var contents = tplCaddyfile(conf); fs.writeFile(caddyfilepath, contents, 'utf8', function (err) { if (err) { if (cb) { cb(err); return; } console.error('[writeCaddyFile] 1'); console.error(err.stack); throw err; } if (cb) { cb(null); } }); }); } function spawnCaddy(conf, cb) { console.log('[CADDY] start'); writeCaddyfile(conf, function (err) { if (err) { console.error('[writeCaddyfile]'); console.error(err.stack); throw err; } if (caddy) { caddy.kill('SIGUSR1'); return caddy; // TODO caddy.kill('SIGKILL'); if SIGTERM fails // https://github.com/mholt/caddy/issues/107 // SIGUSR1 //caddy.kill('SIGTERM'); } try { require('child_process').execSync('killall caddy'); } catch(e) { // ignore // Command failed: killall caddy // caddy: no process found } caddy = spawn(caddypath, ['-conf', caddyfilepath], { stdio: ['ignore', 'pipe', 'pipe'] }); caddy.stdout.on('data', function (str) { console.error('[Caddy]', str.toString('utf8')); }); caddy.stderr.on('data', function (errstr) { console.error('[Caddy]', errstr.toString('utf8')); }); caddy.on('close', function (code, signal) { // TODO catch if caddy doesn't exist console.log('[Caddy]'); console.log(code, signal); caddy = null; setTimeout(function () { spawnCaddy(conf); }, 1 * 1000); }); try { if ('function' === typeof cb) { cb(null, caddy); } } catch(e) { console.error('ERROR: [spawn-caddy.js]'); console.error(e.stack); } }); } function sighup() { if (caddy) { caddy.kill('SIGUSR1'); return; } // sudo kill -s SIGUSR1 `cat caddy.pid` fs.readFileAsync('/srv/walnut/caddy.pid', 'utf8').then(function (pid) { console.log('[caddy] pid', pid); caddy = spawn('/bin/kill', ['-s', 'SIGUSR1', pid]); }); } return { spawn: spawnCaddy , update: function (conf) { return writeCaddyfile(conf, sighup); } , sighup: sighup }; };