#!/usr/bin/env node 'use strict'; // dig -p 53 @redirect-www.org pi.nadal.daplie.com A var updateIp = require('./holepunch/helpers/update-ip.js').update; var cli = require('cli'); cli.parse({ service: [ 's', 'The service to use for updates i.e. ns1.example.org', 'string' ] , hostname: [ 'h', 'The hostname you wish to update i.e. example.com', 'string' ] , pathname: [ 'h', 'The api route to which to POST i.e. /api/ddns', 'string', '/api/com.daplie.dns/ddns' ] , type: [ 't', 'The record type i.e. A, AAAA, MX, CNAME, ANAME, FWD, etc', 'string', 'A' ] , priority: [ 'p', 'The priority (for MX and other records)', 'string' ] , port: [ false, 'The port (default https/443)', 'number', 443 ] , insecure: [ false, '(deprecated) allow insecure non-https connections', 'boolean' ] , cacert: [ false, '(not implemented) specify a CA for "self-signed" https certificates', 'string' ] , answer: [ 'a', 'The answer', 'string' ] , token: [ false, 'Token (TODO or filepath to token)', 'string' ] }); cli.main(function (args, options) { //console.log(options); options.hostname = options.hostname || args[0]; options.answer = options.answer || args[1]; if (options.insecure) { //console.error('--insecure is not supported. You must use secure connections.'); //return; options.cacert = false; } if (!options.hostname) { console.error('Usage: ddns-client HOSTNAME ANSWER -t A -s updater.mydns.com'); console.error('Example: ddns-client example.com'); console.error('Note: if you omit ANSWER, it is assumed that the dyndns service will use the request ip'); return; } //console.log('args'); //console.log(args); //console.log(options); return updateIp({ hostname: options.service , updater: options.service , port: options.port , cacert: options.cacert , pathname: options.pathname , token: options.token , ddns: [ { "name": options.hostname , "value": options.answer , "type": options.type , "priority": options.priority , "token": options.token } ] }).then(function (data) { if ('string') { try { data = JSON.parse(data); } catch(e) { console.error(data); } } console.log(JSON.stringify(data, null, ' ')); console.log('Test with'); console.log('dig ' + options.hostname + ' ' + options.type); }); });