// // Angular file upload hack // // TODO modularize for reuse function handleFiles(ev) { var selector = 'js-file-upload'; var $scope; var vm; if ('INPUT' !== ev.target.tagName || 'file' !== ev.target.type || -1 === ev.target.className.indexOf(selector)) { return; } $scope = angular.element(ev.target).scope(); // 'vm' is the Controller As name. vm = $scope.vm; vm.currentFiles = ev.target.files; console.log('vm.currentFiles', vm.currentFiles); } window.document.body.addEventListener('change', handleFiles); app.controller('websiteCtrl', [ '$scope', '$q', 'Auth', 'azp@oauth3.org' , function ($scope, $q, Auth, Oauth3) { var vm = this; vm.domains = []; Auth.api = function (apiname, opts) { var els = []; return $q.all(Auth.sessions.map(function (session) { return Auth.select(session).then(function (oauth3) { return oauth3.api(apiname, {}).then(function (collection) { if (collection.error) { // not all tokens support all apis return; } if (!Array.isArray(collection)) { console.error('collection is not an array'); console.error(collection); return; } collection.forEach(function (el) { els.push(el); el.session = session.token.sub + '@' + session.token.iss; }); }); }); })).then(function (results) { return els; }); }; vm.getDomains = function () { return Auth.oauth3.api('domains.list', {}).then(function (result) { vm.domains = result.registrations || result; }); }; vm.setDomain = function () { if (!vm.domains || !vm.domains.length) { vm.domain = { domain: vm.newDomain }; return; } vm.domains.some(function (domain) { if (domain.domain === vm.newDomain) { vm.domain = domain; return true; } }); if (!vm.domain) { vm.domain = { domain: vm.newDomain }; } }; vm.selectDomain = function (domain) { vm.domain = domain; vm.newDomain = domain.domain; return Auth.api('dns.list', { }).then(function (records) { records = records.filter(function (r) { return /^A(AAA)?$/i.test(r.type) && ((r.sld + '.' + r.tld) === domain || r.zone === domain.domain); }); vm.records = records; records.forEach(function (record) { if (!record.sub) { record.sub = record.host.replace('.' + record.zone, ''); if (record.host === record.zone) { record.sub = '@'; } } }); console.log('dns records', records); }); }; vm.selectRecord = function (record) { vm.record = record; vm.newRecord = record.sub; vm.currentHost = record.host; // .replace(new RegExp('\\.' + vm.domain.domain.replace(/\./g, '\\.') + '$', '')); }; vm._createWebsite = function (pkg) { return pkg.add({ hostname: vm.currentHost , domain: vm.currentHost , tld: vm.domain.tld , sld: vm.domain.sld //, sub: vm.record.sub , multipart: { site: vm.currentFiles[0] } }).then(function (result) { window.alert(JSON.stringify(result)); }); }; vm._isSubDomain = function (sub, domain) { return -1 === ('.' + sub).indexOf(('.' + domain)); }; vm.createWebsite = function () { var pkg = Auth.oauth3.pkg('www@daplie.com'); var parts; var sub; var sld; var tld; console.log('Auth.oauth3', Auth.oauth3); //vm.unlock('webpreneur'); if (!vm.currentFiles || !vm.currentFiles.length) { window.alert('No files chosen.'); return; } if (1 !== vm.currentFiles.length) { window.alert('Too many files chosen.'); return; } if (!vm.currentHost) { window.alert('No hostname chosen.'); return; } // already validated if (vm.sites.some(function (r) { return -1 !== ('.' + vm.currentHost).indexOf(('.' + r.domain)); })) { vm._createWebsite(pkg); } if (vm.domain) { parts = vm.domain.domain.split('.'); sld = parts.shift(); tld = parts.join('.'); } else { parts = vm.currentHost.split('.'); // TODO get list of tlds tld = parts.pop(); sld = parts.pop(); sub = parts.join('.'); } // We're making a request to claim a domain // (because two users could both claim a single domain) // We're claiming it at the top level (i.e. example.com) // but we could also claim it at the subdomain level (needs UI update) return pkg.request({ sld: sld, tld: tld, sub: undefined }).then(function (result) { var sess; var prom; var def; console.log('[pkg www] request domain'); console.log(result); // can validate automatically if (vm.domain.session && vm._isSubDomain(vm.currentHost, vm.domain.domain)) { // this should always succeed Auth.sessions.some(function (session) { if (vm.domain.session === (session.token.sub + '@' + session.token.iss)) { sess = session; return session; } }); if (sess) { prom = Auth.select(sess).then(function (oauth3) { return oauth3.api('dns.set', { sld: sld, tld: tld, sub: ('' + result.data.prefix), type: 'TXT', ttl: 300, value: result.data.challenge }); }); } } if (!prom) { def = $q.defer(); // must validate manually window.alert( "Please set a TXT record for '" + ('' + result.data.prefix) + '.' + sld + '.' + tld + "' with the value '" + result.data.challenge + "' and then continue." ); def.resolve(); prom = def.promise; } return prom.then(function () { vm._createWebsite(pkg); }); }); }; vm.listSites = function () { var sites = []; return $q.all(Auth.sessions.map(function (session) { console.log('[www] select'); return Auth.select(session).then(function (oauth3) { console.log('[www] oauth3', oauth3._resourceProviderDirectives); var pkg = oauth3.pkg('www@daplie.com'); console.log('[www] post pkg', oauth3._resourceProviderDirectives); return pkg.list().then(function (result) { var sites = result.data; if (Array.isArray(sites)) { sites = sites.concat(sites); return; } console.error('sites is not an array'); console.error(sites); }, function (err) { console.error('sites had an error'); console.error(err); }); }); })).then(function () { vm.sites = sites; }); }; //vm.getDomains(); Auth.api('domains.list', {}).then(function (els) { console.log('domains.list els', els); vm.domains = els; }); vm.listSites(); $scope.domain = [ { amount: "0", createdAt: "1498687134570", domain: "asdf.daplie.me", id: "1a38260bac84e0c4f8c1edf3600d98ba", session: "mmIoFLxbobxdhfSV8HWhokUGMRy-i5TIUZ_9c5ywGhYSuRi1KHh_aVSgBixxyHPW@oauth3.org", sld: "asdf", tld: "daplie.me", updatedAt: "1498687134570" }, { amount: "0", createdAt: "1499722035396", domain: "two.daplie.me", id: "2ea60504fa2a917a5b3736c53a564fa4", session: "mmIoFLxbobxdhfSV8HWhokUGMRy-i5TIUZ_9c5ywGhYSuRi1KHh_aVSgBixxyHPW@oauth3.org", sld: "two", tld: "daplie.me", updatedAt: "1499722035396" }, { amount: "0", createdAt: "1502725301216", domain: "jon.lambson.daplie.me", id: "23117a47d1ef60a360b46a703afc1c67", session: "mmIoFLxbobxdhfSV8HWhokUGMRy-i5TIUZ_9c5ywGhYSuRi1KHh_aVSgBixxyHPW@oauth3.org", sld: "jon.lambson", tld: "daplie.me", updatedAt: "1502725301216" }, { amount: "0", createdAt: "1502990579539", domain: "joncloud.daplie.me", id: "ec7e4d8643537d7602fffd61b36e1676", session: "mmIoFLxbobxdhfSV8HWhokUGMRy-i5TIUZ_9c5ywGhYSuRi1KHh_aVSgBixxyHPW@oauth3.org", sld: "joncloud", tld: "daplie.me", updatedAt: "1502990579539" } ]; $scope.localDomainSearch = function(str, domain) { var matches = []; domain.forEach(function(domain) { if ((domain.domain.toLowerCase().indexOf(str.toString().toLowerCase()) >= 0)) { matches.push(domain); } }); return matches; }; }]);