#!/bin/bash # Not every platform has or needs sudo, gotta save them O(1)s... sudo_cmd="" ((EUID)) && [[ -z "$ANDROID_ROOT" ]] && sudo_cmd="sudo" set -e set -u ############################### # # # boilerplate for curl / wget # # # ############################### http_get="" http_opts="" http_out="" detect_http_get() { if type -p curl >/dev/null 2>&1; then http_get="curl" http_opts="-fsSL" http_out="-o" #curl -fsSL "$caddy_url" -o "$PREFIX/tmp/$caddy_pkg" elif type -p wget >/dev/null 2>&1; then http_get="wget" http_opts="--quiet" http_out="-O" #wget --quiet "$caddy_url" -O "$PREFIX/tmp/$caddy_pkg" else echo "Aborted, could not find curl or wget" return 7 fi } dap_dl() { $http_get $http_opts $http_out "$2" "$1" } dap_dl_bash() { dap_url=$1 #dap_args=$2 rm -rf dap-tmp-runner.sh $http_get $http_opts $http_out dap-tmp-runner.sh "$dap_url"; bash dap-tmp-runner.sh; rm dap-tmp-runner.sh } detect_http_get ############################### # # # actual script continues... # # # ############################### install_walnut() { $sudo_cmd mkdir -p /srv/walnut/{var,etc,packages,node_modules} # www-data exists on linux, _www exists on mac OS $sudo_cmd chown -R $(whoami):www-data /srv/walnut || $sudo_cmd chown -R $(whoami):_www /srv/walnut if [ ! -d "/srv/walnut/core/" ]; then git clone https://git.daplie.com/Daplie/walnut.js.git /srv/walnut/core fi pushd /srv/walnut/core if [ ! -d "./.git/" ]; then echo "'/srv/walnut/core' exists but is not a git repository... not sure what to do here..." fi git checkout master git pull popd rm -rf /srv/walnut/core/node_modules ln -sf ../node_modules /srv/walnut/core/node_modules /srv/walnut/core/install-helper.sh /srv/walnut # Now that the install is finished we need to set the owner to the user that will actually # be running the walnut server. $sudo_cmd chown -R www-data:www-data /srv/walnut || $sudo_cmd chown -R _www:_www /srv/walnut } # Install node echo "v8.2.1" > /tmp/NODEJS_VER daplie-install-node-dev npm install -g npm@4 # Install goldilocks daplie-install-goldilocks # Install walnut install_walnut echo "" echo "You must have some set of domain set up to properly use goldilocks+walnut:" echo "" echo " example.com" echo " www.example.com" echo " api.example.com" echo " assets.example.com" echo " cloud.example.com" echo " api.cloud.example.com" echo "" echo "Check the WALNUT README.md for more info and how to set up /etc/goldilocks/goldilocks.yml" echo ""