var app = angular.module('launchpad', ['ui.router', 'LocalStorageModule']); app.config(['$stateProvider', '$urlRouterProvider', 'localStorageServiceProvider', function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider, localStorageServiceProvider){ localStorageServiceProvider.setPrefix('launchpad').setStorageType('sessionStorage'); $urlRouterProvider.otherwise('/splash-page'); $stateProvider .state('splash-page', { data: { 'requiresLogin': false }, params: { 'toState': 'launchpad-home', // default state to proceed to after login 'toParams': {} }, url: '/splash-page', templateUrl: '/templates/splash-page.html', }) .state('app',{ url: '/launchpad-', views: { 'header': { templateUrl: '/templates/partials/header.html', controller: 'HomeController', controllerAs: 'vm' }, 'menu': { templateUrl: '/templates/partials/menu.html' }, 'content': { templateUrl: '/templates/home.html' }, 'notifications': { templateUrl: '/templates/partials/notifications.html' } }, data: { 'requiresLogin': true }, params: { 'toState': '', 'toParams': {} } }) .state('app.home', { url: 'home', views: { 'content@': { templateUrl: 'templates/home.html', controller: 'HomeController', controllerAs: 'vm' } } }) .state('app.bolt', { url: 'bolt', views: { 'content@': { templateUrl: 'templates/bolt.html', controller: 'BoltController' } } }) .state('app.files', { url: 'files', views: { 'content@': { templateUrl: 'templates/files.html', controller: 'FilesController' } } }) .state('app.contacts', { url: 'contacts', views: { 'content@': { templateUrl: 'templates/contacts.html', controller: 'ContactController' } } }) .state('app.contacts.detail', { url: '/:id', /* templateUrl: 'templates/partials/subscriber-detail.html', controller: 'SubscriberDetailController' */ views: { 'detail@app.contacts': { templateUrl: 'templates/partials/contact-detail.html', controller: 'ContactDetailController' } } }) .state('', { url: 'music', views: { 'content@': { templateUrl: 'templates/music.html', controller: 'MusicController' } } }) .state('', { url: 'email', views: { 'content@': { templateUrl: 'templates/email.html', controller: 'EmailController' } } }) .state('', { url: 'website', views: { 'content@': { templateUrl: 'templates/website.html', controller: 'WebsiteController' } } }) .state('app.dns', { url: 'dns', views: { 'content@': { templateUrl: 'templates/dns.html', controller: 'DnsController' } } }); }]);['$rootScope', '$state', 'Auth', function($rootScope, $state, Auth) { // Change title based on the `data` object in routes $rootScope.$on('$stateChangeStart', function(event, toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams) { console.log('toState', toState); console.log('toParams', toParams); console.log('fromState', fromState); console.log('fromParams', fromParams); var requiresLogin =; if (requiresLogin && !Auth.isLoggedIn()) { event.preventDefault(); $state.go('splash-page', {'toState':, 'toParams': toParams}); } else { // if ($state.params.toState === undefined && $state.params.toParams === undefined) { // console.log('set a route'); // } console.log('TOSTATE: ',$state.params.toState); console.log('TOPARAMS: ',$state.params.toParams); // $state.go($state.params.toState, $state.params.toParams); } }); }]);